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Obraz człowieka a ideał chrześcijanina w wielkich Listach św. Pawła
Tonkowicz, Jacek (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego UO, 2015)
The main idea of the considerance is to pay one’s attention at the ideal of a Christian, on the basis of St Paul’s Great Letters (1 Cor, Gal, 2 Cor, Rom). People are really eager to face sanctity: with God, with a holy man. The sanctity constitutes a kind of a pattern, an exempler to follow for an ordinary person - an exempter of its magnanimousness. The very basic human values can be definitely called as the Christian ones, as God dedicated his life in the name of the values defendence. The Christian sanctity is absolutely not about any sort of suerhumanity. It is about unusual skills, talents which not everyone is gifted with. The Christian sanctity is an obedience based not on its own greatness, but on the one that lets God to be gifted by his greatness. People have extremely serious expectations from different religions. One of them are ready answers on tough questions, concerning human existence, which deeply move human hearts: what the final and the wordless mystery is that overwhelms our existence, which we take our beginning from, towards which we constantly head for. One of the answers can be found in the New Testament, which the Great Letters of St Paul’s constitute a truly important part of.
Monotrynitarne powitanie w Apokalipsie
Rucki, Mirosław; Szymański, Karol (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego UO, 2015)
In the paper, the attention is paid to the greeting directed to the readers of the Revelation in the passage 1:4-7. Its structure suggests that its source is not John who wrote the Book, but the God who presents Himself as a unity of three persons: Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. The greeting focused most on Jesus Christ, his exceptional love towards humans and his mssion. Along with his appearance on the Earth, the process of bringing people back to God started. Monotrinitarian greeting introduces the reader to the reality of the eschatological future which would have been horrible if not the fact of limitless love and care expressed in the greeting.
Kraina faraonów w dziele Deuteronomisty (Joz-2 Krl)
Pieprzyca, Blandyna (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego UO, 2015)
The work of Deuteronomist bears numbers of mentions about Egypt. It shows the attitude of Israel in relation to Yahweh, who freed them from the house of bondage. The image of the land of the Pharaohs as well as foreign idols brings the reader that faith which is not from the heart becomes to be shallow. The Josh-2 Kgs special motif is becoming way out of Egypt, which with nearly every recollection about Egypt is present. This saving is trampled by the Israelites, when you serve other gods. The House of bondage, and output it to the chosen people a lesson for life. Return to the deities, the worship due only to Jehovah. In moments, the embryo of the war or oppression they call of the Pharaoh, to come to the rescue to save them from the enemy. Constantly returned to the House of slaves, become addicted to it. The observance of the commandments recorded in the Ex 20:3 says: “you will have no other gods before me! becomes in time for Israel’s barrier, which cannot jump. Keep again a circle of history and return to Jehovah the Staggers. Must be followed by oppression, war and captivity again, their eyes on the newly opened and hearts again clung to this, that the power of His turned out to be, when he has made the exit of his people and threw the sea Chariots of Pharaoh and his army (Exodus 15:4a).
Zdrowie i jego brak w świetle Biblii
Ziaja, Krystian (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego UO, 2016)
In the Bible, the most important divine and human work for Christians, we find a number of topics related to human existence on the earth. These are health issues as well – and these issues are discussed in the paper Health and its absence in the light of the Bible [the original tide: Zdrowie i jego brak w świetle Biblii]. I think it is worth taking a look of the problem of the man of the Bible’s approach to health and following the diseases that worried him or her because those are still current issues. It can be said in general that diseases have always plagued the human. The biblical text specifies it indicating that all kinds of ailments and diseases have been affecting the mankind since the time when God expatriated Adam and Eve from the garden of Eden. Hebrews believed that the cause of the diseases is the sin committed by the human that must be punished by the God (Gn 12:17: Prv 23:29-32); or culpable sin by his ancestors (2 Sm 12:15). The disease could also affect the human due to the temptation of Satan (Lk 13:16). It should be noticed that in the times of the Old Testament, Hebrew related healing from the disease to the action of God. For example, the prophet Malachi wrote about the sun of justice carrying healing on its wings (Mal 3:20), and David worships the God, saying: „[He] who health all thy diseases” (Ps 103:3). The healing activity of Jesus Christ and the apostles is the completion of these Old Testament Authors’ thoughts, which is on the pages of the New Testament. The fitst part of the paper is about the disease as the evil affecting the human. The following issues were discussed: the disease in the non-biblical world, the perception of the disease in the Old Testament, and the disease in the light of the New Testament. Then, selectively and as examples, specific kinds of the ailments mentioned in the Bible were discussed. Among them, among others, there are mental disorders, skin diseases, etc. Analyzing the texts of the Bible relating to health and disease, it is important to realize that a merciful Samaritan resides within each of us, who stops at the ill, is deeply moved, comes up to him, and takes him to the place where he is cured and taken care for (Lk 10:30-37). I think chat remembering that the ill in the Christian world is the picture and the sign of Jesus Christ is no less important. John Paul II, who is the saint now, once said to the ill the following words: “Judging from the human point of view, you are weak and sick, but you are also very powerful; as powerful as Jesus Christ the Crucified”.
Wybrane motywy biblijne z Ksiąg Jozuego i Sędziów w „Godzinkach o Niepokalanym Poczęciu Najświętszej Maryi Panny”
Ziaja, Krystian (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego UO, 2016)
One of the para liturgical services that exist in the church life is “Hours about the Immaculate Conception of the Most Holy Virgin Mary”. Therefore, still actual problem is the question of biblical pictures understanding that appear in the service. The test of their explanation has not only a theoretical character but also a practical and a priestly one. The aim of the article is to cause better contents understanding of “Hours about the Immaculate Conception of the Most Holy Virgin Mary", to emphasize their biblical variety. Following motives from the books of Joshua and Judges were taken into consideration: 1. The light from Gabaon (Joshua 10,10-13); 2. Gedeons fleece (Judges 6,36-40); 3. Samsons honey slice (Judges 14,1-11). After the discussion of the above mentioned three texts we may ascertain that the author of “Hours about the Immaculate Conception of the Most Holy Virgin Mary” with accurate aim refers the texts to the Most Holy Virgin Mary. Mary is “The light from Gabaon”, it showed people that he, whose mother she is, will make a salvation, the real victory that had been expected since Adam and Eves times. Moreover she is “The fleece of Gedeon” because God made her a wonderful exception as among people only she was not stained by a sin. Furthermore she is the slice of honey as inside her the one who is our Saviour and our best food was born. The analysis of these biblical texts let us to see the enormous theological variety of “Hours about the Immaculate Conception of the Most Holy Virgin Mary”. It makes possible to catch an interesting interpretation of Marys biblical pictures that seem to be very useful in a priest practice.