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Pozycja Benedykta XVI wizja Kościoła jako komuniiCzaja, Andrzej (Uniwersytet Szczeciński, 2008)Pozycja Chrystusowy Duch a nowe życie człowieka. Zasadnicze orędzie encykliki „Dominum et Vivificantem”Czaja, Andrzej (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2007)The article presents the main core of John Paul Il's thought in the encyclical Dominimi et Vivificantem. In the author's opinion it is concerned with the Person and the salutary mission of the Holy Spirit and the results of His action. After a brief presentation of the rich contents of the encyclical subsequent paragraphs show the basic elements of the Pope’s teaching about who the Holy Spirit is, what His salutary mission in the world consists in. what content is hidden behind Christ’s message about the Spirit who gives life (cf. John 6, 63) and what issues from these for the Christian existence. The whole is concluded with the Pope’s program of developing the civilization of life that can be inferred from the encyclical.Pozycja Co Duch Święty mówi dzisiaj do Kościoła w Polsce?Czaja, Andrzej (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2016)Pozycja Diakonat w świetle nauki Katechizmu Kościoła Katolickiego. O trzech stopniach sakramentu święceńCzaja, Andrzej (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2001)Pozycja Duch Święty a rodzina Boża w świecie w interpretacji Benedykta XVICzaja, Andrzej (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2006)Pozycja Duch Święty darem EucharystiiCzaja, Andrzej (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2005)Within the frameworks of the pneumatological interpretation of the Eucharist one may rarely find discussion on how the Holy Spirit makes it possible and carries it out. The Eucharist is rarely treated as an event of the pouring out of the Holy Spirit, despite the belief that it is the sacrament of Passover and Pentecost. Meanwhile, the grounds for this perception of the Eucharist can be found both in theological and liturgical traditions, and they seem to be stemming out of John’s pneumatology which speaks about the passing over of the Spirit at the Offer on the Calvary (cf. John 19:30). In the first part of the paper the counsels of the Syrian Church Fathers, especially St. Efraim, are reminded. They concern the eating of the Fire of the Holy Spirit at the Communion. The rites and words of the Byzantine Liturgy are pinpointed as they clear reveal the mystery of the Eucharist. The second part discusses the announcement the Word of God in the Eucharist as a bearer of the Spirit of God. It focuses on the thought of Pope Paul VI from the Evangelii nuntiandi and the noteworthy remarks made by some theologians, i.e. Rudolf Bohren, the representative of the reformed Church.Pozycja „Ecclesia semper reformanda”. Perspektywa jutra Kościoła w PolsceCzaja, Andrzej (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2007)The author makes an analysis of the reform within the Church on the basis of the thought of three great authorities (Yves Congar, John Paul II and Benedict XVI) with the future of the Church in Poland in mind. In Part I he discusses what is a kind of the ABC of the reform in the Church. He points to the basic criterion and essence of the true reform, explains what its object and subject are and defines the conditions of a reform without a schism. In Part II, referring to John Paul Il’s thought, he makes his own suggestions for the reform of the Church in Poland. In Part III he presents those elements of Ratzinger-Benedict XVI’s ecclesiology that are an inspiration and that help to recognize the paths of real reform better. He explains what contents are behind the Pope’s appeal “Stay strong in the faith”, what the hermeneutics of continuity that he promotes in reforming the Church means, how he understands the mission of the Church towards the world and what he says about its realization; he also points to Benedict’s directions concerning the reform of liturgy and the participation in it.Pozycja Eklezjologia jedności – perspektywa rzymskokatolickaCzaja, Andrzej (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2010)The Roman Catholic thought on the unity of the Church has been basically developed in the scope of the ecclesiology of communion. Since the middle of eighties of 20th century the Roman Catholic Church started to define unity as the “communion-unity”. The article in a concise way presents five important issues relating to the Roman Catholic ecclesiology of unity. The Author starts his investigations taking into account the “communion-unity” phenomenon. He underlines that this kind of unity of the Church implies various participations in the same common essence, namely in one God, in one Mediator Jesus Christ, in one Spirit, in one common faith, in one Baptism and in one Eucharist. The “communion-unity” of the Church is a God’s gift and the fruit of God’s initiative, fulfilled in the Paschal Mystery. There are two levels of the ecclesial “communion-unity”: the universal communion of the faithful and the communion of Christian Churches. The second part of the article describes the fraternal fellowship (communion) of the faithful. The Roman Catholic ecclesiology of unity distinguishes two kinds of membership of Christians in the universal communion of the faithful: the full belonging of all Roman Catholics and the partial belonging of non-Catholics. The unity of the fellowship of Christian Churches is depicted in the third part of the article. Since the apostolic period there existed fellowships (communions) which were the local Churches. In each of them there is the whole Church, because in each of them the universal Church of Jesus Christ – one, holy, catholic and apostolic, has been manifested. The Church on the Earth has not only been the Body of many members in unity with the Head, but the Body of the Churches (corpus Ecclesiarum), the communion of the Churches (communio Ecclesiarum) as well. There exists a certain – although not perfect – implementation of the “communion-unity” between the Roman Catholic Church and the other Churches and ecclesial fellowships (communions). The care about the full unity of Christians, as the imperative of Christian conscience enlighten by faith and led by love, is stressed in the fourth part of the article. In order to restore the full communion of disciples of Christ it is necessary to restore the visible bonds, such as: faith, sacraments and supervision. The visible communion of the Church should be the reconcilled diversity, which does not contradict the unity; it should be the permanent unity in diversity. The Author in the concluding part of the article attempts to explain how to interpret the notion subsistit adopted by The Second Vatican Ecumenical Council. Describing the mystery of duration of the Catholic unity, the investigator clarifies that from the Roman Catholic point of view the conviction that the Church of Christ subsistit in her fullness in the Roman Catholic Church does not exclude the recognition of ecclesial existence and qualities of other Christian Churches and Fellowships. Above all one has to remember that the conciliar notion subsistit should be connected with an idea of the pre-existence of the Church in God’s intention.Pozycja Eklezjologia komunijna – próba określenia wartości i możliwości rozwojuCzaja, Andrzej (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2008)Pozycja Istota, specyfika i realizacja tożsamości kapłańskiejCzaja, Andrzej (Częstochowskie Wydawnictwo Archidiecezjalne "Regina Poloniae", 2010)Pozycja Jedność Europy a zbawcza misja KościołaCzaja, Andrzej (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2003)Pozycja Kościół – sakrament zbawczej komunii dla świataCzaja, Andrzej (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2002)The world is full of anxiety, uncertainty, conflicts, terrorism, and escalation of evil; the sense of injustice is always growing stronger, i.e. in the use of natural goods and the goods produced by human society. Such being the situation, the Church means a great chance. By virtue of God’s resolution, the Church is a wonderful gift for the world. It constitutes a sacrament of salvific unity (cf. K.K 9), that is, a sign and tool of the communion between man and God, and among people. As such, it may and should become a leaven, means, and pattern for building a peaceful co-existence and civilization of love in the world. This poses an enormous task for those who constitute the fellowship of the Church, the task to make the Church a home and school of communion (cf. NMI 43). This task results from the very essence of the church communion, and calls for the propagation of the spirituality of communion. One should incessantly accept the gift of Christ, the fullness of His grace and truth, which by the power of the Holy Spirit He conveys in the revealed word of God and the Sacraments. Only in this way can the divine-human communion and the communion among people be made present. It is much more permanent and vivid, for it participates in God’s life. Its propagation requires that its members be evangelically committed, concerned about apostolic identity, their own sanctity, and reconciled with others.Pozycja Ökumenische Anregungen der Ekklesiologie Heribert MühlensCzaja, Andrzej (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2000)Nauka o „uczasowieniu“ i tożsamości Ducha Chrystusa w chrześcijanach stanowi podstawowy element pneumatologicznej eklezjologii niemieckiego dogmatyka Heriberta Miihlena. Artykuł prezentuje wynikające z tej nauki sugestie dla eklezjologii dojrzewającej w międzywyznaniowych dialogach. Pierwszą z nich jest możliwość pneumatologicznego zinterpretowania elementów prawdziwego Kościoła (vestigia Ecclesiae). Jeżeli spojrzy się na niejako konkretne przejawy obecności i działania Ducha Świętego, wówczas nie trzeba pytać, ile elementów prawdziwego Kościoła jest w Kościołach podzielonych, ponieważ w każdym z nich jest „coś” z pełni Ducha, a On jest w nich „cały” obecny, jak jest „cały” obecny w poszczególnych osobach. Fakt tożsamości Ducha sprzeciwia się absolutyzowaniu kogokolwiek w Kościele. Nie może być mowy o jakimkolwiek panowaniu czy przywództwie jednego tylko człowieka, ponieważ nikt nie może sobie rościć prawa do reprezentowania pełni Chrystusowego Ducha. Z drugiej strony każdy wierny (nie tylko osoba duchowna) stanowi konkretyzację obecnego w nim sakralnego doświadczenia, czyli związania z Ojcem przez Syna w Duchu Świętym. Jest to ostateczna podstawa równości i braterstwa we wspólnocie wiernych (communio fidelium). źródło udziału wszystkich w zapośredniczaniu zbawienia innym oraz podstawowe kryterium integralnej wizji kościelnego urzędu. Na skutek „uczasowienia” Ducha Świętego wszystkie chrześcijańskie wspólnoty stoją w jakiejś historycznej ciągłości z historycznym Jezusem. Pozwala to mówić o jakiejś formie apostolskiej sukcesji we wszystkich Kościołach, nawet poreformacyjnych, mianowicie dzięki samoudzielaniu się Ducha, wnikaniu Ducha w proces przekazywania urzędu. Stąd i trzecia sugestia, że nie można wykluczyć apostolskiej sukcesji urzędu, mimo braku historycznego następstwa. Skoro Duch Święty jest ostatecznym Gwarantem sukcesji urzędu, nic nie stoi na przeszkodzie, aby dopuszczać nadzwyczajne drogi jej rozwoju. W ostatniej części artykuł prezentuje Miihlenowy model jedności Kościoła. Autor określa go modelem eklezjalnej koncyliarności. Wyraża on ten rodzaj wspólnoty, który św. Paweł uformował w 1 Kor 12; daje się streścić w zdaniu: jeden i ten sam Duch Święty udziela swoich darów także Kościołom rozdzielonym z własnej winy.Pozycja Potrzeba pogłębionej eklezjologii i formacji eklezjalnej w dzisiejszej sytuacji Kościoła w PolsceCzaja, Andrzej (Wydział Teologiczny Sekcja w Tarnowie Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II w Krakowie, 2015)Pozycja Problem pośrednictwa Ducha Świętego w posoborowej teologiiCzaja, Andrzej (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2004)Pozycja Wierzę w Ducha Ożywiciela – misterium zbawczego posłannictwa Ducha ŚwiętegoCzaja, Andrzej (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2004)Pozycja Wychowanie jako dzieło miłości. Perspektywa teologicznaCzaja, Andrzej (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2009)The author shows educating a man as a work of love. What he means is formation of the humanity by God who loves each man, and the cooperation of teachers and pedagogues in this work. He bases his argument on analysis of Pope John Paul II and Benedict XVI’s thought, and he clearly indicates education as a special form of evangelization, in which the teacher and the pedagogue’s role is to bring the pupil to Christ and to emerge him in His love, which requires a living faith on the part of the educator. Being faithful he looks at the pupil with Christ’s eyes and notices a lot more than can be seen on the outside. The article consists of four parts. In the first one the author presents basic elements of the Christian message on education. In the second part he points to the harmful mechanisms of the Polish schooling system. In the third part he develops the basic elements of his interpretation of education understood as forming humanity by God’s love and he defines man’s contribution to this work. The whole is concluded by suggestions for a modern educator.Pozycja Zasadnicze elementy teologii Słowa BożegoCzaja, Andrzej (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2008)The article is a presentation of basic elements of the theology of God’s Word developed in the Catholic Church more decidedly after the Vatican Council II. In the Introduction the author states that he is discussing the 12th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops in Rome that took place in the days 5-26 October 2008, and whose subject was “God’s Word in the Life and Mission of the Church” In order to make preparations for reading the document drawn up by the Synod he first proposes a reflection on the mystery and history of God’s Word. In the second part he writes about the efficiency of God’s Word, its function of making Christ present, its ecclesiological activity and indispensability for awakening man’s act of faith and for the dynamism of it. In the third part he points to the Holy Spirit as a source of power and at the same time a gift of God’s Word.Pozycja Znaczenie pneumatologii dla otwarcia ekumenicznegoCzaja, Andrzej (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2009)The article is an attempt to designate the significance of pneumatology for ecumenical openness of Christian Churches and Communities. It consists of three parts. Firstly, from the Roman Catholic perspective the Author indicates some reasons for necessity of taking into account and unceasing learning of pneumatology. It has been important to analyze negative results of the before Council closeness for the Holy Spirit in the Western ecclesiology as well as positive fruition of the openness for Him at Vatican II. The main part of the article turns a Reader’s attention towards the possibilities of mutual enriching by various components of pneumatology in the scope of the interpretation of an act of faith, the Word of God, Tradition, new humanity, connectedness of saving economy of the Son with that of the Holy Spirit, the identity of the Spirit in Christ and in Christians, saving mediation of the Spirit and His life-giving activity. The Author presents chances of ecumenical dialogue in the third part of the article. It would be possible to notice and use them if one undertakes the deeper afterthought on individual plots of pneumatology. He shows how to do it referring to three threads of ecclesiological pneumatology.