Studia Gdańskie, 2005-2006, T. 18-19
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Przeglądaj Studia Gdańskie, 2005-2006, T. 18-19 wg Autor "Majewski, Marek"
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Pozycja "Bo tak naprawdę, to myśmy nigdy nie uwierzyli" – problem braku wiary w twórczości biskupa Józefa Zawitkowskiego na przykładzie „Świętokrzyskich kazań radiowych”Majewski, Marek (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2006)Many philosophers and theologians are inclined to grant literature, especially belles-lettres, the status of locus teologicus if it simplifies and in general, enables spreading faith. As a matter of fact, literature itself becomes this medium. It’s almost unlimited opportunities are possible due to the language of symbols, metaphors and images. “Świętokrzyskie radio sermons” (Świętokrzyskie kazania radiowe), especially those delivered by Bp.Józef Zawitkowski, have become an inherent part of the Polish religious literature. They have many qualities of literature, and at the same time, they bear a powerful testimony about faith. Bp. Zawitkowski’s message is to be interpreted bearing in mind the foremost objective, namely the growth and confirmation of faith. His preacher’s activity aims exactly at this. The ever-disturbing question of faith has given rise to some thoughts over the sermons that have drawn a response from the reality of the Polish Church. What justifies the choice of this particular preacher is a special importance of the issue in his homilies. The presented look at the question of faith is an attempt at filling the gap in the scientific analysis and research on “Świętokrzyskie radio sermons”. However, there still remains a lot to be done in this respect. Especially since they might become an important element in a discussion on the optimal solutions in the field of preaching.