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Spory w Kościele w Polsce wokół sposobów przyjmowania Komunii św. w dobie pandemii w perspektywie historyczno-teologicznej
Bartocha, Waldemar (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2021)
The experience of the time of the pandemic in the Church in Poland has led to the intensification of disputes about the ways of receiving Holy Communion. Various circles, especially traditionalists, began to promote inappropriate theological arguments aimed not only at undermining the legitimacy of Communion in the hand, but also the possibility of a contagion of viruses through the Eucharist. The purpose of this article is to show the genesis of these contentions and the reaction of the Polish Episcopal Conference and individual bishops to the actions taken by certain groups of people or individuals spreading erroneous theological views, especially in the social media. After presenting the essence of the disputes in the first part of the study and after separating the areas to which the most frequent errors can be reduced, the following parts of the article will present both historical and theological arguments regarding the issue of distributing Holy Communion in the hand. A broad look at the issue, which at the present time seems to be a crucial problem, will make it possible to prove the truth of the thesis stated in the introduction to the article. It is a mistake to try to oppose the two forms of receiving Holy Communion – “on the tongue” or “in the hand” to each other. The emphasis in the mystagogical and catechetical activities of the Church should be placed on what belongs to the essence, that is, on the worthy reception of the Blessed Sacrament, and not on absolutizing the form of the rite itself. Disputes in the Church in Poland concerning the ways of receiving Holy Communion in the time of the pandemic have exposed weaknesses in the life of the Church and irregularities which have developed over the years, as well as serious deficiencies in the formation of both clergy, consecrated persons and lay faithful. Hence they demand a constructive response from the Church at the level of her pastoral activity.
Obrzędy dedykacji kościoła i życie sakramentalne. Sakramentalia w kontekście liturgii Kościoła
Sielepin, Adelajda (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2021)
The article displays a relationship between the sacramentals and liturgy by the example of the rite of dedication of the church and altar. Theology of these rites celebrated during the process of erecting a particular church conveys rich spiritual impact upon the community life, their spiritual growth and integration. Starting from the blessing of the area for the future building, along the installment of the cornerstone and finaly dedication of the church and altar, the rites evince deep analogy to the process of Christian initiation. Theology of this sacramental is useful and adequate particularly on commemorating the consecration of the church or of the church’s saint patron. It seems to be valuable in times of weakening faith and relativism when the Christian human dignity and the meaning of the sacred should be rediscovered and appreciated anew.
Anamnetyczny wymiar liturgii Triduum Paschalnego w tekstach Mszału rzymskiego
Kwiatkowski, Dariusz (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2021)
This article presents the anametic dimension of the liturgy of the paschal mystery of Christ, which takes place during the Holy Triduum. In order to achieve the main goal, the author was using the method of liturgical hermeneutics and the critical-practical method. The most important source of the study are the prayer formulas contained in the Roman Missal. Referring to the liturgical texts contained in the Roman Missal, this article presents the liturgical hic, nunc and hodie of the paschal mysteries. The liturgical anamnesis unites all the celebrations of the Paschal Triduum. In this case, we can speak of one celebration, which is spread over time. The Triduum Sacrum is a kind of triptych, that is to say, three different paintings. To see and understand the meaning of this triptych, each painting should be viewed together with the other two. The Liturgy of the Easter Triduum presents the Last Supper, where Christ instituted the sacraments of the priesthood and the Eucharist. Then the passion and death on the cross, resting in the tomb, and finally, the resurrection of Christ. This article shows that the Passover of Jesus, that is, His passage from death to life, is not only a pious recall of the facts of salvation history, but their actual sacramental presentation. Therefore, everyone can always immerse themselves in the mystery of Christ’s paschal mystery and enjoy its saving fruits.
Tempus gaudii – tempus tristitiae. Historyczny rozwój dwóch wymiarów Adwentu
Litawa, Karol (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2021)
The question pointed in the title of this paper has to provoke deepening of the issues related to the liturgical experience of Advent. The historical and theological analysis of the Advent liturgy and customs, widend by the anthropological understanding of this season in the category of joy (gaudium) and sorrow (tristitia), allows to answer a question: is the Advent more joyful or sorrowful? The formation of the liturgy of this season in the Latin Church, especially in the Gallican and Roman traditions, shows an extremely important cultureforming factor in the understanding of rites and theology of Advent. The filtration of these two traditions will ultimately lead to their merging into one, which in consequence will appear in the post-Vaticanum II era in liturgical celebrations and theology.
Permanentny charakter obecności Ducha Świętego w dziewictwie konsekrowanym w świetle księgi liturgicznej „Obrzędy konsekracji dziewic”
Korda, Klaudia (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2021)
The aim of the article is to show the permanent character of the presence of the Holy Spirit in consecrated virginity. The texts contained in the liturgical book Rites of Consecration of Virgins, which is part of the post-conciliar Roman Pontifical, outline the image of the Third Person of the Holy Trinity as: the voice of God addressed to man, the giver of charisms, the helper on the way of consecrated life and the one who leads to holiness. The pneumatological trait marked in the rites shows how the presence of the Holy Spirit in the life of Christian virgins is connected with the anointing with the oil of crucifixion in the sacraments of Christian initiation. It is in them that the gift of the Divine Spirit initiated in the act of consecration is deepened and prepares the woman for her new role: bride and co-operator of Christ in the world. This trait also points to the Blessed Virgin Mary as the perfect model of virginity and cooperation with the Holy Spirit. Taking up reflection on the action of the Paraclete in the life of virgins contributes to noticing the truth that the Holy Spirit is present not only in the sacraments, but that His closeness is also realized in the everyday human life. Faith in the causative power of the Divine Spirit, prayer for His action and the gifts asked for in the prayer of consecration are the first steps for the silent breeze of the Third Person of God to enter into the lex vivendi of the Christian virgin. As a result, she shines in her environment as one who has heard the call and fulfils the will of God with ardent love, by the power of the Spirit.