Stanowisko Kościoła katolickiego w sprawie dopuszczania kobiet do kapłaństwa




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Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego


The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in the Inter insigniores declaration confirmed the traditional principle whereby women cannot be ordained as priests in the Catholic Church. In the present article the author discusses the circumstances and causes of issuing by the Holy See of a special document on the ordination of women as well as arguments justifying the Church’s attitude to this question. The Holy See has been motivated to take up the issue by several reasons, particularly (1) gradual ordination of women priests in several seceded Christian communities; (2) opinions of some Catholic theologians pronouncing themselves in favour of the possibility, if not need to change negative attitude of the Catholic Church to women priests; (3) voices of some Catholic groups and organizations in favour of women’s ordination. The declaration states that the Catholic Church cannot ordain women as priests since she has no right to do so. The conviction that the Church has no competence in this respect confirmed by the tradition of the Church (evidence of the Fathers of the Church, Church legislation and ancient theologians) is founded upon the example set by Jesus Christ and the Apostles who did not trust women with priestly functions. Taking into consideration the tradition, example of Jesus Christ and conduct of the Apostles the declaration concludes that the present practice of excluding women from priesthood has the value of immutable norm which is not subject to change since it is consistent with God’s decision concerning the Church.


Słowa kluczowe

Kościół, Church, Kościół katolicki, Catholic Church, sakramenty, sacraments, kapłaństwo, priesthood, święcenia, ordination, kobieta, woman, kapłaństwo kobiet, priesthood of women, ordynacja kobiet, ordination of women, Magisterium Kościoła, prawo kanoniczne, canon law, Kodeks Prawa Kanonicznego, Code of Canon Law, Inter insigniores, dokumenty Kościoła, historia Kościoła, Church history, luteranizm, Lutheranism, Kościoły chrześcijańskie, Christian churches, Kościoły chrześcijańskie odłączone, kapłani, duchowieństwo, clergy, rola kobiety w Kościele, role of a woman in the Church, wspólnoty chrześcijańskie, Christian communities


Roczniki Teologiczno-Kanoniczne, 1978, T. 25, z. 5, s. 33-44.


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