Obraz sodalicji Mariańskiej w „Miesięczniku Katechetycznym i Wychowawczym”




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Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL


“Miesięcznik Katechetyczny i Wychowawczy” (“The Catechetical and Educational Monthly”) was a specialist monthly for priests-prefects. It appeared in the years 1911-1939. The aim of the present article is to present the Sodality of Our Lady (Lat. Sodalitas B. Mariae Virginis) on the basis of texts published in the monthly in the years 1919-1939. In that period of time, 109 articles were published on the Sodality of Our Lady. Among others, the articles covered topics such as the life and activities of the organization, reports from diocesan and national conventions, 39 reports on the activity of the Circles of Priests-Prefects as well as brief announcements on current affairs. The Sodality of Our Lady was elite by its nature and one of the most dynamic religious organizations operating in secondary schools in the interwar period. Its growth is largely due to the charisma and work of Rev. Józef Winkowski, but cooperation of all moderators accompanied by collaboration and enthusiasm on the part of secondary school students also played a major role. The development of the organization was not uniform for the whole nation – it was most vibrant in the Poznań-Gniezno diocese and the weakest in the Warsaw archdiocese. The activity of prefects in the school establishments of the Sodality of Our Lady was part of the didacticeducational work, but it was an inseparable element of the overall work of the Church in Polish schools in those times.


Zawiera tabele. Summary translated by / Autor tłumaczenia streszczenia: Jolanta Kurosz.

Słowa kluczowe

Miesięcznik Katechetyczno-Wychowawczy, Sodalicje Mariańskie, Koła Księży Prefektów, organizacje religijne, dwudziestolecie międzywojenne, historia, historia Kościoła, Kongregacje Mariańskie, stowarzyszenia, czasopisma katolickie, Catechetical and Educational Monthly, Sodalities of Our Lady, Circles of Priests-Prefects, religious organizations, interwar period, history, Church history, Marian Congregations, associations, Catholic journals, czasopisma, magazines


Roczniki Pastoralno-Katechetyczne, 2010, T. 2 (57), s. 163-181


Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland