Stoicka interpretacja etymologiczna imion i przydomków bogów rzymskich w relacji i ocenie Cycerona




Tytuł czasopisma

ISSN czasopisma

Tytuł tomu


Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego


The paper shows the Stoic doctrine on the semantic and morphological origin of words with reference to the names of the Roman deities and their nicknames which accompanied those names. The basic source of this doctrine we find in paragraphs 45-80 of Book II and 38-65 o f Book III of Cicero’ s work De natura deorum. According to Stoics, the names of gods are connected with a concrete material reality, through which a deity acts (e.g. Diana - dies; Ceres - the Greek ge) or with abstract concepts, pointing to certain states and behaviours which a given deity introduces (e.g. Virtus, Concordia, Libertas). The nicknames define the role gods played towards man and the world, and express their specific characteristics. Both the names and nicknames are derived mainly form verbs and adjectives. Cicero, through the mouth of the academic Kotty, evaluates the Stoic etymologies with skepticism as lacking scientific approach and based on loose associations. They are, however, an important source of knowledge about the scope of influence different Roman gods imparted, and constitute one of the first documents about linguistic interests.


Autor tłumaczenia streszczenia: Jan Kłos.

Słowa kluczowe

stoicyzm, interpretacja, interpretacja etymologiczna, imiona, przydomki, bóstwa, rzymscy bogowie, Cyceron, stoicka interpretacja etymologiczna, etymologia stoicka, imiona bogów rzymskich, przydomki bogów rzymskich, etymologie imion bogów rzymskich, stoicism, interpretation, etymological interpretation, names, epithets, gods, Roman gods, Cicero, stoic etymological interpretation, stoic etymology, names of Roman gods, epithets of Roman gods, etymologies of the names of Roman gods, etymologia, etymology


Roczniki Teologiczne, 1997, T. 44, z. 4, s. 5-16.


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