Korelaty akceptacji eutanazji




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Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie


Euthanasia is one of the most controversial problems of our civilization. It is an intricate phenomenon, described by philosophers, theologians, doctors and also by psychologists. The present study is an outcome of empirical investigations carried among young people 18-19 years old. In April and May 2001 about 150 respondents filled Questionnaire on the attitudes towards euthanasia prepared by J. Dziedzic in the Department of the Psychology of Religion on the Pontifical Academy of Theology in Cracow. The respondents were divided into 3 groups according to their acceptance of euthanasia, namely: 1) those who accept euthanasia, 2) those who have doubts about it, and 3) those who reject it. The results show that there is a statistically significant difference among these groups. It refers to: conceptualization of euthanasia, legalization and its consequences, the people who can decide about euthanasia, justification of the request for euthanasia and other options concerning euthanasia. The understanding of the sense of suffering and of the role of religion in human life affect attitudes towards euthanasia. Gender also is responsible for differences in understanding the sense of suffering and role of religion in the acceptance of euthanasia. The results presented above show that further investigation into impact of religion and philosophy on attitudes towards euthanasia should be continued.


Zawiera wykresy.

Słowa kluczowe

eutanazja, badania empiryczne, badania, akceptacja eutanazji, stosunek do terminalnie chorych, chorzy terminalnie, śmierć, religia, umieranie, decyzja o dokonaniu eutanazji, medycyna, służba zdrowia, system ochrony zdrowia, prawo, opieka paliatywna, cierpienie, religijność, euthanasia, empirical research, research, acceptance of euthanasia, attitudes towards the terminally ill, terminally ill, death, religion, dying, decision to euthanise, medicine, medical service, health care system, law, palliative care, suffering, religiousness, chorzy, sick


Analecta Cracoviensia, 2001, T. 33, s. 121-138.


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