Chrześcijańska duchowość rodziny a paradygmat postmodernizmu




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Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego


The article undertakes the problem of the effect of post-modernism on Christian spirituality of the family and its social consequences. Christian spirituality is understood as the inner, non-materialistic dimension of family life on which the material culture of the family depends. Christian spirituality of the family has its source in the view of life of the people the family consists of. The dogmas of Creation, Incarnation and some elements of the Catholic ecclesiology belong to the most important premises influencing that view. Features of the Catholic marriage as well as its aims and functions follow from them. Spirituality of the Christian family is seen in putting into effect the values that are connected with the Christian view of life and have influence on social life. Post-modernism as a trend in social life puts forward theses in the eight fundamental areas: in philosophy - atheism; in anthropology - anti-substantiality of the 1; in epistemology - conventionality of the theory, truth and the whole cognition; in ethics - moral situationism and utilitarianism; in linguistics - autonomy of the meaning from the world and the subject; in art. - anti hierarchism of the artistic and aesthetic means; in history - anti-teologism; in politics - anti-fundamentalism; it also stresses political and geographical localism. Freedom, to which everything must be subordinated, becomes the paradigm. Such an approach to social reality is tantamount to dealing a blow on the Christian spirituality of the family, and in this way on all the fundamental values fostered by the Christian family in the dimensions of both inner and social life.


Autor tłumaczenia streszczenia: Tadeusz Karłowicz.

Słowa kluczowe

rodzina, paradygmat, postmodernizm, światopogląd chrześcijański, duchowość, duchowość chrześcijańska, duchowość rodziny, chrześcijańska duchowość rodziny, teologia, family, paradigm, postmodernism, Christian worldview, spirituality, Christian spirituality, spirituality of family, Christian family spirituality, theology


Roczniki Teologiczne, 2000, T. 47, z. 6, s. 75-86.


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