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Pozycja Amo ergo sum. Osoba i personalizm w myśli ks. Wincentego GranataGuzowski, Krzysztof (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2005)Pozycja Antropologia autonomiczna a antropologia teonomiczna: próba syntezyGuzowski, Krzysztof (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2010)This paper brings close the human hermeneutic horizons of autonomous man and theonomous man, i.e. those approaches that result from the experience of transcendence or its lack. In its conception of man, Christianity takes Incarnation as its starting point. In the light of Incarnation, transcendence and immanence are mixed in the life and Person of Jesus Christ. Christianity is not an ideology, but it stresses the historical and personal experience of God- Man whose Person and life compose the foundation on which to understand the whole of reality. It is on this view that our perception of ethics depends. Ethics is different if this point is disregarded. However, ethics should always have primacy over politics. In order to cherish an overall human scope, ethics should be based on integral anthropology that respects all dimensions of the person: individual, social, spiritual, religious, the internal and external aspects. Contemporary personalism emphasises all the essential traits of the person, among which we find transcendence, freedom, relational and dialogical character. The person is fulfilled in relations because it is a relationship with regard to his or her essence. Christian ethics that is built on the foundation of personalistic anthropology recognises the dimension of human transcendence, especially in relation to persons and values. It does not reject, however, a different point of view, but at the same time disagrees to any discrimination of its position in the world of human values. A patient and concrete dialogue, such that aims at the good of every human being is the foundation of scientific ecumenism. This integral model of reality open to the dignity of each person and his social dimension is given by personalism. Only in the perspective of the person can we build a level of understanding and this should be a universal principle.Pozycja Christ as the Face of the Father’s Mercy. A Top-Down and Theophanic Conception of God’s MercyGuzowski, Krzysztof (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2016)The author of the article Christ as the face of the Father’s mercy. A top-down and theophanic conception of God’s Mercy draws the most fundamental approach to the mystery of mercy as a form of the inner revelation of the Triune God's life from the ample Polish literature devoted to the issue of God’s Mercy, and analyzes it. Also practicing mercy, according to this conception, may be done in the right way if its features are recognized in Jesus Christ the Incarnated Son’s deeds. The author calls this perspective of theology of mercy “a top-down conception”, as humanity is not able to comprehend the essence of mercy without the aid of the supernatural world that, on the one hand, shows what God is like in His essence, and on the other, how one should follow God to be saved. God's self-revelation in the salutary events becomes – according to the author – the best interpretation key of God's theology of mercy, showing His Trinitarian character.Pozycja Chrystologia hermeneutycznaGuzowski, Krzysztof (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1998)The author of the article presents a new concept in Christology, which; originated in Poland and was based on Polish personalism, personalistic hermeneutics and a personalistic view (understanding) of history. Rev. Czeslaw S. Bartnik, professor in the Catholic University of Lublin, is the author of these three spheres of theological and philosophical thought. The author has come to the conclusion in his article that the originality of professor Bartnik scientific output can be best presented by emphasizing the lines and hermeneutic assumptions within the sphere of the so-called hermeneutic Christology. It was discussed in a book which is available only in Polish, entitled Chrystus jako sens historii (Christ as the sense of history), 1987. It is necessary to emphasize the peculiarity of realistic personalism developed by Bartnik; according to him a person is a keystone of general history, of the history of salvation and also of objective and subjective history. Bartnik claims that „There is no history without a person, only nature” and that „grace does not concern nature but a person. [...] A person is a hermeneutic center; all lines of both objective and subjective history meet and exchange in a person” The concepts of personalistic hermeneutics and personalistic vision of history are also very original. Bartnik discusses these three lines of his assumtions mainly in consideration of Christology and within its range. No reference to other important systems w ill be made here so as not to obscure the originality of Bartnik’s concepts and it only necessary to emphasize the personalistic character of knowledge and understanding used in hermeneutic Christology. According to these assumption, the Person of Christ is no longer the resultant of reality or a subjective intentional category, but in his very Person He becomes a hermeneutic challenge and constitutes the fundamental principium hermeneuticum omnis entis. Learning about Christ brings about the fact that it is He who decides, creates, explains and interprets the general existence of a man, of the world and of history in the existencial aspect (synchronic, structural), in the historical aspect (diachronic, dynamic) and, finally, in the creative aspect (concerning the relation between reality and man). The vision of hermeneutic Christology (closely connected with Christological hermeneutics because o f the use of the personalistic method) discussed in the article has been presented by means of the so-colled hermeneutic triangle. It brings together all the main components of the hermeneutic process: data, context and interpreter. In short, it can be said that the „data” is the Person of Christ, whom a man learns about gradually in many dimentions; not only intentionally and intellectually on the basis of the text of the New Testament. Knowledge about the Person of Christ influences our self-understanding, involvement in faith. The Spirit of Christ brings about the fact that His history becomes a light for our history. The „context” is ecclesiological (Church as a community of persons in Christ) both for the „data” and for the „interpreter” Bartnik’s article entitled Kerygmatic Christ (Chrystus kerygmatyczny) written in 1982, speaks for itself: the kerygma of Church community not only repeats the Good News but also complements the history of Christ and explains that the starting point for the „interpreter” is not nothing but it is the faith of Church. Objective and subjective faith complement each other. History helps theological knowledge because history unveils sense. A man learns about the world not only by means of his mind but also thanks to the light of the Holy Spirit. That is how Christ becomes Self-Interpreter, Interpreter and the One thanks to whom a man and the world make sens. In this Christological vision it is clearly seen that applied hermeneutics is not textual but personal and that personalism is not just a part of anthropology but a universal system.Pozycja Chrystus kerygmatu a Chrystus dogmatu. Propozycja syntezy według personalizmuGuzowski, Krzysztof (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2008)The problem of the Church’s identity is founded on the statement about the identity of the Christ of the kerygma and the Christ of the dogma. The question often appeared if the Christ of the New Testament is the same as the Christ of the Church. Presenting the process of passing from the kerygma to the dogma and from the dogma to the kerygma, the author of the article shows that we only have the access to the historical Jesus through the faith of the Church that is historically concrete. In order to unite the two options in Christology: the historical-salutary one and the ontological one, the author uses the rules of the so-called personalistic hermeneutics that allow joining events and persons, and in this case joining the individual history of Jesus of Nazareth and the events of the cross, sacrifice and resurrection. In this way Christ becomes the key for understanding man and God’s salutary economy.Pozycja Chrystus obliczem miłosierdzia Ojca. Koncepcja odgórna i teofanijna Bożego MiłosierdziaGuzowski, Krzysztof (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2016)Autor artykułu Chrystus obliczem miłosierdzia Ojca. Koncepcja odgórna i teofanijna Bożego Miłosierdzia wydobywa z bogatej literatury polskiej na temat Bożego Miłosierdzia i analizuje najbardziej fundamentalne ujęcie misterium miłosierdzia jako formy objawienia wewnętrznego życia Boga Trójjedynego. Również praktykowanie miłosierdzia, według tej koncepcji, może być właściwie prowadzone, jeśli się rozpozna jego cechy w działaniu Jezusa Chrystusa, Syna Wcielonego. Autor nazywa tę perspektywę teologii miłosierdzia „koncepcją odgórną”, gdyż ludzkość nie jest w stanie pojąć istoty miłosierdzia bez pomocy światła nadprzyrodzonego, które z jednej strony pokazuje jaki jest Bóg co do swej istoty, z drugiej jak należy naśladować Boga, by się zbawić. Samoobjawienie Boga w wydarzeniach zbawczych staje się − według autora − najlepszym kluczem interpretacyjnym teologii miłosierdzia Bożego, oddającym jego trynitarny charakter.Pozycja Credo in Spiritum Sanctum. Konsekwencje doktrynalne i pastoralne wiary w Ducha Świętego jako osobęGuzowski, Krzysztof (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)The author shows the use of the concept of person in determining the essence of the Holy Trinity and the influence of this category on doctrinal and pastoral activities of the Church. The most important conclusion that results from this paper is that renewing the Church, and renewing the faith of the Church can only take place on condition of acknowledging the direct, that is personal, presence of the Holy Spirit in the life of each believer and in the Church community. This conclusion is postulated on the basis of an in-depth study of the development of the concept of person in Trinitarian theology.Pozycja Duch Święty w „profetycznym” sakramencie kapłaństwaGuzowski, Krzysztof (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2001)The fact that the priesthood is still valid cannot be shown only from the point of view of sociological analyses. The author reveals the theological “topicality” of the priesthood in the pneumatological perspective. Consequently, the grace of vocation and the grace of the sacrament of the priesthood are shown in a continual line as incessant calling, and as reviving the work and the Person of the Saviour through the persons who are called. Owing to the historical method, the sacrament of the priesthood is no longer viewed as something static or individual: vocation and the sacrament are placed within vocation and breath, which Christ gave to the whole Church. The holy Spirit ensures that the Church will not be put at a standstill in the formalism of repeated liturgical gestures, but it will always live with the same charisms which revived the first post-Paschal fellowship. The author reminds us that the priesthood has a prophetic and eschatological character towards history and culture, for it does not so much updates the past as it makes present the future: God comes to us from the future. The nature of the charismatic Church is not in contradiction to its hierarchical nature; the offices in the theology of the apostles also bear a charismatic character. The point is that both critics and advocates too often make use of psychological-legal rhetoric. What we need is appropriate hermeneutics in ecclesiology and sacramentology. Such that can be created by means of pneumatology and personalistic assumptions.Pozycja Eucharystia jest „osobą”. Jezus Chrystus osobowym przymierzem podzielonych światówGuzowski, Krzysztof (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2007)Pozycja Humanizm personalistyczny w koncepcji ks. Wincentego GranataGuzowski, Krzysztof (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2009)The article discusses the conception of personalistic humanism as it was defined by the Lublin dogmatist and personalist, Rev. Prof. Wincenty Granat. According to him only maintaining the concept of the person as an actually existing being may prevent the humanist thought from being manipulated by ideology or subjectivism. Reduction anthropologies approaching only a certain aspect of the truth about man are not – in the theologian’s opinion – sufficient for protecting the dignity of the human person. The author of the article, Krzysztof Guzowski, emphasizes that in Granat’s conception the truth of the Incarnation and the very teaching by Jesus are significant arguments for the thesis that the term “personalistic humanism” may include evangelical humanism. Jesus not only affirms human nature by His Incarnation, but He expresses the same by His teaching and His attitude as well.Pozycja Jana Pawła II interpretacja miłości Trójjedynego. Encyklika „Dominum et Vtvificantem” odczytana po dwudziestu latachGuzowski, Krzysztof (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2006)Twenty years ago, i.e. on 18th May 1986 the encyclical letter about the Holy Spirit Dominum et Vivificantem was published. It closed the triad of John Paul II’s trinitary encyclicals. The encyclical about the Holy Spirit is exceptional for three reasons: 1) it is a result of a mystic experience and has the character of a theological meditation; 2) in contrast to the preceding encyclicals, which were about human suffering, this encyclical spoke loudly about God’s suffering – the rejected Love which still gives life to the mortal world. In this encyclical John Paul II sought to show the Church and the world where they could find the proper strength of humankind and the true source of personal life. In the Dominum et Vivificantem room must have been made to “convict the world in regard to sin” This “conviction” cannot be a work of man, for the very core of sin is inherent in “killing God” in the human soul, in separating creation from the Creator, in distorting its own essence. In the perspective of the New Millennium of Christianity, and in view of the unheard-of rejection of God, John Paul II wished to tell especially all the people of the Church, all baptised, that the only guarantee of a new and good future is the Holy Spirit. The power of God’s life and love, which does not shrink when opposed by evil, is the only alternative to contemporary nihilism. The encyclical is therefore a prophetic calling for a return to God, to trust in Him and respond to His love.Pozycja Jezus Chrystus – prawda dająca życieGuzowski, Krzysztof (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2013)The article Jesus Christ – the life-giving truth considers the personalistic and Christological conception of truth, whose theoretical foundations can be found in St John the Evangelist’s writings. This discovery of a typically Christian definition of truth in the 1980s has not been taken full advantage of for building bridges between orthodoxy and orthopraxy. In the article we can find suggestions to practice theology in such a way that, on the one hand, it would be able to analyze present events, and on the other it could maintain a sufficient distance to assess them. The work and Person of Jesus Christ became a model of this combination, as he preached truth with His word and His life in order to lead people to salvation.Pozycja Kościół z Ducha Świętego. Pneumatologiczne podstawy jedności w różnorodnościGuzowski, Krzysztof (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2015)Autor artykułu przedstawił jeden z głównych tematów eklezjologii pneumatologicznej: pneumatologiczne podstawy jedności Kościoła w różnorodności. Duch Święty jest tu ukazany nie tylko jako twórca jedności, ale także jako podmiot komunii Kościoła. To „odgórne” spojrzenie na genezę Kościoła i jego strukturę pozwala odrzucić wszelkie nieuzasadnione przeciwstawianie elementu charyzmatycznego instytucjonalnemu. Jedność w Kościele, której źródłem jest Duch Święty, jest dla grzesznych członków Kościoła nie tylko faktem, ale i zadaniem. Autor artykułu zwraca uwagę na niebezpieczeństwo pomieszania wniosków natury socjologicznej i teologicznej.Pozycja Ks. Jerzy Szymik, Teologia. Rozmowa o Bogu i człowieku, Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL 2008, ss. 366.Guzowski, Krzysztof (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2008)Pozycja Mary as a Mystical Paradise. A Concept of Symbolic and Mystical Mariology of Jacek Majewski OPGuzowski, Krzysztof (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2017)A demonstration of the 17th-century Mariology can be found in a book by Jacek Majewski, a Dominican monk, entitled Pustynia w Ray Zamieniona (“A Desert Made Into a Paradise”), which was published in Lublin in 1753. The author presents Mary as a mystical paradise indwelt by God and full of Divine gifts growing in her like the flowers and springs of the Paradise. J. Majewski’s treatise differs from contemporary works especially in terms of the language and line of argument. Although Pustynia w Ray Zamieniona is steeped in symbols, comparisons, allegories and spiritual meanings, it evades the arbitrariness of free associations. Each symbol and metaphor refer to Scripture and concern God’s true activity in human history. In order to fully appreciate the publication, we ought to bear in mind the existence of three levels of symbolism that we come across there: Biblical, mystical, which depicts God’s activity in the souls of both Mary and believers, and regional, which is connected to the town of Krasnobród.Pozycja Muzyka duchaGuzowski, Krzysztof (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2002)In order to define the semantics of the kind of music that evokes sacrum from the indescribable sphere of profanum (the spirit of music) and the sphere of the musical art that manifests sacrum (the music of the Spirit) Rev. Krzysztof Guzowski compared three conceptions of the theory of music. They are as follows: the echo of the cosmic quality and proportion in Augustine, the spiritual resonance of the human subject in Hegel, and the semeiotic circle between the composer, a directed creative process, and the recipient. On the grounds of the analogy with the knowledge about the Holy Spirit, the truth has been shown that the human world and the Divine world, the spiritual beauty of the world and the Divine beauty, tum out to co-exist in their mutual openness and creative interpenetration. Sacrum has been shown in the Christian perspective as a kind of encounter in which the personal God comes half way to meet the human person (in creation and redemption, personal nature and grace). The author wanted thereby to elucidate the theological view of the new musical genres and their practical adaptation to religious ends: the sphere of sacredness in music cannot for sure be formally limited by the kind of music that is performed during the Liturgy. The theological view, more than the purely speculative one, dismisses doubts as to the potential range of sacrum in music: the more sacrum, the more room there is for sanctum in man. The recognition of sacrum is not only the domain of reason but of the whole human person. There is no rigid boundary between profanum and sacrum, especially in music, in particular that the obstacle in the spiritual sphere between that which is Divine, and that which is human, is sin and not knowledge. It is sin that becomes the battlefield of competition for the “semantic” ranges.Pozycja Prorockie powołanie Kościoła wobec Europy i świataGuzowski, Krzysztof (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2003)Speaking about prophetism seems to be for many only a consideration of a purely cultural character, for a prophet is commonly regarded as a person that belongs to ancient tradition. The paper entitled The Prophetic Vocation of the Church Towards Europe and the World suggests that the issue of prophetism is still topical. It results from the awareness that the Church is a community of persons, that it was not only founded by Christ-the Word Incarnate, but it was also called to witness to the truth most fully revealed in God-Man. This Truth deals with the fortunes of the Church and the world, concerns each man and is eternal. Therefore there is a particular calling of “all and each faithful” to bear witness like Christ the Prophet did it. Sequela Christi is for the faithful a source of identity and power, also at the time of a crisis of faith.Pozycja „Przyjmować miłość” - nauka o łasce w świetle pneumatologii i personalizmuGuzowski, Krzysztof (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2000)The author has reinterpreted the foundations of the doctrine about grace in the light of pneumatology and personalism. It is at the same time an attempt to renew the language ot charitology. The conception of person is an adequate hermeneutic category for charitology and pneumatology, the conception that combines both branches of theology. The person is not an idea but a reality both in the Holy Trinity and in man. It is through the sanctifying grace that we enter the circle of the personal life of the Holy Trinity as God’s foster children. The author believes that the renewal of the language of charitology can be carried out through the application of personalistic hermeneutics to the whole tract, and not merely through the introduction of new concepts and images or analogies made contemporary. The whole tract about God’s grace teaches us about the most rich ways of God’s love which seeks man. The Holy Ghost is a personified love, therefor it is most correct to combine the topic about grace with the love of God. Love is possible only among persons. Thanks to the teaching about the Holy Ghost, what is unveiled is the vivifying, sanctifying and releasing love of God to people and to each man. In post-modern culture, very sensitive to freedom, autonomy and authenticity, de-personalization and personalization are those topics which should be addressed in the light of faith and grace.