Walka Jahwe z morzem i potworami w Biblii Hebrajskiej. Geneza motywu




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The article touches upon the question of the origins of the myth of Divine Combat with Sea (or Sea Monster) and its cosmological associacions. It discusses the interpretations and chronology of the ancient texts from the Middle East, Egypt, India and Greece to solve the problem of chronological priority of „Chaoskampf” motive in Indo-european or Semitic traditions. The earliest examle of this myth may be found in the Mari text form the reign of Zimri-Lim. There is probably no reason to connect the image of Monsterous Sea with Proto-Indo-Europen Tradition. Another question is Sitz im Leben of the myth. Most plausible, in the light of geographical studies, is Levantine Coast of Mediterannean Sea. In could determied the origins of the Divine Combat Myth in Amorite Syria.


Słowa kluczowe

Bóg, Jahwe, Biblia hebrajska, Biblia, Pismo Święte, Stary Testament, starożytność, Bliski Wschód, starożytny Bliski Wschód, morze, potwór, wąż, smok, mity, kosmogonia, motywy literackie, Lewiatan, chaos, God, Yahweh, Hebrew Bible, Bible, Old Testament, antiquity, Middle East, ancient Near East, sea, monster, serpent, dragon, myths, cosmogony, literary motifs, Leviathan, walka, combat


Scripta Biblica et Orientalia, 2012, T. 4, s. 33-63.


Attribution 3.0 Poland