Fear and liberation from fear in the writings of Tomislav Ivančić




Tytuł czasopisma

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Tytuł tomu


The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow


Much like philosophy and psychology, theology also deals with the phenomenon of fear, each field of study defining it in their own way. What they all share is the understanding of fear as a deeply human phenomenon, affecting man in his entirety and diminishing his abilities. This study aims to present a theological approach to understanding fear, including elements of a therapy that promises man’s liberation from fear. Tomislav Ivančić classifies fear as a spiritual illness affecting both man’s body and soul. This realm of the spirit is healed by a transcendental power rather than by man, and it is precisely this what makes his hagiotherapy special. The therapy seeks to heal both the source and the cause of fear and to equip man for a new life, a life in trust that Ivančić sets against a life in fear. The presented theological method is underpinned by theoretical tenets and emerges from practice. The authors point out its potential contributions in today’s age of increased care for personal health. The study, which is the first of its kind to have been done in relation to this topic, used the hermeneutical approach of interpreting texts within their given context.


Słowa kluczowe

fear, fearful, source of fear, cause of fear, liberation from fear, faith, hagiotherapy, Tomislav Ivančić, therapy, spiritual illnesses, strach, bojaźliwi, źródło strachu, przyczyna strachu, uwolnienie od strachu, wiara, hagioterapia, terapia, choroby duchowe


The Person and the Challenges, 2022, Vol. 12, No. 2, p. 113-139.


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