Credo in Patrem Omnipotentem. Z namysłu nad wszechmocą Boga




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Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL


The Christian Creed contains the truth about God as Omnipotent Father. God's Omnipotence has been subject to critical reflection of both natural and systematic theologians throughout history. This paper is an attempt to present the nature of God's Omnipotence and determining the scope of the concept. The first part of the paper present contradictions within the concept of God’s Omnipotence. Next, the author presents a survey of the best recognized conceptions of God’s Omnipotence, created by Christian thought. The latter part of the paper is devoted to the conception of absolute omnipotence, as proposed by Stanisaw Judycki. Finally, the author presents the notion of divine omnipotence in its paternal and kenotic aspects.


Summary translated by / Autor tłumaczenia streszczenia: Konrad Klimkowski.

Słowa kluczowe

Wszechmoc Boga, paradoks wszechmocy, wszechmoc absolutna, ojcowski wymiar wszechmocy Bożej, kosmiczna kenoza wszechmogącego Boga, samoograniczenie Boga, Bóg, ojcostwo, ojcostwo Boże, kenoza, God’s Omnipotence, omnipotence paradox, absolute omnipotence, paternal aspect of divine omnipotence, cosmic kenosis of the Omnipotent God, God's self-limitation, God, fatherhood, God's fatherhood, kenosis, teologia, theology


Roczniki Teologii Dogmatycznej, 2012, T. 4(59), s. 99-115.


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