Studia Gdańskie, 2005-2006, T. 18-19
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Przeglądaj Studia Gdańskie, 2005-2006, T. 18-19 wg Autor "Góralczyk, Paweł"
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Pozycja Szczególne powołanie nauczycielaGóralczyk, Paweł (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2006)A teacher’s special vocation is to educate in the spirit of values such as patriotism, social order, democracy, diligence, parenthood, etc. This is true especially now, when a lot of rules of traditional morality are broken and moral relativism is openly propagated. Young people search for the meaning of life. They need a teacher who will help them in defining the hierarchy of values which they will follow. The highest value and goodness is God. A teacher who is a Christian gives testimony to the truth and goodness not only by word, but also with his life.