Studia Ełckie, 2023, T. 25, nr 3
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Przeglądaj Studia Ełckie, 2023, T. 25, nr 3 wg Autor "Kopiczko, Tomasz"
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Pozycja Sympozja naukowe ku czci św. Tomasza z Akwinu w Wyższym Seminarium Duchownym w Ełku w latach 2013-2023Kopiczko, Tomasz; Sieńkowski, Marcin (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2023)Article devoted to symposiums in honor of St. Thomas Aquinas at the Theological Seminary in Ełk, which were organized in 2013-2023, aims to demonstrate whether and to what extent the postulates (six in number) formulated by the organizers were implemented. The text contains the programs of all ten symposiums. On their basis, data regarding the presented topics, speakers, scientific communities, dates and organizers were compiled. Based on the collected data, conclusions were formulated regarding each of the assumptions. It turned out that all of them were implemented. Some of them to a greater extent than others. The assumption regarding the celebration of Thomas Aquinas Day has been largely implemented, as has the assumption regarding the teaching mission of the Church and the implementation of the postulates contained in the formation documents. The assumption of revitalizing and integrating the scientific community at the WSD in Ełk, as well as the idea of promoting it, was achieved to a small extent.