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Bishop Vincentas Borisevičius: The Path of A New Age Martyr
Žemaitis, Kęstutis (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2023)
The twentieth century brought many difficult trials to Europe. Lithuania was devastated by two world wars and long and difficult periods of occupation. The Catholic Church was persecuted by both the Nazis and the Soviets. The clergy suffered much. One of the first martyrs during the Soviet occupation was the Bishop of Telšiai, Vincentas Borisevičius. Although there are not many written sources and testimonies about him, we can get a good idea that he grew up in a moral and faithful environment and matured for the priesthood. Borisevičius was entrusted with the duties of the rector of the seminary, later became an assistant to the Bishop of Telšiai, and finally an Ordinary. Bishop Borisevičius demonstrated his heroic virtues during the Second World War by rescuing Jews, by remaining faithful to his flock, and by not cooperating with the occupying powerʼs security structures or betraying innocent people. This is what brought the moment of his arrest and suffering closest. Although murdered, the bishop remained an apostolic example for the Christians of the new times. Because of his virtues and martyrdom, the Church has opened the case for the beatification of Bishop Vincent Borisevičius.
The Analysis of Value-Free or Value-Ladenness of Work in the Light of Catholic Social Teaching of John Paul II
Ugwu, Ikechukwu S. (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2023)
This article presents the metaphysical study of work. Based on this understanding, the author makes a comparative analysis of the dilemma: whether human work is value-free or value-laden in realizing the fundamental purpose of work, and proper understanding of personhood. It compares absolute value in the epistemic value of the person with economic value as what people experience at work. It also investigates which of these values in the contemporary approach to work realizes the fundamental goal of work and personhood. The author aligns with John Paul II’s Social Reflection on value of work in relation to human person, and discovers that, value-ladenness of work realizes both the purpose of work and self-determination.
Odnowa religijna we Francji w świetle publicystyki katolickiej Drugiej Rzeczypospolitej
Sołga, Przemysław (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2023)
France in the interwar period was an ally of Poland, and its then sociopolitical situation and concerning state-church relations attracted the attention of publicists, including Catholic ones, in Poland. Although the Catholic press of the Second Republic often referred to the still somewhat progressive secularization and religious crisis of France, it also drew attention to certain elements of the renewal of Catholic life in that country. Catholicism permeated social life, including professional life, in which Polish emigration played no small role. This was a phenomenon parallel in its own way to the de-Christianization processes that had been taking place for a long time in the country on the Loire.
Niewiasta Eucharystii w duchowości polskich świętych i błogosławionych XX i XXI wieku
Śmiałek, Sebastian (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2023)
The question of the relationship between the Mother of God and the Eucharist resulted in theologyʼs development of Maryʼs title – Woman of the Eucharist. The development of this title was made possible by the achievements of Mariology and Sacramentology, and its rooting in the consciousness of the faithful was fostered by liturgy and popular piety. Thus, both clergy and laity, in whose spirituality the Eucharist and Mary occupy a privileged place, were able to reflect on the mystery of the relationship between them. In the history of the Church in Poland, too, there have been many outstanding figures who, through their writings and teaching, have contributed to Mary being called the Woman of the Eucharist and have shown the resulting spiritual richness from which members of the Church can still draw today.
Ciało jako wyraz i narzędzie duszy w ujęciu filozofii antropologicznej Romano Guardiniego
Rostowska, Aleksandra (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2023)
The article presents the issue of the relationship between body and soul in a person in Romano Guardiniʼs anthropological philosophy. The psychosomatic unity is for him the foundation for all human reflections. The aim was to present the main concepts of the relationship between body and soul throughout history with particular emphasis on those to which he is opposed. The article presents personalistic concept concerning the dialogic nature of the person and its importance to the liturgy. This article is an attempt at comprehensive approach to the concept of the human unity of body and soul in Romano Guardiniʼs philosophy.