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Pierwotne doświadczenie pentekostalne i jego aspekty według Dz 2,1–4,38 w kontekście religijnego doświadczenia
Tomczyk, Dominik (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego UO, 2023)
The roots of modern Pentecostalism are to be found in the texts of the New Testament, especially in the Acts of the Apostles. They describe how the Holy Spirit worked in the early church and how it was experienced by the first Christians. The author analyzes the issue of the original Pentecostal experience in light of Acts 2:1–4:38. He discusses the essence of religious experience as the experience of the Spirit. The Pentecostal experience is both an individual and a communal one. It is not a finite, one-time experience but a repeatable one. Moreover, the essence of the Pentecostal experience of God is its missionary aspect. The experience of the Holy Spirit opens a new type of relationship between man and God, but also between man and another man.
Patrick Pullicino, The Science of Ezekiel’s Chariot of YHWH Vision as a Synthesis of Reason and Spirit, Richmond (UK): Tiger of the Stripe, 2023, ISBN 978-1-904799-74-0, 290 s. (Recenzja książki)
Bosowski, Jerzy (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego UO, 2023)
Odrzucenie Jezusa w Jego rodzinnym mieście. Analiza egzegetyczno-teologiczna passusu Mt 13,54-58
Kędziora, Daniel (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego UO, 2023)
The context of the research was the life experience that acceptance or rejection of a person in a certain social group has a huge impact on the proper development of a person in the space of both private and also professional life. The biblical authors also present this difficult experience – starting with Genesis and the disobedience of the first people. The aim of the study was the case of rejection in the New Testament. Such an example is found in the passages of Matthew 13:54-58 (the arrival of Jesus in his hometown – Nazareth). Analysis of the biblical text allows us to pose the research questions: Did Jesus have brothers and what do we know about them? What is implied by the term “homeland”? What was the importance of family relationships in biblical times? What is the true identity of Jesus of Nazareth? What is the role of faith in the occurrence of a miracle? The historical-critical method was used for the study. According to this method, the text of Matthew 13:54-58 was subjected to a detailed literary analysis. A delimitation of the text (delineation of boundaries) was carried out. The preceding and following contexts were also determined. The Greek text was included, along with transliteration and translation into Polish. The textual criticism carried out indicates the differences among the witnesses of the text. The synoptic context was also shown. The study also succeeded in proposing a structure for the text under study. The following stages include an exegetical commentary and a theological analysis. The conclusions of the study are related to pastoral theology and spirituality.
Psalm Jonasza. Analiza egzegetyczno-teologiczna tekstu Jon 2,3-10
Jurczak, Damian (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego UO, 2023)
The context of the research was that since the time of Martin Luther, there has been a growing interest in scientific research on the books of the Bible. Particularly in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, studies conducted showed that their literary structure of the books was not uniform. It was found that the books in the Bible went through successive stages of editing before they acquired their modern form. It concerns the Prayer of Jonah (Jon 2:3-10). Research questions had to be asked: Why does Jonah sing a song of thanksgiving when his life is threatened? Is the Prayer earlier than the story or later? The purpose of the study is an exegetical and theological study of the text of Jon 2:3-10. The analytical-synthetic method was used. A literary analysis of the studied text was made. The structure of the Psalm was also determined, and the literary genre was examined. A content exegesis was carried out to correctly determine the theological message of the Jonah Prayer, both as a stand-alone unit and in the context of the Book’s integrals. Finally, the influence of the religious content of the Jonah Psalm of the New Testament book was examined. The study concluded that: a) the Psalm of Jonah, in the text of Jon 2:3-10, is not an integral part of the Book of Jonah; b) the terminology shared by the Thanksgiving Psalms with the Psalm of Jonah was confirmed; c) as an independent literary unit, the message of the Psalm of Jonah also makes sense. The conclusions that emerge from the study are as follows: a) the psalmist praying in the Psalm of Jonah is not only an example, topical in the post-exile era, but is also topical today; b) the text studied depicts a man who, despite his weaknesses, trusted and put his trust in God to the end. A man who is open to the action of God’s grace and expresses joy and thanksgiving to God.
Andrzej S. Jasiński OFM, Księga Proroka Ezechiela. Nowy Komentarz I–XII (Opole 2016–2023) (Recenzja serii książek)
Demitrów, Andrzej (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego UO, 2023)