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Four Decades of the Catechism of the Catholic Church and Its Significance for Catechesis in Poland
Zając, Marian (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2022)
This year, we are celebrating the fortieth anniversary of the publication of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. The document, long-awaited by believers, contained a popularly outlined interpretation of the most important principles of faith, morals, worship and prayer. The purpose of this article is to analyse the significance of this document for the catechetical activities of the Catholic Church in Poland over the past four decades since its publication. The previous Roman Catechism served the Church for more than 400 years. A new document of such stature was to lead to a radical revision of the aims of catechesis, the prominence of its most important contents and the improvement of its methodological instrumentation. The article will answer the following questions: “Has there really been a religious revival in the stages of adapting the Catechism of the Catholic Church to the realities of the local community of the Church in Poland?” “Has it become the basis for a deeper reflection on the current state of catechesis?” It will also be important to answer the question: “Has there been a real popularisation of this document in Polish ecclesial, cultural and educational spaces?”.
The Common Priesthood in Lutherans and Catholics
Blanco-Sarto, Pablo (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2022)
Luther insisted on the royal, common or universal priesthood of all the baptised, as the Second Vatican Council also recalled, referring to the mutual complementarity between the common and ministerial priesthood, which, however, differ non tantum gradu sed essentiam (cf. LG 10). These pages review the main points on the common priesthood, according to Luther’s proposal and the response of the Councils of Trent and Vatican II and, as a complementary counterpoint, add the teachings of a 20th century Catholic author, Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer, partly before and partly after Vatican II, which could be of interest for understanding the subject under discussion. The similarities and differences are thus noted here, which are conducive to the subsequent ecumenical dialogue on this subject, which is acquiring particular importance in the context of the theology of synodality.
Colonel Łukasz Ciepliński (1913–1951). A Role Model in the Christian Formation of Men. A Study Based on His Prison Grypses
Rybicki, Adam (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2022)
The article presents the personality and spirituality of a Polish soldier, Colonel Łukasz Ciepliński (1913–1951), as a personal role model for contemporary men. The main sources are his secret messages written from a prison cell, which are extremely valuable documents about this character. The article presents the personality and male characteristics of this Polish officer: internal unity, maturity, courage, and care for others. There are also signs of his profound respect for family values, since he was a husband and father. Another issue is his Christian spirituality: in suffering, like many prominent figures of the Church, he shows an extraordinary increase in theological virtues (faith, hope and love) as well as union with Christ and readiness for martyrdom.
Challenges for Religious Education at School in the Opinion of Religion Teachers
Mąkosa, Paweł (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2022)
Challenges in teaching religion are analysed from different perspectives and in different aspects. In the diagnosis of problems, one of the most important factors is the opinion of religion teachers who confront these challenges directly and on a daily basis. This article is an analysis of the results of a survey of religion teachers in this context. Challenges from the students, parents, the institutional Church, the school and finally challenges from the parish itself are discussed. Among the most serious challenges, the lack of faith among the pupils and the lack of the need for faith development were identified. The research shows that the strongest correlate of attitudes towards Religious Education in school is religious indifference and waning religiosity.
Young People’s Expectations Towards a High School Catechist. A Research Report
Zubrzycka-Maciąg, Teresa (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2022)
Religion teachers play a unique role in educating the young generation. In addition to the tasks assigned to all teachers in general, they are to support students in their spiritual development, condition their ability to understand themselves, build their identity, and give meaning to their lives. Catechists face a difficult task, because young people, although they are very interested in religion and spirituality, also have many doubts, questions, and dilemmas in this sphere. The article aims to present the expectations of high school students towards catechists related to their personality traits, skills, psychosocial competencies, and their approach to pupils. Data obtained in a survey conducted among a group of 70 high school graduates show that young people need a catechist whom they can trust in the most important matter, namely, the meaning of life. Thus, they expect catechists to give a credible testimony of faith, have good substantive preparation, treat them subjectively like partners, and are ready to undertake an open dialogue with them.