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Pozycja Grundlinien der Ethik von Maximilian BeckFerrer, Urbano (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2012)Beck, a member of the Göttingen-Munich phenomenological circle and direct disciple of Alexander Pfänder, defends an acute realism with respect to both physical things and human psychism. The first section analyses consciousness and freedom as features of moral personality. Consciousness is not merely intentional direction to objects but also immediate apprehension of them, whereas the I means the individual enclosed in itself. Analogously, the will can open itself to reality in its concretion through love or it can engage solely in the search for selfish ends. All moral fulfilment reaches this crossroad proper to a realist anthropology. The second section presents an analogous disjunctive in the political sphere: either the democratic will which is guided by the common good or the isolation fostered in the XX century by nationalisms and by the colectiviste State. Choosing the former entails discarding all psychologist (like in Nietzsche) and socioeconomic (proper to Marxism) reductionism and respecting the intrinsic dignity of the person.Pozycja La noción de experiencia ética en Karol WojtylaFerrer, Urbano (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2014)The History of Ethics has often dissociated experience and rational normativity, which are the epistemological components of Ethics. Scheler has tried the synthesis of both through the phenomenological a prioris. But this experience is emotional and thus does not integrate enough in itself the person. This article analyses and develops the thesis of Wojtyla that there is a phenomenological experience which is simultaneously anthropological and ethical. For such an experience reveals the person in acting and her moral growth with the dinamysm of the person.Pozycja Perspectivas de la etica civil. Valores democraticos y virtudes civicasFerrer, Urbano (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2012)The paper starts with focusing on three forms in which ‘Civil Ethics’ can be considered, according to whether we approach it from the minimum Ethics common to the citizens, or universal rights, or the ethical backbone of civil society. Subsequently, the paper examines historical reasons that account for the imposition of the above mentioned. Which would there be the most suitable one? If civil freedom and equality are to be ethical and metaphysical mainstays of democratic values, the article shows the weakness of the first two approaches. As the third one is concerned, it seems to be fruitful insofar as democratic values are accompanied by civic virtues, which are the only ones that can make them effective. The article is concluded with an analysis of the virtues of responsibility, strength, and prudence with the particular connotation that they have in the realm of public life.Pozycja Sobreelevación de la solidaridad a Cuerpo de CristoFerrer, Urbano (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2013)The article opens with an exposition of the notion of solidarity as an interpersonal link, in opposition to the conventional association of individuals. In the first instance, such solidarity characterizes the Eucharistic communion which embraces those who feed from the same Bread and Wine, and is not understood as a passive effect of the sacrament, but as moral virtue which springs up from the cooperation with Jesus the Redeemer. Secondly, solidarity assimilates the life of a man to that of his Saviour which is echoed with the words of St. Paul: “and yet I am alive; yet it is no longer I, but Christ living in me” (Ga. 2, 20). And, thirdly, solidarity, which finds its basis in the Eucharist, can not expect its fulfilment in this earthly life of man, but only in reaching the glorious floor of heaven.