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Pozycja Canonical approach to the Year of FaithKroczek, Piotr (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2012)The article offers a demonstration of the correlation between faith and church law in the catholic perspective. The author stands on the position that faith is of essence for law understood as a phenomenon and as regulations that play an active role in the life of community of believers. It is because faith is a factor in the processes of drafting law, interpreting law, and implementing law. The conclusion is that in the study of church law more attention should be paid to faith especially during the Year of faith.Pozycja Czy prawodawca potrzebuje wyobraźni?Kroczek, Piotr (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2014)Celem tego artykułu jest pokazanie roli i zadań wyobraźni u prawodawcy. Autor skupia się na następujących obszarach jego pracy: zasadności stanowienia nowej ustawy, możliwych wariantach wyniku wykładni ustawy, akceptacji ustawy i rezultatu wejścia ustawy w życie. Wniosek jest następujący – dobry prawodawca jest realistą z właściwą dozą wyobraźni.Pozycja Czy starożytność powinna być inspiracją dla współczesnego prawodawcy kościelnego w dziedzinie małżeństwa i rodziny? Rozważania na kanwie kultury Grecji i RzymuKroczek, Piotr (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2013)Legislation is an art that takes inspiration from a variety of sources. There is a question: Should the antiquity be one of them? The paper attempts to give the answer. The author gives some proposals of such borrowing of ideas in the realm of marriage and family: making a choice of a candidate for a spouse, engagement and financial aspect of future marriage, contracting marriage without obligatory form, and a role of a father in the family. The presentation leads to the conclusion that the legislator should value culture of antiquity as a source of ideals but while borrowing the antique ideas he must follow the rules needed for such an action. The rules are presented in the paper, as postulates for good legislation.Pozycja Examining the Family in the Light of Marriage Annulment as a New Research PerspectiveKroczek, Piotr; Kisiel, Przemysław; Ulman, Paweł (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2021)The aim of this article is to outline a new research perspective, allowing for an in-depth reflection on the condition of contemporary marriages and families. Of course, the problem itself is not new, but in order to analyse it, we propose to adopt a perspective which has not been present in the literature so far and which will consist in analysing the condition of the institution of marriage through the prism of the process of declaring a marriage null and void, i.e., the canonical procedure in force in the Catholic Church. The proposed research perspective is based on an interdisciplinary approach, taking into account the broad context in which, in our opinion, the functioning of the contemporary institution of marriage should be considered. In this approach we try to integrate sociological and demographic premises and inspirations with legal, theological and canonical premises, which is a significant novelty. The integration of these approaches will make it possible to consider the problem of the break-up of the marital bond in a different way than has been presented so far. Thanks to this, it is possible to make a comprehensive diagnosis of the situation of marriages in moments of crisis and to capture those aspects of spiritual and social life which have not yet been taken into account in the research, and which play a particularly important role in initiating proceedings to declare a marriage null and void.Pozycja Kanoniczne spojrzenie na statystyczne badanie skuteczności duszpasterskiej: komunia świętaKroczek, Piotr; Ulman, Paweł (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2016)Duszpasterstwo jest bardzo ważnym elementem funkcjonowania Kościoła w świecie. Mierzenie skuteczności pracy duszpasterskiej to trudne zadanie, aczkolwiek możliwe do wykonania. Niniejszy artykuł pokazuje, jak tego dokonać, używając narzędzi statystycznych. Jego szczegółowym celem jest pokazanie optymalnego rozłożenia liczby księży na parafię w celu osiągnięcia najwyższej liczby przyjmowanych przez wiernych komunii świętych. Dane do tego badania zostały pozyskane z rzymskokatolickiej archidiecezji krakowskiej i dotyczą 2014 roku. Autorzy wyciągnęli kilka wniosków, które mogą być pomocne biskupowi diecezjalnemu. Dotyczą one rozmieszczenia księży i rozmiaru parafii. Został także sformułowany postulat de lege ferenda, aby lokalne Kościoły stanowiły prawo regulujące gromadzenie danych statystycznych dotyczących życia Kościoła.Pozycja Kanoniczne zakazy związane z małżeństwem jako możliwość wsparcia ściągalności alimentów na dzieciKroczek, Piotr (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2011)The percentage of successful collections of alimony for children in Poland is very low. This serious problem can raise the question: What can the Church do, using its own legal means, to help increase the fulfillment of court-ordered provisions for children? Answering the question, the article discusses the bans on marriage. The fist is a ban of assisting, without the permission of the local Ordinary, at marriage of a person for whom a previous union has created natural obligations towards children (can. 1071 § 1). The second is a prohibition of entering marriage imposed by the local Ordinary in a specific case for a time, for a grave reason and while that reason persists (can. 1077 § 1). There is also in the paper a presentation of alimony in Polish state law and a supplement that treats about a prohibition of marriage appended to the judgement by the tribunal in annulment case (can. 1684 § 1).Pozycja Legislative Initiative in the Church as a Right of Christ’s FaithfulKroczek, Piotr (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II w Krakowie, 2011)The right of legislative initiative is a widely recognized prerogative that entitles the users of law to make a legislating body undertake certain action connected with the content of a new law. The article presents the problem of legislative initiative in the perspective of the Catholic Church. The main conclusion flowing from the deliberations is as follows: the right in question has its place in church regulations and in life of the community of believers, but its range and the way of realization are specific to the Catholic Church.Pozycja Mała architektura sakralna w optyce prawa polskiego i kanonicznegoKroczek, Piotr (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2012)In recent years one can observe in Poland the increasing numbers of investments of the churchyard crosses, roadside shrines, memorials, or plaques, that is, the objects of so-called „small sacred architecture”. The article presents the current Polish and Church law that regulate the matter. Observance of the norms from both systems of laws is required to avoid serious legal consequences, which can overshadow the noble intensions of originators. At the end of the paper, there are given some practical remarks and specific solutions, which can be of help for the persons who are responsible for the sacred architecture in a diocese.Pozycja O możliwościach ekumenicznej współpracy katolików i luteranów nad kształtowaniem decyzji ustawodawcy polskiego w dziedzinie małżeństwa i rodzinyKroczek, Piotr (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2013)In present times, there are many threats to the marriage and the family. Among other things the risks come from provisions of law that is drafted without regard for Christian roots of the European civilization. In the face of the situation, the Christian Communities are called to start an ecumenical dialog and to undertake a practical action to promote their common Christian paradigm of the marriage and the family that would be a pattern for a state legislator. It is possible in Poland, because the teaching of the Catholic Church and the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Poland about the marriage and the family have in terms of content much in common. Additionally, there are many legal possibilities, like, e.g., legislative initiative, to undertake such a promotion of Christian paradigm.Pozycja O niektórych uchybieniach legislacyjnych w nowym statucie Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II w KrakowieKroczek, Piotr (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2018)Prawodawstwo jest sztuką. Wymaga ona ogromnej wiedzy na temat zasady prawa, ale także znajomości techniki redagowania aktów prawnych. Ze względu na szczególne znaczenie prawa w Kościele, każdy prawodawca kościelny musi dołożyć wszelkich starań, aby należycie wykonywać swoją pracę. Krytyka wyników jego działalności powinna być zawsze postrzegana jako wyraz szczerej troski o Kościół. W perspektywie technik legislacyjnych w niniejszym artykule przedstawiono analizę nowego statutu Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II w Krakowie, który wszedł w życie 8 czerwca 2015 roku. Ogólny wniosek z rozważań jest taki, że statut, o którym mowa, został napisany bez większego poszanowania zasad dobrego prawodawstwa i powinien zostać wkrótce zmieniony.Pozycja Ocena raison d’être norm dotyczących kanonicznej formy zawarcia małżeństwa w warunkach polskiego prawa cywilnego. Przyczynek do dyskusjiKroczek, Piotr (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II w Krakowie, 2009)The article assesses the reasons behind the present norm of the obligation of the canonical form to marry, in the circumstances of Polish law system. It represents a contribution to the discussion on the legitimacy of the present canonical norms. The paper consists of the following parts. In the first part the canonical form is presented. In the second one, some norms o f polish law system are offered to show that the main goals of the canonical form are successfully fulfilled by the Polish civil law. All this leads to a conclusion that in Poland the raison d’être of the requirement of the canonical form does not exist. So, it is justified to be in favor of the demand de lege ferenda to legislate the canonical form of marriage not ad validitatem of matrimony, but only ad liceitatem.Pozycja Problem interpretacji prawa kanonicznego w świetle pluralizmu kulturowegoKroczek, Piotr (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2005)There is no doubt that law is a product of culture and as such it depends on it. Canon law is not an exception; it too remains intrinsically connected to culture. In this article, the problem of the relation between culture and canon law is narrowed down to the phenomenon of influence the culture in its many forms exerts on the interpretation of canon law. To put it in the form of the question: W hat sort of impact does the variety and diversity of cultures have on interpretation of canon law? Since in the Church system of law there is a mutual correlation between writing of law and its interpreting, both interpretation and lawgiving activities become an object of this article’s investigation. Both phenomena, evidently, are under the influence of culture. The article consists of four parts. The first one constitutes an attempt to define a phenomenon of culture. The second, given the variety and diversity of cultures, raises the question of a possible communication between them. The third one discusses the multiculturalism of Catholic Church and its influence upon the church law. The article culminates with the following conclusions. The question of the hermeneutics of canon law in the increasingly multicultural Church has to be addressed not only by the canonists, but also by anthropologists, philosophers, historians, sociologists, linguists, theologians, and all others whose expertise will enhance the thoroughness of hermeneutical tasks at hand. The fact of the varying and diversified influence of culture on canon law with the resulting differences of law interpretation need not be perceived as something erroneous or unwanted. On the contrary, it should be seen as something natural, normal, regular, especially inside the Church which is universal. The differences in question arise from the differences between local cultures. The local character of the Church is inscribed in its nature: the Catholic Church exists in and consists of Particular Churches. (LG 23, can. 368). The respect for local church communities has to be expressed not only in the process of creation of law but its interpretation and application as well. Canon law tradition provides a suitable means for that, such as custom, epikia, dispensation. The variety and diversity of resulting canon law interpretations is clearly inconvenient, because it undermines confidence and. trust in law. Uniformity of the results is much desired. Thanks to its uniformity the law retains the unquestionable, stable, and trustworthy quality which in general enhances the value associated with law. We must be aware that complete uniformity of the results of canon law interpretation represents an ideal that cannot be reached. This ideal simply stimulates those involved in the interpretation process. Even with the inherently contextual character of the law interpretation process the law that has been written in one culture can be properly and justly interpreted and applied in another. Since culture is a product of a sinful man (GS 53, 55, 57) one has to remain cautious while justifying or explaining the culturally conditioned decisions of an interpreter.Pozycja Prywatne stowarzyszenia wiernych. Charakterystyka i etapy powstawaniaKroczek, Piotr (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2008)The right to association is one of the fundamental rights of every human being. The right has the foundations both in the natural and supernatural dignity of man. No one can unjustly deprive of the right in question neither civil, nor ecclesial authorities. The arouse interest of application and realization the right to association could be seen in Poland in recent years especially after year 1989 when the new law on association was issued and made public life more democrat and liberal. The political changes make possible for Catholics in Poland to put the right to association into action. The paper has the aim to bring closer the associations showing the characteristics of the type of associations and presenting step by step how it comes into being. The intention of the paper is to be of help to the faithful who want to establish association and build communio of the Church by its working. The paper consists of the following parts: the first one presents possible distinctions of associations according to a variety of criteria. The second chapter is a description of private association of faithful. The third one elucidates to stages of its origin until it become a church and civil legal person.Pozycja Religious freedom in the context of education in Poland. Relationship between Polish State and the Catholic ChurchKroczek, Piotr (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2015)The faithful of the Church are at the same time citizens of a state. As a result, they are bound by law of the two societies to which they belong. Education, as a very essential part of human good, is of interest to the two authorities: state government and church hierarchy. Unfortunately, relations between state and Church authorities in this field are not free of tensions. Both state and church lawmakers must be aware of the situation, and try to draft law that would expedite not a hostile interaction but rather cooperation in this field. The paper will present current legal regulations concerning education in Poland (Catholic Church and Polish state) and offer some postulates for both sides, helping to establish better relations and protect religious freedom.Pozycja Skutki kanoniczne i cywilne biologicznego ojcostwa duchownychKroczek, Piotr (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II w Krakowie, 2010)The article aims to untangle some problems concern the situation of a clergy who is a biological father. First of all, the issue of celibacy in presented in terms of canon law. Next the punishable deeds against celibacy are listed and that leads to related Church penalties and way of their application. A procedure of proceedings in such a case is proposed. The following part includes a presentation of civil legal effects of the situation in question: an establishment of paternity and alimony. The final conclusion is that appliance of canons must be done with equitas canonica, and the respect for the rights and duties of all parts involved in such a dramatic case: a child, a woman, a clergy and the Church.Pozycja State law as a determinant of church legislation: the case of PolandKroczek, Piotr (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2017)A part of the relation between Church and state are interrelations between their systems of law. The aim of the paper is to present the problem of influence of state law on canon law. The discussion presented in the paper is to refer to the current situation in Poland and relations of the Catholic Church and the Republic of Poland. Document issued by the Episcopal Conference of Poland titled “The Guidelines for initial canonical inquiry and in the case of clerical accusations of deeds against the Sixth Commandment of the Decalogue with a minor under the age of eighteen” (2014) and the amends to it is an example. The conclusion is that the church legislator, who wants to be a good Shepherd of his Flock is to be knowledgeable about the state law and must be vigilant and constantly monitor the legislative work of the legislative state organs. The postulate in the matter can be formulated especially for the legislative body of the Episcopal Conference that is the Council for Legal Affairs. Mutatis mutandis the principles of the Church and state relations and consequences of the relations for legislation can be applied to different religious organizations or different states.Pozycja Świętowanie w pedagogice prawa kanonicznego i prawa polskiegoKroczek, Piotr (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2011)Celebration is an inseparable element of human life. The paper aims to answer two following questions: 1) Do the two systems of laws, i.e., canon law and Polish law, educate people regarding the need of celebration, and 2) How do they do that? To answer these questions, appropriate norms from the systems of law are quoted, described and analyzed. The first part of the article presents the educational tasks of law, in general. Every law, the canon law in particular, tends to influence the life of the society and to change it according to legislators will and, through this, to instruct and tutor community on how to live and, as a consequence, on how to celebrate. The next part deals with church law and shows the norms ordering when and how Christs faithful must celebrate. It also describes the sanctions in forum internum for not observing such rules. The following part is dedicated to Polish law. First, the law sources of the obligation in question are presented and days of celebration are listed. Then the ways of protecting the possibility of celebration by the addressees of law are described. The article ends with the recapitulation and conclusions. Summing up, it can be said that the two systems of law, i.e., canon law and Polish law, educate and edify people in regard to celebration.Pozycja The Rights and Duties of Catholic Parish and Evangelical-Augsburg Parish: Ecumenical Perspective.Kroczek, Piotr (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2020)The Parish is a basic administrative unit of the Catholic Church and the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Poland. The research aims to formulate – building on the analysis of the fundamental laws of the Churches in question – a common list of the rights and duties of the parish. One can even say that there is “one Christian parish” which can be seen from a catholic and evangelical perspective.Pozycja Tłumaczenie kościelnych tekstów prawnych – aspekt teoretyczny i prawnyKroczek, Piotr (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2010)The universal law of the Church is given to all faithful in the world. In this context, the need for a translation of the law into native languages is of the essence. The article concerns itself with the process of translation of the Church law in theoretical and legal aspects. At the beginning of the paper, the philosophical background of a translation of languages is presented. Following this the issues are presented: the authority of a lawgiver and, as a result of it, the range of binding force of that law. Later on, an attempt to define the translation in terms of jurisprudence is made. Next, the language used by a Church lawgiver is analyzed in respect of jurisprudence and linguistics. The final point presents norms on translation from the Code of Canon Law 1983. It can be said, that the process of translation of the Church legal texts is difficult and complex. A translator must undertake the challenge to make the laws of canon law available to the Christ’s faithful.Pozycja Zagadnienie interdyscyplinarności prawa kanonicznegoKroczek, Piotr (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2010)Law as a regulator of the life of the community must follow the life, as the Latin principle states: “ius sequitur vitam”. A lawgiver to duly fulfill his function must have full understanding of the world and the circumstances collecting and accumulating knowledge, facts, ideas and inspirations from many different arts and sciences. The openness of law to other disciplines of learning can be called interdisciplinarity. The aim of the paper is to present canon law as an interdisciplinary Church discipline. This goal is achieved by giving examples of a church lawgivers use of achievements of such disciplines as theology, philosophy, jurisprudence, political science, linguistics, sociology, economy, and technology. The conclusion is that capacity of canon law is an essential condition for a proper operation of law for salvation of souls.