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Pozycja Flint Stone Heritage: Religion and Technical IdeologyEggen, Wiel (Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne, 2015)Referring to the Nazi Germany war-ideology the author examines if their high-tech succession of the flint stone processing heritage should count as a Promethean revolt against, or as a result of the revealed religion. The application of Girard’s mimetic theory leads to the conclusion that a third alternative is plausible, opening the perspective of a less bellicose exploit of the prime technical potential.Pozycja Girard’s gender neutrality and faithful feminismEggen, Wiel (Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne, 2013)When René Girard applied his discovery about the role of mimesis in human social life to analyse the origin of culture and religion, he tackled Freud an Lévi-Strauss for placing sexual relations rather than the sacrificial solution of rivalries at the centre. In so doing he ignored the role of gender in the sacrificial schemes by stressing that rivalries indiscriminately affect both genders. With the help of studies by Levinas and Kristeva, of some anthropological discoveries, and an alternative reading of the biblical trajectory from Genesis to the Book of Revelation, the article tries to show how Girard’s mimetic theory can both uphold gender neutrality and advance a Christian feminist option.Pozycja Posługa duszpasterska a teoria mimetyczna: zarys kursuBurakowska, Agnieszka; Eggen, Wiel (Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne, 2013)Artykuł prezentuje zarys treści czteroletniego kursu na studiach doktoranckich i podyplomowych, którego kanwę stanowi teoria mimetyczna Girarda spajająca wykłady z antropologii, teologii biblijnej i dogmatyki. Na pierwszym roku podejmowane są zagadnienia początków Izraela, następnie okres Drugiej Świątyni, na trzecim – synoptyczne i Pawłowe ujęcie nowości Jezusa Chrystusa, na czwartym – Janowa wizja zbawienia człowieka. Ponadto, po ogólnym wprowadzeniu, w ciągu trzech kolejnych lat Autorzy kursu korzystają z trójfunkcyjnej hipotezy Georgesa Dumézila dotyczącej kultury europejskiej, rozważając kryzys w świecie idei, kwestię przywództwa oraz konkretną, duszpasterską pomoc. Mimetyczna interpretacja wszystkich sakramentów z Eucharystią w centrum przynosi świeże spojrzenie na sprawy pastoralne i duchowe.Pozycja That they be all – together holy in truth (Jn 17,19)Burakowska, Agnieszka; Eggen, Wiel (Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne, 2011)In a succinct formula, Jn 17,19 describes the foundation of the Church as our sharing in the holiness and truth to which Jesus commits himself. To ponder the depth of this verse the article calls on René Girard’s mimetic theory and Jan Patočka’s phenomenology. e latter’s notion of ‘care of the soul’ in Socratic sense illustrates what it means to shun any distraction from commitment to the ‘wholeness of the world’, whereas Girard’s theory of the dominant mimesis shows how this openness is constantly pulled into the mechanism of scapegoating and rivalry. Together they portray the immense challenge of humanity, being called to a total truthfulness of integrity, to which the faith of Christ opens the way. For them the truth has a practical dimension: responsibility for oneself and the world (Patočka) and overcoming in oneself sacrificial logic.Pozycja The use and abuse of the scapegoatEggen, Wiel (Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne, 2013)This paper discusses Girard’s discovery of the undoing by the biblical tradition of a mechanism on which human culture rests worldwide. His literary studies brought him to the analysis of religious traditions and to the insight that sacrificial means are used in all human conduct to counterbalance the mimetic dependence by which people fear to lose their autonomy. Their common form is scapegoating, but Christ’s radicalization of the biblical message has exposed and invalidated its efficacy. The article discusses the quandary that emerged from this and the possible answer to the threatening derailment of society.