Oskar Arnulfo Romero, święty trudnego czasu
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Uniwersytet Szczeciński
Artykuł na przykładzie św. Oskara Romero, arcybiskupa San Salvadoru w latach 1977-1980, ukazuje, że świętość zawsze jest osadzona w konkretnej rzeczywistości historyczno-geograficzno-duchowej (część pierwsza). Dbając o zbawienie dusz i pokój w kraju w trakcie narastającego konfliktu polityczno-gospodarczego, arcybiskup podejmował wszystkie niezbędne działania: był mediatorem między rządem a niezadowolonym ludem; upominał za bestialstwo wojska; zapewniał schronienie i żywność potrzebującym (część druga). Te działania wzbudziły falę protestów oponentów, którzy oskarżali go o lewicowe poglądy i propagowanie teologii wyzwolenia (część trzecia). W wątpliwościach św. Oskar szukał duchowego wsparcia w nauczaniu ówczesnych papieży oraz Soboru Watykańskiego II i synodów - i je tam znajdował (część czwarta). Mimo przeciwności św. Oskar pozostał wierny do końca powołaniu pasterza „owiec i wilków” i dopiero gdy go już zabrakło, okazało się, jak ważny był dla pokoju w Salwadorze. Odpowiedzialny za zbawienie powierzonych ludzi heroicznie bronił świętości i godności ich życia, aż do męczeńskiej śmierci w czasie sprawowanej Mszy Świętej.
The article, through the example of St. Oscar Romero, the archbishop of San Salvador in 1977-1980, shows that the sanctity is always embedded in the particular historical, geographical and spiritual reality - first part. The Archbishop, taking care of salvation of souls and peace in the country during the growing political and economic conflict, was taking all necessary efforts: he was a mediator between the government and dejected people, he admonished the military forces for their inhumanity; provided shelter and food to the people in need - second part. Further, the article shows that these actions awoke the storm of protests of the opponents, who accused him of left-wing orientation and the promotion of liberation theology. In doubts, St. Oscar sought spiritual support in the teaching of the contemporary popes, the Second Vatican Council and synods - and he used to find this support there. The last part of the article present St. Oscar as faithful to his vocation of being the shepherd “lams and wolves” to the last, and the consequences of his loss to the country. As the responsible for the salvation of confided him people, he heroically defended the sanctity and dignity of their lives until his martyr’s death while he was celebrating the Holy Mass.
The article, through the example of St. Oscar Romero, the archbishop of San Salvador in 1977-1980, shows that the sanctity is always embedded in the particular historical, geographical and spiritual reality - first part. The Archbishop, taking care of salvation of souls and peace in the country during the growing political and economic conflict, was taking all necessary efforts: he was a mediator between the government and dejected people, he admonished the military forces for their inhumanity; provided shelter and food to the people in need - second part. Further, the article shows that these actions awoke the storm of protests of the opponents, who accused him of left-wing orientation and the promotion of liberation theology. In doubts, St. Oscar sought spiritual support in the teaching of the contemporary popes, the Second Vatican Council and synods - and he used to find this support there. The last part of the article present St. Oscar as faithful to his vocation of being the shepherd “lams and wolves” to the last, and the consequences of his loss to the country. As the responsible for the salvation of confided him people, he heroically defended the sanctity and dignity of their lives until his martyr’s death while he was celebrating the Holy Mass.
Słowa kluczowe
Oskar Arnulfo Romero, San Salvador, święci, męczeństwo, męczennicy, arcybiskupi, kapłani, duchowieństwo, sobór watykański II, sobór, synody, obrona pokoju, pokój, godność ludzka, godność, obrona godności, teologia wyzwolenia, saints, martyrdom, martyrs, archbishops, clergy, priesthood, council, Second Vatican Council, Vatican II, synods, defence of peace, peace, human dignity, dignity, defence of dignity, theology, teologia, theology of liberation
Studia Koszalińsko-Kołobrzeskie, 2020, nr 27, s. 473-486.
Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Poland