Znaczenie i obchody Święta Namiotów w starożytnym Izraelu
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In the present article there is the description of the Feast of the Tabernacles (hebr. Sukkot) in its development since the ancient time until presence. In the first period it was the feast with agricultural elements (Ex 34:22) celebrated in the week at the end of the harvest (Lev 23:39; Deut 16:13). After the Babylonian exile it was celebrated 7 days and it started at 15 day of seventh month Tiszri. In this article the Feast of the Tabernacles is described in the light of biblical (Old and New Testament), apocryphal, Qumran and rabbinical sources. The author pays special attention for rituals and prayers connected with this feast (lulav, procession, drawing of the water, libation of wine, prayers of Psalm 118). In this way many of the biblical texts about the Feast of the Tabernacles are described in their historical context. The analysis of these texts enables to see the meaning of the Feast of the Tabernacles for Jewish and Christian tradition.
Słowa kluczowe
Sukkot, Święto Namiotów, Święto Szałasów, Kuczki, święta żydowskie, judaizm, Żydzi, Izrael, starożytność, Biblia, Pismo Święte, Stary Testament, Nowy Testament, tradycja biblijna, tradycja żydowska, tradycja pozabiblijna, tradycja rabiniczna, chrześcijaństwo, Jewish holidays, Judaism, Jews, Israel, antiquity, Bible, Old Testament, New Testament, biblical tradition, Jewish tradition, rabbinical tradition, Christianity, Feast of the Tabernacles
Scripta Biblica et Orientalia, 2011, T. 3, s. 99-107.
Attribution 3.0 Poland