Dominikanie w archidiecezji lwowskiej w latach 1789-1795. Stan personalny na podstawie akt Konsystorza Metropolitalnego




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Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego


Starting from the Middle Ages the Dominican had the largest number of monasteries in the Lvov archdiocese, among those orders which were there. The paper shows the personal state and pastoral works which the religious carried on in the territory of the Lvov archdiocese in the years 1789-1795. They had twenty-two monasteries, prior to the annulments (1783-1789), out of which eighteen belonged to the Russian province of St. Jacek, four to the Polish province (Brody, Bełz. Cieszanów and Sambor). In 1785 the monasteries were made part of the newly-established Galician province, embracing the territory of the Austrian partition. Following the annulments in the years 1784-1789, nine monasteries had remained in such places as Lvov (Corpus Christi), Przemyślany, Podkamień, Jezupol, Tyśmienica, Potok Złoty, Żółkiew, Bohorodczany and Tarnopol. In the territory of the Lvov archdiocese, in the period under discussion, there seven parishes incorporated into the Dominica monasteries. The paper was based on the archives from the Archive of the Lvov Archdiocese in Lvov The Records of the Metropolitan Consistory in Lvov of the years 1789-1790 have been used (mf ABMK 3771) and of 1791-1795 (mf ABMK 3148), ca. 2500 pages, giving the number of the diocesan and religious clergy. They would be made by the Consistory, deacons and provincials four times a year. General changes as regards the appointments in the archdiocese had taken place in two periods: between 1st May and 1st November, and between 1st November and 1st May. This abundant material helps to better understand why there were so many Dominican religious in pastoral care. The table shows the number of Dominicans who lived in the Lvov archdiocese and who were engaged in the parochial pastoral care. We find here their surnames and religious names; baptismal names; places of birth and age (in brackets the year of the data), the dates of joining the order and religious profession; the time and place of stay and work, as noted in the record of the Consistory under study. The blanks in particular sections mean there is no information on that in the said records.


Autor tłumaczenia streszczenia: Jan Kłos.

Słowa kluczowe

Konsystorz Metropolitalny, dominikanie, archidiecezje, archidiecezja lwowska, XVIII w., parafie, administracja, administracja kościelna, proboszczowie, klasztory, Lwów, historia, Kościół, historia Kościoła, Dominican friars, archdioceses, parishes, administration, parish priests, monasteries, Lviv, history, Church, Church history, Lviv Archdiocese, Church administration


Roczniki Teologiczne, 2000, T. 47, z. 4, s. 149-167.


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