Antropologia autonomiczna a antropologia teonomiczna: próba syntezy




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Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL


This paper brings close the human hermeneutic horizons of autonomous man and theonomous man, i.e. those approaches that result from the experience of transcendence or its lack. In its conception of man, Christianity takes Incarnation as its starting point. In the light of Incarnation, transcendence and immanence are mixed in the life and Person of Jesus Christ. Christianity is not an ideology, but it stresses the historical and personal experience of God- Man whose Person and life compose the foundation on which to understand the whole of reality. It is on this view that our perception of ethics depends. Ethics is different if this point is disregarded. However, ethics should always have primacy over politics. In order to cherish an overall human scope, ethics should be based on integral anthropology that respects all dimensions of the person: individual, social, spiritual, religious, the internal and external aspects. Contemporary personalism emphasises all the essential traits of the person, among which we find transcendence, freedom, relational and dialogical character. The person is fulfilled in relations because it is a relationship with regard to his or her essence. Christian ethics that is built on the foundation of personalistic anthropology recognises the dimension of human transcendence, especially in relation to persons and values. It does not reject, however, a different point of view, but at the same time disagrees to any discrimination of its position in the world of human values. A patient and concrete dialogue, such that aims at the good of every human being is the foundation of scientific ecumenism. This integral model of reality open to the dignity of each person and his social dimension is given by personalism. Only in the perspective of the person can we build a level of understanding and this should be a universal principle.


Summary translated by / Autor tłumaczenia streszczenia: Jan Kłos.

Słowa kluczowe

antropologia, antropologia autonomiczna, antropologia teonomiczna, antropologia liberalna, alienacja, egzystencjalizm, egzystencjalizm ateistyczny, doświadczenie Boga, doświadczenie charyzmatyczne, autonomia, filozofia religii, teologia, anthropology, autonomic anthropology, theonomous anthropology, liberal anthropology, alienation, existentialism, atheistic existentialism, experience of God, charismatic experience, autonomy, philosophy of religion, theology, filozofia, philosophy


Roczniki Teologii Dogmatycznej, 2010, T. 2(57), s. 77-93.


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