Scriptura Sacra, 2018, R. 22
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Przeglądaj Scriptura Sacra, 2018, R. 22 wg Autor "Dąbek, Tomasz Maria"
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Pozycja „A sprawiedliwy, choćby umarł przedwcześnie, znajdzie odpoczynek” (Mdr 4,7). Biblia o niespodziewanej chwili śmierci i potrzebie gotowości na spotkanie z PanemDąbek, Tomasz Maria (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego UO, 2018)The unexpected death of a young man is not meaningless to a Christian. Although in the Old Testament, longevity was regarded as a consequence of a good life, God’s reward for executing justice (see e.g. Ex 20:12; Dt 5:16.33; 11:8.21; Si 1:12.20), the Bible teaches about the relative value of life on the earth and blessing of the deceased young servants of God (see e.g. Si 18:8-10; Ws 1:6.8;; 3:1-3.9-11). Sudden death was considered as a Gods punishment (see e.g. Num 11:1; 14:37; 16:21.31-35; Dt 28:20; Ps 78:33; Jr 28:17; Ezk 11:13). The temporal prosperity of sinners is an expression of God’s patience, who calls for conversion and will judge everyone (Ml 2:17-3.2.14-20). Christ calls us to be ready to meet him (Matthew 24:42-44; Luke 12:39; Mt 25:13; 24:45-51; Luke 12:41-48). Just as nobody except the Father in heaven knows the moment of the second coming of Christ (Mark 13:28-37), so no one knows the moment of his death. The apostles encourage perseverance, vigilance, and trustful expectation of the end of earthly life, which is only a stage on the way to God (see Acts 20:28-31; Ephesians 6:18-20; Colossians 4:2; 1 Th 5:5-8; 2Tm 4:5; Heb 13:17; 1 P 5:8; Rv 3:3; 16:15; Ph 3:12-14; 2 Tm 4:6-8; Rm 14:8). We trust that many of our young deceased can already enjoy the reward for their good lives and works.