Ks. Adolf Giżyński. Życie i działalność na terenie gorzowskiej administracji apostolskiej i diecezji szczecińsko-kamieńskiej
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Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
Ksiądz Adolf Giżyński urodził się w Kownie na Litwie. Przez wczesne lata młodzień- cze związany był bardzo mocno z harcerstwem, którego był czołowym działaczem. Za pracę konspiracyjną został zatrzymany przez okupanta niemieckiego i aresztowany. Przebywał w obozach koncentracyjnych na terenie Niemiec. Po wyzwoleniu przez Brytyjczyków pozostał na zachodzie Europy. W latach 1946–1952 studiował teologię w Polskim Wyższym Seminarium Duchownym w Paryżu. W 1952 roku przyjął święcenia kapłańskie i podjął studia pedagogiczno-katechetyczne w Instytucie Katolickim w Paryżu. Inkardynowany do administratury gorzowskiej pozostał w Paryżu, gdzie był prefektem w Niższym Seminarium Duchownym i wykładowcą katechetyki w Wyższym Seminarium Duchownym w Paryżu. Przez cały ten czas pomagał w duszpasterstwie polskich emigrantów i próbował napisać doktorat. W 1969 roku przybył do Polski i podjął pracę w parafiach Szczecina. Przez rok pracował w parafii pw. św. Józefa w Szczecinie. W latach 1970–1973 był wikariuszem parafii pw. Świętego Krzyża, zamieszkując w kościele filialnym w Krzekowie. Po utworzeniu diecezji szczecińsko-kamieńskiej posługiwał jako wikariusz w parafiach św. Stanisława Kostki (1973–74), świętego Stanisława Biskupa i Męczennika w Cychrach (1975–80), a także w Gryficach i Warnicach koło Pyrzyc. Nieustannie chorując i nie mogąc odnaleźć się w strukturach Kościoła szczecińsko-kamieńskiego, oskarżony o kontakty z kobietami i ojcostwo, powrócił do Francji, gdzie został kapelanem w klasztorze sióstr Klarysek Sakramentek i oddał się modlitwie w intencji powołań do diecezji szczecińsko-kamieńskiej. Zmarł we Francji 17 grudnia 1984 roku.
Rev. Adolf Giżyński was born in Kaunas, Lithuania. Throughout his early years, he was very much associated with the scouting, of which he was a leading activist. For his underground activity, he was detained by the German invader and arrested. He was in concentration camps in Germany. After the liberation by the British, he stayed in Western Europe. In the years 1946–1952, he studied theology at the Polish Higher Theological Seminary in Paris. In 1952, he was ordained priest and undertook pedagogical and catechetical studies at the Institut Catholique de Paris (Catholic University of Paris). He was incardinated to the Gorzów Apostolic Administration but stayed in Paris, where he was the prefect in the Lower Theological Seminary and a lecturer of catechetics at the Higher Theological Seminary in Paris. Throughout that time, he helped in the pastoral care of the Polish immigrants and tried to write his doctoral dissertation. In 1969, he came to Poland and started working in the parishes of Szczecin. For a year, he worked in the St. Joseph Parish in Szczecin. In the years 1970–1973, he was the vicar of the Holy Cross Parish, with residence in a filial church in Krzekowo. After creation of the Szczecin-Kamień Archdiocese, he was successively a vicar in the following parishes: St. Stanislaus Kostka (1973–1974), St. Stanislaus Bishop & Martyr in Cychry (1975–1980). In addition, he also served in Gryfice and Warnice near Pyrzyce. Constantly suffering and unable to find himself in the structures of the Szczecin-Kamień Church, accused of contacts with women and fatherhood, he returned to France, where he became a chaplain at the convent of the Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, where he also dedicated himself to prayer for the vocations to the Szczecin-Kamień Archdiocese. He died in France on 17 December 1984.
Rev. Adolf Giżyński was born in Kaunas, Lithuania. Throughout his early years, he was very much associated with the scouting, of which he was a leading activist. For his underground activity, he was detained by the German invader and arrested. He was in concentration camps in Germany. After the liberation by the British, he stayed in Western Europe. In the years 1946–1952, he studied theology at the Polish Higher Theological Seminary in Paris. In 1952, he was ordained priest and undertook pedagogical and catechetical studies at the Institut Catholique de Paris (Catholic University of Paris). He was incardinated to the Gorzów Apostolic Administration but stayed in Paris, where he was the prefect in the Lower Theological Seminary and a lecturer of catechetics at the Higher Theological Seminary in Paris. Throughout that time, he helped in the pastoral care of the Polish immigrants and tried to write his doctoral dissertation. In 1969, he came to Poland and started working in the parishes of Szczecin. For a year, he worked in the St. Joseph Parish in Szczecin. In the years 1970–1973, he was the vicar of the Holy Cross Parish, with residence in a filial church in Krzekowo. After creation of the Szczecin-Kamień Archdiocese, he was successively a vicar in the following parishes: St. Stanislaus Kostka (1973–1974), St. Stanislaus Bishop & Martyr in Cychry (1975–1980). In addition, he also served in Gryfice and Warnice near Pyrzyce. Constantly suffering and unable to find himself in the structures of the Szczecin-Kamień Church, accused of contacts with women and fatherhood, he returned to France, where he became a chaplain at the convent of the Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, where he also dedicated himself to prayer for the vocations to the Szczecin-Kamień Archdiocese. He died in France on 17 December 1984.
Słowa kluczowe
Adolf Giżyński, kapłani, duchowieństwo, diecezje, biografia, parafie, Kościół, administracja gorzowska, diecezja szczecińsko-kamieńska, duszpasterstwo, Szczecin, Paryż, priests, Gorzów Apostolic Administration, Szczecin-Kamień Archdiocese, ministry, Paris, clergy, priesthood, dioceses, biography, parishes, Church
Colloquia Theologica Ottoniana, 2019, nr 1, s. 7-25.
Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Poland