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Pozycja Pozycja Człowieczeństwo Boga w chrystologicznej interpretacji Karla BarthaBarth, Grzegorz (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2016)The article shows the key aspects of the Christological approach to Karl Barth’s teaching about “the humanity of God”. The author argues that in the mirror of Jesus Christ’s humanity the humanity of God included in Jesus’s divine nature is revealed. It is in Jesus Christ that kenosis and gloria, humanum and divinum meet in an amazing way; and in the negotiating space which is constituted by His Person they explain each other, speaking more sonorously with their own voice. Hence the point of departure for a reflection on the problem that is posed here, is looking closely at the formal basis of Barth’s theology. Jesus Christ’s central place – with respect to the contents, form and method – is considered to be one of its most important attributes. The author of Die Kirchliche Dogmatik starts his argument by discussing Jesus Christ’s pre-existence with the help of the doctrine of “the gracious election” that is a modified conception of his earlier Trinitarian theology. It says that God “from the beginning” is directed to man, suggesting a pro-human character of God’s being and acting. In the light of Barth’s doctrine Jesus Christ, as the second Person of the Trinity, is not only the object of election”, but He is also the electing subject. As the One Who Wants to complete the Father’s salutary work, he is the justification and guarantee of our salvation. Barth categorically pronounces himself in favor of the Christological paradigm of the Revelation saying that around history and the dialogue, in which God and a man meet and are together – around a mutually made and kept relation – there is the most complete opening and exchange. It happens in the Person, since Jesus Christ is in the only and in the highest degree: a true God’s man (Gott des Menschen) and a true Divine Man (Mensch Gottes). The phrase about the “humanity of God” – is Emmanuel, to whom we pass from the Christological centre, taking into consideration the theological and anthropological consequences following this movement.Pozycja Elementy hermeneutyki chrystologicznej w encyklice „Redemptor hominis”Barth, Grzegorz (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2009)The encyclical “Redemptor hominis” that was published 30 years ago is still a living source from which one may draw power that inspires him to reflect on the mystery of Jesus Christ as well as on the whole reality. It contains elements of Christological hermeneutics allowing to better understand and interpret the reality of God, the world and man in the light of the person of Christ. Via the mystery of Incarnation He is the hermeneutic structure of every being. It is in Him that the depth and universality of the code that interprets every individual, concrete aspect of reality (Universale Concretum), since the whole reason, natural regularity and moral norm, meaning and value that appear in the world, are integrated and brought to perfection in this one particular Logos that became a man.Pozycja Fenomen dzieciństwa w kontekście edukacyjnym. Myśląc z Walterem KohanemBarth, Grzegorz (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2019)Artykuł ma na celu ukazanie, w jaki sposób nasze rozumienie dzieciństwa, myślenia i czasu determinuje nasze wartości, rozumienie i praktyki edukacyjne. W zasadniczej strukturze obejmuje on pięć dobrze znanych terminów: dzieciństwo, edukacja, filozofia, czas, myślenie, które domagają się ponownego przemyślenia, zarówno indywidualnie, jak i w ich wzajemnych powiązaniach. Każdy z tych terminów zostaje rozwinięty w toku refleksji. Aby osiągnąć to zamierzenie artykuł koncentruje się na pracach Waltera Kohana, którego wkład we współczesną filozofię edukacji jest ważny i oryginalny. W kluczowych terminach w dziedzinie filozofii edukacji Kohan opisuje edukację jako dziecięcą (philosophy for children). Kohan rozwija swoje poglądy na temat edukacji w dialogu z wieloma filozofami i wychowawcami. Poprzez szereg pytań Kohan problematyzuje pedagogiczną, polityczną wartość umieszczania praktyki filozoficznej w dziedzinie edukacji obywatelskiej w kontekście dzieciństwa. W ten sposób tworzy on warunki dla edukacji odpowiedzialnej.Pozycja Jak wypowiedzieć Niewypowiedzianego? W poszukiwaniu adekwatnego języka w teologiiBarth, Grzegorz (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2009)In contemporary humanist reflection nearly every problem is posed and interpreted on the basis of the language that is the point of departure. This co-dependence is present also in the field of theology, and perhaps it is even more significant there. The problem of the language shows the tension, or maybe even contradiction, between the conviction about inadequacy of every human language in the face of the mystery of God, and the belief that actually this language refers to God Himself. The truth about an analogous and symbolical character of the theological language is a solution to this problem. Finally the work and the person of Jesus Christ (analogia Christi) is the basis for adequacy of the language in theology.Pozycja Ks. Piotr Mrzygłód, Między „metafizyką absurdu” a „absurdem metafizyki”. Projekt dekonstrukcji metafizyki klasycznej w egzystencjalnej myśli Lwa Szestowa, Papieski Wydział Teologiczny, Wrocław 2014, ss. 354.Barth, Grzegorz (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2016)Pozycja Między znakiem krzyża a symbolem serca. Hermeneutyka miłości Boskiej i ludzkiej ChrystusaBarth, Grzegorz (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2013)The mystery of Jesus’ Heart cannot be separated from the mystery of His cross. They both illustrate, but also realize God’s incomprehensible love for man – its realism and fact. They both also depict the divine-human dimension of salvation effected in the person of Christ. In this way the paradox of this love reaches its peak. Although they both express the same love, they are in a way beside each other, and they need each other so that the love could be expressed, be voiced. What happened on the cross is in a way complemented and consolidated in the image of the Heart. The core of this hermeneutics is: the act of Jesus’ Heart becomes clear in the cross, and the cross in the love of the Heart. At the same time in Jesus’ Heart – Jesus as the God and a man – the act of God’s love is joined in one thing, where human love is a reply to the priority of loving on the side of God; it is in it that it is fulfilled and verified. God’s love – the one that was crucified and wounded with the spear – only explains the significance of human love.Pozycja Oblicza solidarności w czasach niepewnychBarth, Grzegorz (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2018)This article discusses the idea of solidarity in the context of contemporary social and cultural challenges, referring mainly to H.G. Gadamer, K. Wojtyła and J. Tischner. First, the author tries to characterize different approaches to solidarity, its false and contradictory interpretations. In the next point, he shows the need for a reflective approach to solidarity in uncertain times. The reflective approach affects the resolution of the conflict of interpretation of the world, man, values. The ability to see the otherness and the distinctiveness of others in their respect as free personal subjects, as well as the basic readiness to give and receive, not only opens the way to values, but creates the conditions for learning solidarity. The consequence of the presented approach is the analysis of reciprocity, which is based on openness, cooperation and trust towards the participants of social life.Pozycja Osoba ponad utopią i sceptycyzmem. Antyideologiczne przesłanki personalizmu ks. Wincentego GranataBarth, Grzegorz (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2006)Rev. W. Granat’s personalistic philosophy discuses the existence of the person as a rational, free, and creative being. Thus it centres on unpredictability which ultimately transcends systematisation. It evades any enclosure in a philosophical or theological system; it cannot be made an instrument of any ideology: be that Marxist, with its postulate of utopian atheistic humanism, or post-modern, with its cognitive scepticism and axiological relativism. The person demands the truth about himself, therefore a reliable philosophical-theological reflection, such that takes into account all essential dimensions of its being. Making it the beginning, the method (way), the criterion, and the of scientific research will allow to unveil some part of the truth, and unveil a part of the mystery inherent in the person. This is only a reflection of this Mystery which fully revels the truth about God and the person.Pozycja Piotr Mrzygłód, Między ‘metafizyką absurdu’ a ‘absurdem metafizyki.’ Projekt dekonstrukcji metafizyki klasycznej w egzystencjalnej myśli Lwa Szestowa (Wrocław: Papieski Wydział Teologiczny, 2014), pp. 354.Barth, Grzegorz (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2016)Pozycja Rozumienie – czyn – osoba. Karola Wojtyły hermeneutyka personalistycznaBarth, Grzegorz (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2008)The article is an attempt to look at the conception of the person and the act in K. Wojtyla’s work from the methodological and hermeneutic points of view. The point of departure for such a procedure is the interpretation of act as the most elementary medium, through which a person speaks „for the outside” Actus personae is also interpreted as an element of a person’s self-determination in his inner structure. In this way the man’s act assumes the shape of a „bridge”, a „junction” between a human person’s subjective and objective world; it is a peculiar hermeneutic arch between two aspects of the same reality, that is of the human person. In a completely new way the article makes an attempt to interpret the person and the act by means of symbolic hermeneutics as defined by P. Ricoeur, for whom the symbol is a form of expression giving access to the meaning, at the same time indicating something beyond itself. Hence it is this understanding of the symbol, in which we encounter two planes of meaning. The first one is given directly (act), and when we look into its contents we can see that it automatically transfers us to the other plane of meaning (person).Pozycja Teologia narracyjna a teologia dogmatycznaBarth, Grzegorz (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2008)The article undertakes the issue of the narrative method as a model of theological thinking, and at the same time as a bridge between the Bible and dogmatic theology. The author justifies the view that theology that uses narration enhances the status of the historical character of the biblical revelation and of salutary events. Theology construed in this way approaches the history of salvation in a holistic way and does not treat it as an assumption, but as the very structure of reflection based on a historical event and the truth revealed in history. History understood as a subjective approach to the history of salvation, or history in the subjective and personal understanding, is their correlate. In this way this reference plays the hermeneutic role with respect to statements about the signs of supernatural revelation. The meaning of words and events in the history of salvation is supplemented by the human person. Thereby the hermeneutic circle, in which historical understanding is the principal structure of narrative theology owing to the personal subject, is completed.Pozycja Teologiczne rozumienie zbawienia i jego znaczenie w życiu KościołaBarth, Grzegorz (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2011)All attempts at describing the mystery of salvation are only partial. The idea of salvation, although it is considered a little archaic today, deserves being examined closely again as one of the concepts that belong to absolutely key ones. It appears as a “structure of our construction and of our future”, so it refers to the essence of man and is sort of “prophecy of his existence”. Theology of salvation appears to every man as a promise – or a suggestion – that a man is not alone and that he builds himself, exceeding himself and accepting the fact that God is different. Salvation is always visible where a certain “possibility”, a potentiality emerges in front of a human person; that is, where a being is not completed and has a perspective of being positively different. Salvation is where there is a meaning. Who utters the word “salvation”, says that nothing in his life of in the history of the world is subject to fatalism, nothing is inexcusable, impossible to mend, incurable. This truth testifies that although God has not liberated us from evil yet, He has liberated us from the tyranny of evil. Christ's salvation shows – and here it is exceptional again – what reality should be like for us and by us, and what it will be like through God's faithfulness to His promises and through faithfulness of our response.Pozycja The Humanity of God in Karl Barth’s Christological InterpretationsBarth, Grzegorz (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2016)The article shows the key aspects of the Christological approach to Karl Barth’s teaching about “the humanity of God”. The author argues that in the mirror of Jesus Christ’s humanity the humanity of God included in Jesus’s divine nature is revealed. It is in Jesus Christ that kenosis and gloria, humanum and divinum meet in an amazing way; and in the negotiating space which is constituted by His Person they explain each other, speaking more sonorously with their own voice. Hence the point of departure for a reflection on the problem that is posed here, is looking closely at the formal basis of Barth’s theology. Jesus Christ’s central place – with respect to the contents, form and method – is considered to be one of its most important attributes. The author of Die Kirchliche Dogmatik starts his argument by discussing Jesus Christ’s pre-existence with the help of the doctrine of “the gracious election” that is a modified conception of his earlier Trinitarian theology. It says that God “from the beginning” is directed to man, suggesting a prohuman character of God’s being and acting. In the light of Barth’s doctrine Jesus Christ, as the second Person of the Trinity, is not only the object of election”, but He is also the electing subject. As the One Who Wants to complete the Father’s salutary work, he is the justification and guarantee of our salvation. Barth categorically pronounces himself in favor of the Christological paradigm of the Revelation saying that around history and the dialogue, in which God and a man meet and are together – around a mutually made and kept relation – there is the most complete opening and exchange. It happens in the Person, since Jesus Christ is in the only and in the highest degree: a true God's man (Gott des Menschen) and a true Divine Man (Mensch Gottes). The phrase about the “humanity of God” – is Emmanuel, to whom we pass from the Christological centre, taking into consideration the theological and anthropological consequences following this movement.Pozycja The Personalist ‟Shift” in ChristologyBarth, Grzegorz (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2015)The article deals with the issue of the personalistic placement of contemporary Christology. The character of this approach is described by a direct, existential attitude toward the personal phenomenon of Jesus Christ. The analysis in question stems from the reading of the integral and complete humanity of Christ (verus et perfectus Homo) thanks to the use of personalistic language. This take releases the traditional Christology from the burden of con cepts that hinder the access to the personal mystery of the Saviour. Thus, the personalistic shift in Christology means that the “reality” under scrutiny is seen as an irreducible “point” of the existence of the God-Man who sets a radically new horizon of the acquisition of the truth that cannot be reduced to any concepts or formulae. This process is reflected by the principle of co-seemlines that is the modus of the personal covenant of the humanum and divinum that was literally and most fully realised in Christ, thereby giving an unparalleled perspective of speaking of God and of man. The profile of Christology directed existentially (the personalistic Christology) does not lose its scientific and methodological character or conceptual coherence, but it rather broadens the significance of these elements and puts them a radically new interpretative perspective.Pozycja Trójca Święta jako epifania inności. Wgląd hermeneutycznyBarth, Grzegorz (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2017)Tekst podejmuje zagadnienie inności, które stało się w ostatnich latach zajmujące, ale i kłopotliwe. Na co dzień doświadczamy bowiem różnych przejawów dyskryminacji, podejrzliwości, wykluczenia, które powodują nieporozumienia, podziały, konflikty. Wszystkie te okoliczności sprawiają, że inność jest traktowana przez współczesnych myślicieli, także teologów, jako palący problem. Myśl teologiczna, nawiązując do bogatej tradycji chrześcijańskiej wiary, w której głównym innym jest transcendentny Bóg, próbuje na nowo przemyśleć znaczenie tej prawdy we współczesnym kontekście. Może zaoferować w ten sposób rozumienie inności, które wypływa z refleksji nad Trójcą Świętą, w której trzy Osoby stoją w stosunku inności, gdzie ich nieredukowalne rozróżnienie staje się warunkiem możliwości ich relacji. Model ten stanowi propozycję dalszych poszukiwań sensu inności, zwłaszcza w obszarach: antropologii, socjologii, etyki, edukacji. W tekście ukazane są także niektóre stanowiska współczesnych myślicieli, którzy czerpiąc inspirację z tradycji chrześcijańskiej, rozwijają hermeneutykę inności.Pozycja Trynitarny charakter wiary chrześcijańskiejBarth, Grzegorz (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)The mystery of the Trinitarian God is not a theological puzzle, or an intriguing but distant bit of information about God that has no real bearing on our daily life. The faith in the Trinity creates the general spiritual environment in which Christians can live. To keep Trinity in the heart of the Christian faith, it must be treated seriously. It must be defined as the belief in a real Trinitarian God, who wanted to present Himself to humanity in this way. This postulate that is often called „a Trinitarian turn” imposes two main tasks on its followers: Firstly, to consolidate the whole variety of theological expositions in the light of the Trinitarian truth. Secondly, to find common grounds for the Trinitarian truth and the Christian and, generally, human experience. Realizing both tasks enlivens the perception of the Holy Trinity as a foundation for the perception and interpretation of the Christian doctrine, the totality of human life and of the universe.Pozycja Uznanie Boga jako afirmacja człowieka. O teotropicznej strukturze osoby ludzkiejBarth, Grzegorz (Uniwersytet Szczeciński, 2009)Pozycja W poszukiwaniu istoty miłości u Franciszka SawickiegoBarth, Grzegorz (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2010)In his attempt to explain the essence of love Franciszek Sawicki combines two principally contradictory conceptions: the traditional one according to which the sentiment of love is regarded as an element of the carnal part of the human being, and love is pushed into the sphere of the irrational; the phenomenological one that defines love as a complete, free, meaningful, and intentional act of response to a value. Now seeking a compromise, he tried to prove that we cannot describe the rich and complex reality of sentiments together with their attendant experiences by means of rigid linguistic and conceptual structures. Man’s emotional life and the phenomenon of love, as the foundation of his existence, are much richer than any mental system that fails to grasp this complexity or to justify it by means of reason. Undoubtedly, Sawicki should be most merited in this area for his attempt to bring back the proper place for the human emotional sphere.