
Teologiczne repozytorium cyfrowe „Theo-logos” gromadzi i udostępnia w otwartym dostępie polskie publikacje z dziedziny nauk teologicznych, a także dyscyplin: nauki o kulturze i religii oraz prawo kanoniczne.


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Wskazania wychowawcze zawarte w dokumentach Kościoła katolickiego
Wołochowicz, Piotr (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2019)
The article discusses the most important indications concerning the upbringing of children presented in the Church documents from 1929 to 2016. The review is comprehensive, it includes the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the Code of Canon Law, the declaration of the Second Vatican Council Gravissimum educationis and papal encyclicals and exhortations: Divini illius Magistri by Pius XI, Humanae Vitae by Paul VI, Familiaris Consortio, Veritatis Splendor and Evangelium Vitae of John Paul II, Amoris Laetitia of Pope Francis. In addition to documents devoted entirely to the issue of education (GE, DIM), the ones that deal with the subject fragmentarily are discussed (FC, AL) and also those that do not explicitly talk about upbringing, but the subject matter of basic values is indirectly a necessary call and educational guidelines (HV, VS, EV). Although they come from the period of nearly 90 years, there is a visible coherence of educational thought based on God’s revelation. The synthesis of the subject seems especially necessary in the present times, when parents face completely new challenges when it comes to the broadly understood environment of raising their children.
Development of the State Family Policy, Oriented on a Well-Functioning Family
Piesha, Iryna; Yablonska, Tetiana (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2019)
Introduction. The current trends of the family institution in Ukraine are examined in the context of the state family policy. The purpose of the article is to analyze the trends of a modern family in Ukraine and to find ways to support it at the level of formation of the state family policy. Research results. On the basis of the statistics data and scientific researches, the peculiarities of Ukrainian families, in particular, the crisis manifestations at their functioning (a high divorce rate, low birth rate, appearance of alternative forms of family unions) are analyzed. The data are analyzed revealing negative social phenomena that are consequences of family dysfunction: irresponsible parenting, domestic violence, social orphanhood, juvenile crime. It is argued that the state family policy focused on working with dysfunctional families does not actually support well-functioning families. Conclusions. The article substantiates the necessity of a holistic family policy aimed at family development, supporting family well-functioning, promoting systematic, consistent work in the following main directions: formation of the family values priority in society; preparation of children and youth for family forming, development of responsible parenting; prevention of family dysfunction; assisting parents rearing children; social support for families in difficult living conditions.
Niektóre predyktory związków z rówieśnikami dla adolescentów z rodzin samotnych matek
Napora, Elżbieta (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2019)
The aim of study was to establish model of the relationship between amount of contants with an absent father and support from grandparents with communication with peers of adolescents from single mother families. The hypothesis about amount of contatcts with absent father and support from grandparents predicts communication with peers of adolescents from single mother family was verified with using a Berlinʼs Scale of Social Support, the authorʼs Scale of Communication with peers and with data about amount of contacts with absent father in group of 182 adolescents from single mother families. Results showed that adolescentsʼs amount of contacts with absent father, is significant correlacted with perceived support from grandparents and with opened communication with peers.
Psychologiczne uwarunkowania wychowania moralnego dzieci w młodszym wieku szkolnym
Łysiuk, Lidia (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2019)
The aim of the article is to systematize theoretical and empirical data concerning psychological determinants of children moral education at primary school age. It is assumed that morality appears in situations when one should take into account needs and rights of another person and acts as a system of self-regulation to choose between morally desirable behavior and behavior beyond moral norm. Each stage of child’s development has been characterized by specific social interactions, determined formation of certain structures of moral self-regulation. New school life conditions cause deepening of moral reality learning and influence moral identity development. According to the mentioned features of morality development, substantive aspects of the overall process of upbringing at a primary school age were identified. First of all, impacts directed at the separate elements of moral self-regulation system formation (moral knowledge, moral identity, moral assessments, empathy and others). Second, czostajategory of interactions refers to real situations when child is a subject or object of moral activities. Features of moral situation determine educational goals and system of influences aimed at supporting children’s morality development.
Środowisko rodzinne hazardzistów odbywających karę pozbawienia wolności – wyniki badań jakościowych
Lelonek-Kuleta, Bernadeta (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2019)
Research conducted around the world confirms the existence of a correlation between gambling and committing crimes, and therefore, we can expect to find gamblers and gambling addicts in the prison population. This regularity is also confirmed in Poland, where, according to research, as many as 29% of prisoners may be addicted to gambling. Despite our exploring the problem linking crime with gambling, there is not much in-depth research done about gamblers themselves committing crimes. The article presents the results of qualitative research conducted among imprisoned gamblers. The aim of the article is to characterize the functioning of families with gamblers and attempt to explain the role of the family in the development and involvement in gambling.