Pochodzenie i natura starotestamentalnego kultu Molocha




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Wydawnictwo KUL


The article is dedicated to the Old Testament cult of Moloch. The author concentrated on two principle problems of the researched issue, these are the origin and nature of this cult. The most important attempts to interpret the Biblical Moloch were presented in a critical way: the classical, Rabbinic, the relationship of sacrifice existing between the law concerning the first born and the cult of Moloch, and next the views of contemporary researchers concerning Moloch and his cult: Eissfeldt, Weinfeld and an attempt to grasp Moloch as a chthonic deity. After analyzing the results of the above mentioned research, it ought to be stated that today we are not able to in an unequivocal way reply to the question about the origin and nature of the Biblical Moloch, because we have too little data, Biblical as well as extra-Biblical (archeological and literature) which would allow us to give a certain and univocal reply. The Biblical Moloch continues to be a mystery for contemporary Biblists and the history of religion.


Słowa kluczowe

Biblia, Pismo Święte, Stary Testament, kult, kult Molocha, Moloch, kulty pogańskie, bóstwa, bóstwa chtoniczne, bóstwa fenickie, bóstwa kananejskie, Izrael, Izraelici, historia religii, starożytność, Bliski Wschód, starożytny Bliski Wschód, interpretacja, ofiary z ludzi, ofiary z dzieci, Bible, Old Testament, cult, cult of Moloch, pagan cults, gods, chthonic deities, Phoenician deities, Canaanite deities, deities, Israel, Israelites, history of religion, antiquity, Middle East, ancient Near East, interpretation, human sacrifices, child sacrifices, historia, history, religia, religion


Scripta Biblica et Orientalia, 2009, T. 1, s. 107-134.


Attribution 3.0 Poland