Wiara w centrum formacji i życia grup religijnych – twórczość s. Haliny Wrońskiej CMW




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Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL


Shifting the stress from the service of the word to evangelization, and in this context showing the tasks of catechesis, faced the new Polish realities: on the one hand the presence of religion lessons at school, and on the other – cultural pluralism being suddenly created, questioning all the authorities. Hence, a catechetic problem appeared: how to form catechesis so that it could meet these threats? This is an important area of research done by Sister H. Wrońska. Theology and methodology of the functioning of coeval groups built especially on the basis of the catechetic documents of the Catholic Church and of the Church in Poland that are published have led the author to working out rules and norms of cooperation between catechetic groups and of various forms of catechization. Sister H. Wrońska’s work Katecheza a małe grupy szkolne i parafialne (Catechesis and small school and parish groups) appears to be an extraordinarily valuable and important book, not only for catechetics, pedagogy, but for all kinds of pastoral activities as well. It is the first work in Poland that comprehensively shows this pastoral-catechetic problem, and shows in an ordered and at the same time detailed way the character and significance of groups of children and young people for the development of catechesis. Documenting this issue is indeed invaluable for all those who will ever study the complementary correlation of educational circles and write anything about it.


Summary translated by / Autor tłumaczenia streszczenia: Tadeusz Karłowicz.

Słowa kluczowe

ewangelizacja, grupy religijne, Halina Wrońska, twórczość siostry Haliny Wrońskiej, salezjanki, Zgromadzenie Córek Maryi Wspomożycielki, działalność naukowa, biografia, katecheza, katechetyka, katecheza młodzieżowa, prace dyplomowe, evangelization, religious groups, Sister Halina Wrońska’s work, Salesian nuns, Salesian Sisters of Don Bosco, Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, scholarly activities, biography, catechesis, catechetics, youth catechesis, dissertations, formacja, formation, formacja grup religijnych, formation of religious groups


Roczniki Pastoralno-Katechetyczne, 2011, T. 3 (58), s. 25-31.


Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland