Kolekcja listów rodzinnych z Hermopolis i papirusy z Elefantyny. Przekład i komentarz
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This article is to present a couple Aramaic texts from Hermopolis and Elephantine. ese are family letters with A 2.1-7 signature found in two different settlements of Ancient Egypt. Some of them refer to a content already well known from the another Aramaic manuscripts from Ancient Egypt. The settlers of Hermopolis and Elephantine were then writing to their families and relatives asking for more clothes, wine bottles, and household items to be sent to their outposts. In addition, the article includes an analysis of the Aramaic language of these letters and a short commentary on some Aramaic lexemes.
Słowa kluczowe
Hermopolis, listy rodzinne z Hermopolis, Elefantyna, papirusy z Elefantyny, teksty aramejskie z Hermopolis, składnia języka aramejskiego, morfologia języka aramejskiego, język aramejski, listy, papirusy, rękopisy, Egipt, odkrycia archeologiczne, społeczeństwo, Żydzi, osadnictwo żydowskie, historia, epistolografia, tłumaczenia, przekłady, Hermopolis Family Letters, Elephantine, Elephantine Papyri, Aramaic texts from Hermopolis, syntax of Aramaic, morphology of Aramaic, Aramaic, letters, papyri, manuscripts, Egypt, archaeological discoveries, society, Jews, Jewish settlements, history, epistolography, translations, manuskrypty
Scripta Biblica et Orientalia, 2015-2016, T. 7-8, s. 85-103.
Attribution 3.0 Poland