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Pozycja Akwatyczna teologia Syjonu w tekstach prorockich jako tło interpretacyjne dla J 7,37-39Pikor, Wojciech; Chrostowski, Waldemar; Kowalski, Marcin (Stowarzyszenie Biblistów Polskich, 2021)Pozycja Annette Weissenrieder and Robert B. Coote, eds., The Interface of Orality and Writing. Speaking, Seeing, Writing in the Shaping of New Genres (WUNT I/260; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2010). Pp. xiv + 438. € 129,00. ISBN 978-3-16-150445-7Kowalski, Marcin (Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, 2013)Pozycja Antropologia Pawła – współczesne trendy i wyzwaniaKowalski, Marcin (Stowarzyszenie Biblistów Polskich, 2021)Pozycja Armand Puig i Tàrrech, Jesus: An Uncommon Journey. Studies on the Historical Jesus (WUNT II/288; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2010). Pp. xii + 310. € 74,00. ISBN 978-3-16-150504-1Kowalski, Marcin (Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, 2013)Pozycja Baptism – the Revelation of the Filial Identity of Jesus and the ChristianKowalski, Marcin (Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, 2021)The author analyses Jesus’ baptism in Jordan, looking for its parallel in the Christian baptism. He begins by acknowledging the historicity of Jesus’ baptism and reflects on the meaning of the baptism of John by juxtaposing it with similar rites described in the Old Testament texts, in Second Temple Jewish literature, and in rabbinical sources. Then he analyses the meaning of Jesus’ baptism, criticizing the historical-critical interpretations that separate the scene of baptism from the theophany that follows it. According to the author, such an operation is unfounded due to the nature of ancient texts and the literary and thematic continuity between baptism and theophany in the synoptic Gospels. Further, the author presents arguments demonstrating that Jesus comes to Jordan already aware of his identity and mission, which the Father’s voice announces to others and objectivizes. In the last step, it is argued that Jesus’ baptism in Jordan together with the Lord’s death and resurrection could have been a point of reference for the early Christian understanding of baptism connected with the gift of the Spirit, with the filial dignity and the “Abba” prayer and with the inheritance of heaven. All these elements can be found in Rom 8:14-17,23 which describes the new life of those baptized in Christ.Pozycja Bas Van Os, Psychological Analyses and the Historical Jesus. New Ways to Explore Christian Origins (Library of New Testament Studies 432; London – New York: T&T Clark, 2012). Pp. 222 + XII. $46.95 (Paperback). ISBN 9780567269515.Kowalski, Marcin (Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, 2015)Pozycja Biblijne pojmowanie prawdyPiwowar, Andrzej; Chrostowski, Waldemar; Kowalski, Marcin (Stowarzyszenie Biblistów Polskich, 2021)Pozycja Być królem czy ojcem? Propozycja analizy narracyjnej i strukturalno-semiotycznej 2 Sm 18,1–19,9Szymik, Stefan; Chrostowski, Waldemar; Kowalski, Marcin (Stowarzyszenie Biblistów Polskich, 2021)Pozycja Cel Listu Judy (Jud 3-4) w perspektywie epistolografii i retorykiMuszytowska, Dorota; Chrostowski, Waldemar; Kowalski, Marcin (Stowarzyszenie Biblistów Polskich, 2021)Pozycja "Chi è quest’uomo che osa anche rimettere i peccati?" (Lc 7,49). La trama ed il clou del racconto lucano sulla donna peccatrice (Lc 7,36-50)Kowalski, Marcin (Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, 2014)The story of the sinful woman (Luke 7:36-50) is an excellent example of Luke’s narrative skills. It presents a coherent plot, abounds in interesting turning points, and shows a vivid interaction between main characters. In the same time, the story is filled with tensions, gaps and ambiguity which regard the gestures of the woman, the forgiveness she receives, and the role which in the entire process is played by Jesus. The purpose of the present article lies in illumining the development of Luke’s account with the use of the narrative approach. The story is divided into scenes and set up in the spatial-temporal, and socio-cultural frame. The scheme of the narration is labeled as a plot of discovery. Its focal point is not the love or faith of the sinful woman, but the identity of Jesus. The full revelation of his divine authority takes place in the pardon of sins granted to the woman (vv.47a.48), which brings to completion the ongoing process of her reconciliation. The article finishes with the analysis of interaction between the text and its readers and with the exposition of the techniques used by the narrator to shape the competences and the choices made by the recipients of the story.Pozycja Christoph Heilig, The Apostle and the Empire. Paul’s Implicit and Explicit Criticism of Rome (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans 2022). Pp. 192 + xxii. ISBN 978-0-8028-8223-3Kowalski, Marcin (Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, 2023)Pozycja Czyny wiary a dzieła wynikające z Prawa w Corpus PaulinumStasiak, Sławomir; Chrostowski, Waldemar; Kowalski, Marcin (Stowarzyszenie Biblistów Polskich, 2021)Pozycja David J. Rudolph, A Jew to the Jews. Jewish Contours of Pauline Flexibility in 1 Corinthians 9:19-23 (WUNT II/304; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2011). Pp. 290 + XII. € 69,00. ISBN 978-3-16-149293-8Kowalski, Marcin (Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, 2014)Pozycja Divine and Human Spirit in Rom 8:16. Paul and Epictetus on Free WillKowalski, Marcin (Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, 2022)The article focuses on the phenomenon of free will in Paul, taking as the starting point Rom. 8:16. At the beginning, a concise exegetical analysis of Rom 8:16 is presented, placed in the rhetorical context of Rom 8. Subsequently, a comparison is drawn between Paul’s and Epictetus’s views on divine and human agency. First, the Epictetus’s idea of freedom is presented with a special emphasis on the notion of proairesis, understood as the true self of a person, responsible for free moral choices and actions. Next, the similarities and differences between the Epictetus’s and Pauline vision of free will are discussed. What connects the apostle and the philosopher are convictions that free will can exist in a divinely determined world and that human volition requires continuous education and subordination to God’s will. The elements that clearly distinguish Paul from Epictetus are the natural image of deity to be imitated in the human pursuit of freedom, and a genuinely relational, corporeal and emotive character of free will in the apostle. The psycho-somatic nature of human personality and will in Paul invites a dialogue between the apostle and modern science but it has to be carried out cautiously, bearing in mind the different methodologies, the idea of transcendent deity and Christological foundation upon which the Pauline idea of freedom and free will is built.Pozycja Dlaczego „mleko i miód” są biblijnym obrazem obfitości i o jakiej obfitości mowa?Waszak, Piotr; Chrostowski, Waldemar; Kowalski, Marcin (Stowarzyszenie Biblistów Polskich, 2021)Pozycja Dlaczego uczta paschalna w Ewangelii św. Jana (J 13-17) nie zawiera słów konsekracji?Kosek, Wojciech; Chrostowski, Waldemar; Kowalski, Marcin (Stowarzyszenie Biblistów Polskich, 2021)Pozycja Doctorate Honoris Causa for H. E. Cardinal Gianfranco RavasiKowalski, Marcin (Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, 2013)Pozycja Duch kognitywny i nowość myśli Pawła w Rz 8,5-6Kowalski, Marcin; Chrostowski, Waldemar; Kowalski, Marcin (Stowarzyszenie Biblistów Polskich, 2021)Pozycja Działalność Dzieła Biblijnego im. Jana Pawła II w archidiecezji gnieźnieńskiej (2012–2019)Podeszwa, Paweł; Chrostowski, Waldemar; Kowalski, Marcin (Stowarzyszenie Biblistów Polskich, 2021)Pozycja Działalność Instytutu Nauk Biblijnych KUL w roku akademickim 2010/2011Kowalski, Marcin (Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, 2012)