Wizerunek Jezusa w piśmiennictwie żydowskim – wybór




Tytuł czasopisma

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Wydawnictwo KUL


The figure of Jesus interested and occupied Jewish thinkers since ancient times. However, this interest and the relation to the figure of Jesus changed over the centuries. In ancient times, Jewish scholars have devoted very little attention to the creator of the Christian religion. But with the beginning of the modern times approach to Jesus gradually began to change, then he became the object of interest in historical research. The twentieth century already shows Jesus as a figure who inspired writers of Hebrew literature. This article examines how faces of Jesus changed in the meaning of Jewish thinkers and writers. Briefly will be discussed relation to Jesus in the Scriputres of Hazal (Mishnah, Tosefta, Talmud, midrashim), in the post-Talmudic literature, medieval, and modern times, as well as historical works from the turn of the 19th and 20th century and the image of Jesus in modern Hebrew literature.


Słowa kluczowe

Jezus Chrystus, obraz, wizerunek, piśmiennictwo żydowskie, literatura hebrajska, Hazal, mędrcy, Tora, Talmud, literatura posttalmudyczna, literatura średniowieczna, literatura wczesnośredniowieczna, judaizm, chrześcijaństwo, XIX w., XX w., literatura współczesna, Żydzi, syjonizm, Jesus Christ, image, Jewish literature, Hebrew literature, thinkers, Jewish thinkers, żydowscy myśliciele, Torah, post-Talmudic literature, medieval literature, early medieval literature, Judaism, Christianity, modern literature, Jews, Zionism, wizerunek Chrystusa, image of Christ, literatura, literature, wise men, myśliciele


Scripta Biblica et Orientalia, 2011, T. 3, s. 263-273.


Attribution 3.0 Poland