Via Christi Est Virgo Beata. Elementy mariologii św. Tomasza z Akwinu




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St. Thomas Aquinas’s mariology is art of the considerations on Christ and His salvific mission. It constitutes, as it were, a natural introduction into the explanation of the mystery how the Son of God entered the world. Aquinas sees the mystery of the Mother of God in the context of Jesus Christ’s mission. Thus St. Thomas Aquinas’s Mariology is, as it were, a part of Christology. The relationship between Mary and Jesus is a key to understand His role in the history of salvation. In the teaching on Mary and Her role in the history of salvation, Aquinas emphasises several important elements. They are the following: 1. The true nature of Mary’s divine motherhood (Theotokos). Mary is the true Mother of God because She is the Mother of the Person of the Son of God; 2. The special dimension of Her vocation that She carries out by Her priviege to be the „Mediatrix of graces”, and that in turn determines Her special role in the history of salvation; 3. The Trinitary dimension of Mary’s mission. Mary collaborates (conducts a dialogue) with the Holy Trinity as it is best shown in the scene of the Annunciation, Cana of Galilee, Pentecost; 4. the holiness of Mary is understood by Aquinas as Her special (subjective) freedom from sin; 5. Mary’s mediation which – according to St. Thomas – is a mediation of mercy, for it expresses Her concern and care for the good of others. This does not collide with the redemptive mediation of Jesus Christ, but accompanies it.


Summary translated by / Autor tłumaczenia streszczenia: Jan Kłos.

Słowa kluczowe

Tomasz z Akwinu, mariologia, mariologia Tomasza z Akwinu, Boże macierzyństwo Maryi, macierzyństwo Maryi, pośrednictwo miłosierdzia, pośrednictwo macierzyńskie, świętość Maryi, świętość, Maryja, Jezus Chrystus, powołanie Maryi, macierzyństwo duchowe, tajemnica światła, iluminacja, światło, światło duchowe, łaska, Thomas Aquinas, Mariology, Thomas Aquinas’s Mariology, Mary’s Divine motherhood, motherhood of Mary, mediation of mercy, maternal mediation, holiness of Mary, sanctity, Mary, Jesus Christ, vocation of Mary, spiritual motherhood, mystery of light, illumination, light, spiritual light, grace, macierzyństwo, motherhood, teologia, theology


Roczniki Teologii Dogmatycznej, 2011, T. 3(58), s. 201-225.


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