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Pozycja Charles-Claude Genest: Cartesianism and TheologyDrozdek, Adam (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2022)Charles-Claude Genest was a Catholic priest who in his versified work, Principles of philosophy, proposed evidence of the existence of God and of the immortality of the soul. In this undertaking he used as his philosophical foundation the ideas of Descartes, in particular, his cogito principle, the ontological argument for the existence of God, and his physical theory of vertices and the plenum. However, Genest used in his arguments to a much larger extent physico-theological ideas than Descartes did.Pozycja The five biblical compendia of Johann Jacob SchmidtDrozdek, Adam (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2021)Johann Jacob Schmidt, a pastor in eighteenth century Pomerania, was an author of five Biblical compendia intended as a help for a detailed study of the Bible. With the focus of the Holy Land, Schmidt provided in these compendia detailed description of the geography, history, customs, and natural knowledge including astronomy and medicine of Biblical times to show the veracity of the Bible and its relevance to any reader of any time, particularly in spiritual matters.Pozycja Hymn KleantesaDrozdek, Adam (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2002)Cleanthes’ hymn is unique among extant fragments of the Early Stoa in respect to its form and its content. Cleanthes says that poetry is closest to theological truth and the truth that Cleanthes brings to the fore more than other Stoics is the personal character of God. God is a person and men can, and ought to, treat him accordingly by directing their prayers and worship to him. The hymn indicates that the Stoics were not fully satisfied with the discussion of theological matters in philosophical treatises in the context of physics, cosmology, and logic. The knowledge of logical laws allows man to know Logos, the knowledge of physics leads to the recognition of God as an active principle and designing fire. To see what is a proper relation of man to God, a literary form should be used in which the personal character of this relation is best seen. Cleanthes’ hymn is saturated with the Stoic philosophy, but it also goes beyond this philosophy by indicating its inadequacy in respect to fulfilling spiritual needs of man. With this hymn, Cleanthes becomes a forerunner of the Roman Stoicism with its emphasis placed on religion and ethics.Pozycja Istota cła antydumpingowego jako instrumentu prawnofinansowego ochrony gospodarki Unii Europejskiej – wybrane zagadnienia intertemporalneDrozdek, Adam (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2018)The entrepreneur introducing into the European Union market goods covered with pending anti-dumping investigation should be aware that the introduction of such goods is related with registration thereof and, at a later date, with the possibility to apply increased anti-dumping duty. Measures such as goods registration and temporary anti-dumping duties allow reaching antidumping proceedings’ objectives comprising the European Union market protection against detrimental practices incompliant with the market economy principles. Anti-dumping duty collected by customs authorities of Member States constitutes a legal-financial sanction consisting in applying selective protection that is, directed against import from strictly defined countries, and is oriented on a specific group of products or even on a single product. In comparison with traditional market protection instruments, anti-dumping customs are more flexible and can be implemented unilaterally. Deliberations elaborated herein are aimed at discussing the issue of stipulating anti-dumping customs in inter-temporal understanding.Pozycja Johann Gottlob Krüger on science and religionDrozdek, Adam (Wydawnictwo Archidiecezji Przemyskiej, 2023)Johann Gottlob Krüger was an eighteenth-century German physician and naturalist and an author of scholarly works and works popularizing science. He was also keenly interested in theology and in the age of popularity of physico-theology, he could easily use his scholarly knowledge in pursuing some theological issues. In particular, as presented in this article, he wrote about the Leibnizian thesis about this world being the best possible and about theodicy.Pozycja Lunin’s Sustaining FaithDrozdek, Adam (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2013)Michaił Łunin skazany został na zesłanie na Sybir za udział w ruchu dekabrystów. Podczas swego pobytu w Paryżu i w Polsce Łunin przyjął katolicyzm i odtąd wiara ta stanowią dla niego źródło siły i intelektualnej inspiracji podczas jego dwudziestoletniego zesłania. Artykuł analizuje wypowiedzi Łunina w kwestiach teologicznych oraz na temat roli Kościoła w życiu jednostek i w życiu społecznym.Pozycja Madame Swetchine and Her FaithDrozdek, Adam (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2011)Zofia Swieczina (1782-1857) od dzieciństwa związana była z dworem carskim. W 1815 przyjęła katolicyzm i wkrótce potem wyemigrowała wraz z mężem do Francji. W Paryżu otworzyła salon uczęszczany przez wielu znanych intelektualistów, gdzie dyskutowano przede wszystkim kwestie religijne i sprawy związane z polityką kościelną. Swieczina nic nie opublikowała za swego życia, lecz pozostawiła po sobie ogromną ilość notatek i listów. Była świetnie oczytana i interesowała się wszelkimi aspektami teologii, lecz nie pozostawiła po sobie systematycznego wykładu teologii. W niniejszym artykule zaprezentowane zostały niektóre tematy dyskutowane przez Swieczinę: kwestia stosunku człowieka do Boga, sprawa relacji między Kościołem Katolickim a Kościołem Prawosławnym oraz kwestia uniwersalizmu Kościoła. Artykuł prezentuje również gwałtowną i wrogą reakcję w Rosji na wydanie przez de Falloux pism i listów Swiecziny.Pozycja Noël-Antoine Pluche and the Spectacularity of NatureDrozdek, Adam (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2020)The article present views of abbé Pluche whose books were very popular in 18th century France. In his Spectacle of nature and The history of the heavens he wanted to stir in his readers an interest in the world around them. Nature is a book written by God, the creator of this nature, and by reading it properly, people can see the providential care of God. To combat atomism and randomness, Pluche introduced in his physics many elementary substances as foundational elements, of which particularly important was light. Pluche devoted considerable attention to the problem of the origin of religion and religious rites. For Pluche, monotheism was the original religious faith and idolatry was a later religious development which was basically a perversion of monotheism.Pozycja Peter Ahlwardt’s Theology of ThunderDrozdek, Adam (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2020)Peter Ahlwardt, an eighteenth-century professor at the University in Greifswald, is primarily remembered as the author of the Bronto-theology, in which he presented his thunder-theology – an idea which belongs to a very strong physico-theology movement at that time. This article situates this very small portion of physico-theology in the context of Ahlwardt’s philosophy and theology. In his epistemology, Ahlwardt stressed the need for reason in understanding and appreciating revelation. Conversely, he also required that reason should be illuminated by the Holy Spirit, thereby stating that the revelation is the final authority. Ahlwardt rejected the idea of an inborn concept of God – thus, the only way open to the knowledge of God is a posteriori from God’s creation. Ahlwardt proved the existence of God from self-awareness. Creation exists to show God’s infinite perfections, and humans, as rational creatures, should investigate nature to see these perfections and learn about the will of God. Like other physico-theologians, Ahlwardt used his investigation of thunder and lightning to show that they are manifestations of God’s attributes. Relying on the perfection and the unity of God’s attributes, Ahlwardt argued that these investigated atmospheric phenomena are as much the manifestations of God’s wrath as of His love; they make people see the greatness of God’s splendour and make them think about God’s perfections.Pozycja Pojęcie i istota piastowskiego cłaDrozdek, Adam (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2015)Pozycja Polemics of Arsenii MatseevichDrozdek, Adam (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2015)Arsenii Matseevich, an important ecclesiastical figure, defended the doctrine of Orthodox Church from schismatics, in particular, from attacks of Ioasif, who, among others, wanted to abolish the Orthodox priesthood. Matseevich was also involved in polemics with Lutherans who criticized Iavorskii’s monumental The Rock of faith. The article discusses arguments Matseevich used against schismatics and Lutherans. Matseevich was an isolated vocal voice that opposed the idea of secularization of the Church. The article describes arguments he used to retain the dignity of the Church and even to restore it to the former glory. For all his efforts Catherine II put him in prison where he died.Pozycja Pososhkov’s narrow pathDrozdek, Adam (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2012)The paper presents Ivan Pososhkov (1652–1726). He was a Russian merchant, an entrepreneur, and a landowner. His major work was titled The Book on Poverty and Wealth (1724, published in 1842). The author’s aim is to show Pososhkov’s thought about the schismatics, Protestants, particularly, the Lutherans, and the clergy. One of the parts is dedicated to Pososhkov’s vision of the place of piety in the personal life. All these parts show Pososhkov as a self-appointed teacher whose intention was the defense of traditional Orthodox faith of the official Orthodox Church.Pozycja Prawo postępu i prawo moralne w teologii BolzanaDrozdek, Adam (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 1998)Pozycja Różnice i podobieństwa pomiędzy cłem a podatkiem jako daninami publicznymi pobieranymi w międzynarodowym obrocie towarowym – wybrane zagadnieniaDrozdek, Adam (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2017)The article constitutes another contribution to the debate regarding the place of customs in the system of public levies. Customs have been for ages seen as a benefit collected from persons trading internationally. Currently, the institution of customs as the only public levy collected by Polish customs authorities, contributes not only to the state budget, but it primarily constitutes income of a public-law union, that is, the European Union. Customs is frequently an element of trade policy of the European Union and predominantly provides protection for the Union market, it is aimed at preventing import of selected goods. Nevertheless, it has always performed a fiscal function as the public-law union’s income.Pozycja Tatishchev and Necessity of TheologyDrozdek, Adam (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II w Krakowie, 2010)Tatiszczew był zdolnym administratorem, lecz pamięta się go dziś głównie ze względu na monumentalną Historię rosyjską, wydaną dopiero po jego śmierci. Zalicza się go głównych przedstawicieli Oświecenia w Rosji. Choć uważał się za niekompetentnego w dziedzinie filozofii i teologii, rozważał zagadnienia teologiczne i filozoficzne w Rozmowie dwóch przyjaciół o pożytku wiedzy i szkół, w Historii oraz w Testamencie. Wierzył, że dusza jest doskonała i że ciało jest przeszkodą w ujawnianiu jej doskonałości, że wszystko, co Bóg stworzył, jest dobre, a zło płynie z nieumiarkowanego użytkowania tego, co stworzone. Wierzył w istnienie dwóch praw - naturalnego i objawionego - i próbował bez powodzenia obydwa prawa pogodzić. Podkreślał wagę edukacji jako drogi do porządnego życia, a podstawą edukacji miała być znajomość praw boskich, a więc teologia. Miał wielki respekt dla Piotra I i dla wszelkiej władzy, nawet niekompetentnej, co wynikało z jego przekonania, że wszelka władza pochodzi od Boga. Wyraża się w tym jego wiara w opatrznościowy wpływ Boga na losy poszczególnych ludzi i całych narodów, w czym zdecydowanie był przeciwnikiem deizmu.