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Pozycja Czas udzielania chrztuFedorowicz, Szymon (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2000)The time of administering baptism has changed in the Church throughout the centuries. On the one hand it was influenced by the current state of theological reflection on the issue of baptism in general and the subject of sin, forgiveness and redemption of man, and on the other, by the current objectives and pastoral situation, which more than once required the departure from traditional way of administering baptism. Gradually, the concern about man's redemption started wining over the consciousness of the essential substance of this sacrament. Nevertheless, the basic truth that effectiveness of baptism is derived from the paschal event has never been forgotten. The solutions applied by the Church at the end of 20th c. expertly combine the two factors, retaining constant faithfulness to the tradition and sensible flexibility in its service.Pozycja Dalsze i bliższe okoliczności zredagowania „Znaku Świątyni” przez Jeana Daniélou (1905-1974)Fedorowicz, Szymon (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 1996)Pozycja Kościół a Eucharystia w pierwszych wiekach chrześcijaństwaFedorowicz, Szymon (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2003)The Eucharist builds the Church, the Church offers the Eucharist – this concise and frequently repeated statement may summarise the whole instruction the Fathers left in their writings on the connection between the Church and the Eucharist A defined vision of the Church which emerges from the writings is not complete, but clear and authentic. The Fathers' statements touch the most essential matters, thus aptly pointing to what the Church and her nature are. Applying such pictures as the betrothed, paradise, house of God, Body of Christ to the Church is common in the whole tradition, whereas describing her reality with the help of such notions as pre-existence, wedding feast, sacredness, freedom, mutual love, unity indicates revealing the truth about Her at the very core. All this complements each other, but – what needs to be stressed here – serves as an illustration, or partial explanation and more still as initiation in the mystery of the Eucharist itself, because of which and for which the Church does exist. Mutual complementation between the reality of the Eucharist and the Church, which the Fathers traced in Biblical texts, will be taken up by later theology. It will deepen and systematise an intuitive approach of ancient Christians. The process will last for centuries, many a time amidst disputes and struggling with mistakes, but will always be a fruit of a study, deeply religious in nature, of the mystery of Christ and the Church.Pozycja Liturgia biskupia Wielkiego Czwartku w wawelskich ceremoniałach z XVI wiekuFedorowicz, Szymon (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2009)Pozycja Ołomuniecki pontyfikał na WaweluFedorowicz, Szymon (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II w Krakowie, 2009)Pozycja Typologia biblijna według Jeana DaniélouFedorowicz, Szymon (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2000)Biblical typology is an exegetic method which was commonly used by the Fathers of Church. In the Middle Ages and later it was gradually dismissed and forgotten, but then renewed in theology as one of the ttends of Biblical and patristic revival in the middle of the 20 century. This revival was brouglit about gradually in the midst of hot arguments, as well as serious discussions. A great adherent of typology and its earnest scholar and propagator was a distinguished French theologian J. Danielou SI, who devoted a vast part of his scientific work and writing to this issue. J. Danielou’s enthusiastic zeal in discovering and popularization of typological exegesis of the Fathers of Church inspired numerous works in the field of patristics. They are as yet inaccessible for Polish readers, which seems to be a loss for the priests and faithful alike since the method, which was applied by the Fathers of Church and which J. Danielou brought into the contemporary world with such a zeal, can be very usefil nowadays. At the ttrm of the century man does not cease to be sensitive to information conveyed with the help of material representations which speak to him sfrongly due to their nattral suggestiveness. At the time of visual image having a predominant role in communication, the fiinction of an ancient method seems to be irreplaceable. Great pastoral experience of Church gathered through centuries as well as the wealth of artistic representations of all Christian truths, which are scattered all over the world, equips catechesis with a powerful evangelizational tool; the one which it would be good to use.Pozycja Wawelskie kolektarze jako źródło poznania liturgii katedralnej w XVI wiekuFedorowicz, Szymon (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2010)Dans l’archive cathédrale cracovienne au Wawel se trouvent deux manuscrits liturgiques du XVI siècle, appelés collectaires. Ces livres se ressemblent fortement, mais les différences entre eux sont insignifiantes. Néanmoins, ces différences n’existent pas dans le contenu des formules de prières y présentes. Les collectaires étaient crées à Cracovie, destinés pour la cathédrale du lieu, alors pour la liturgie de la plus importante église du diocèse. Ces deux manuscrits presque de même époque témoignent de la même liturgie cathédrale, donc ils sont une bonne source pour sa connaissance. Pour apprécier leur valeur comme des sources nous approchons leur nature, puis leur contenu concret. Le témoignage des collectaires de Wawel n’est pas complet, car comme tels ils restaient les livres non autonomes. Néanmoins, ils parlent beaucoup de soins portés à la liturgie dans cette époque, de son arrangement, puis de son esthétique. D’ailleurs, en général, le contenu de collectaires était pris des autres livres liturgiques, ou bien, il était plus tard transféré aux autres. Pour examiner et recréer la liturgie de l’Eglise locale ou d’un sanctuaire indiqué il est nécessaire de faire des liaisons avec d’autres livres: bréviaires, missels, agendas. A ce moment-là, on peut obtenir une image relativement complète d’une liturgie célébrée jadis quelques part. Mais, quanL à la valeur de collectaire pour les buts cognitifs décidera toujours un exemplaire unique et concret.