Prawo Ducha, które daje życie w Chrystusie Jezusie, wyzwoliło nas spod prawa grzechu i śmierci (por. Rz 8,2)




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Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie


St. Paul sets the new order of the Salvation against the Old Covenant. He uses the pairs of the contrast terms: Spirit — letter, Spirit — law. Usualy, the law signs by Paul means the Mosaic law interpreted by pharisees. He sets this concept against the justification through the faith in Christ. In this paper I am going to study the texts, in which the new order of the Salvation is called „law” — often with other specifications. Prophete Jeremiah has announced the new law which is written upon human hearts (cf. Jer 31,33 cited in Hebr). In the New Testament this announcement was realized by the gift of the Holy Spirit. Novelty of Jesus Christ’s work and learning of His Apostles are expressed by many texts of N.T., e. g. Mk 1,27: „A completely new teaching in a spirit of authority!” Jesus speaks and confirms His words through many miracles. „Christ is the end of the law” (Rom 10,4), He fulfills the law (Mt 5,17; cf. Mt 5,21f. 27f. 31f. 33f. 43f). For Him the love is more important than the law. It is not possible to close His teaching in the old structures of judaism. Novelty of the Christ’s work, His New Covenant in His Blood is especially expressed in the text about estabilishment of the Holy Eucharist (cf. Lk 22,20; Mt 26,29; Mk 14,24f; 1 Cor 11,25). The new also means the opening of the Church for the Gentiles (cf. Acts, chapter 15). The Baptism introduces the people in the completely new situation (cf. Titus 3,5). Writting about the novelty St. Paul uses two Greek terms: ϰαινός, ϰαινότης (cf. Rom 6,4) and νέος (cf. Col 3,10). He opposes the novelty of Christian life and novelty of Spirit to antiquated letter (cf. Rom 7,6), speaks about the new creation (cf. 2 Kor 5,17; Gal 6,15), new man (cf. Eph 4,24). The new life of the Christians is the fruit of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ (cf. Rom 5), of His obedience. The new state is directed in eschatology (cf. 2 Cor 5,17). The result of the new state is the moral obligation: the Christian must struggle with sin (cf. Rom 6,12—14). In Rom 2 Paul writes about the law and the nature which are resulted from the creation of the man and all the world by God. He also speaks about the conscience — the moral interior norm (cf. Jer 31,33). In Rom 3,27 He opposites the law of works and the law of faith, in 6,14 law and grace, in 7,14 speaks that law is spiritual, but man is weak after the first sin and because of that it is impossible for weak man to fulfill all commandments of the law (7,23—25 „law of sin in my mebers”). Christ releases us from this slavery (cf. 7,6). He gives us the law of the Spirit (cf. 8,2). Spirit is the personal power of God. He lives in us from time of our Baptism and He works in love (αγάπη). It is the fulfillment of the law (cf. 13,10). In 1 Cor 9,21 Paul speaks about his own aspiration to become similar to all people for the purpose of aproaching to Christ. The term law signs here the Mosaic law, „the law of God” — new law of the Gospel. In G al 5,19—23 P au l opposites the „what proceeds from the flesh” and „the fruits of the Spirit” against which there is not a law. The man fulfills the law of Christ when carries others burdens (cf. Gal 6,2), i. e. gives them the concrete help. In the Epistle to Hebrews St. Paul’s disciple teaches about the perfect mediation and priesthood of Christ. He concluded the New Covenant through His sacrifice. In this covenant the law of God’s will placed in the minds of faith full and writen upon their hearts. This is the realisation of the profecy of Jeremiah (cf. Heb 7,18f; 8,10; 1016f; Jer 31,31—34, especialy 33). The interesting supplement of the teaching from Corpus Paulinum we can find in James 1,25; 2,8.12 with terms: „freedom’s ideal law”, „law of kingdom”. This law is the teaching of Christ, especially the Commandment of the love: „You shall love your neighbour as yourself” (2,8). 2 Peter 3,17 warns of the faulty teachers — they do not respect the law of God and have their own interpretation of the Holy Scripture. The novelty of life giving Christian’s teaching obliges us to the right and moral life which will be the fulfillment of the lighest law — the law of the love. This law leds us to the life through the submission of our working to the Holy Spirit’s activity.


Słowa kluczowe

Biblia, Pismo Święte, Nowy Testament, Paweł apostoł, listy św. Pawła, Jezus Chrystus, prawo, Duch Święty, Bóg, Ewangelia, nauczanie, nowe przymierze, Kościół, listy apostolskie, List do Rzymian, apostołowie, Prawo Mojżeszowe, Corpus Paulinum, Listy Katolickie, Prawo Chrystusowe, Bible, New Testament, Paul the Apostle, letters of Saint Paul, Jesus Christ, law, Holy Spirit, God, gospel, teaching, new covenant, Church, Apostolic Letters, Letter to the Romans, apostles, Mosaic Law, Catholic Letters, Law of Christ, Rz 8


Analecta Cracoviensia, 1994, T. 26, s. 173-191.


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