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Pozycja Bierzmowanie – sakramentem dojrzałości czy sakramentem kształtowania dojrzałości?Misiaszek, Kazimierz (Uniwersytet Szczeciński, 2017)W języku potocznym katechezy i na lekcjach religii w szkołach bierzmowanie opisywane jest jako sakrament dojrzałości. Jednak opis ten jest błędny, ponieważ bierzmowanie w Kościele polskim jest przyjmowane przez młodych ludzi w wieku gimnazjalnym. W tym wieku młodzi ludzie nadal przechodzą dynamiczny rozwój przed osiągnięciem dojrzałości osobowej. Aby bierzmowanie mogło być traktowane jako sakrament dojrzałości, musiałoby posiadać pewne „magiczne” cechy, dzięki którym niedojrzała młoda osoba natychmiast mogłaby stać się dojrzałą w momencie przyjęcia bierzmowania. Dlatego bierzmowanie powinno być interpretowane jako sakrament zbliżającej się dojrzałości. Wynika to z definicji, według której celem bierzmowania jest wspieranie rozwoju, stymulowanie doskonałości chrześcijańskiej. W związku z tym konieczne jest odejście od rozumienia bierzmowania jako sakramentu dojrzałości i podkreślenie funkcji rozwijających się w edukacji chrześcijańskiej.Pozycja Dorosły w procesie ewangelizacji i katechezyMisiaszek, Kazimierz (Szczecińskie Wydawnictwo Archidiecezjalne "Ottonianum", 1995)Di recente sta crescendo l’interesse per la catechesi e l’evangelizzazione degli adulti. AH’origine di ciò vi è principalmente la considerazione che l’adulto costituisce il soggetto sostanziale della Chiesa. Si ritoma così all’antica pratica di formazione degli adulti che ha portato all’istituzione del catecumenato. Attualmente questo genere di evangelizzazione e di catechesi non solo si conforma ai principi teologici ma intende approfondire il concetto stesso di adulto: contrariamente alla convinzione comune, l’adulto non è un individuo configurato una volta per sempre, ma si trova in fase continua di sviluppo. L’efficacia della formazione è maggiore se si è in grado di motivare opportunamente l’adulto a parteciparvi. Ciò è possibile se il fulcro di tale formazione diventano i problemi concreti ed esistenziali.Pozycja Ewangelizacja w działalności salezjańskiejMisiaszek, Kazimierz (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2011)Around the concept and process of evangelization, that is around both the theory and practice of this process, a lot of doubts have appeared in recent years. Nearly all educational, formative activities undertaken in the Church, not only with respect to children and young people, but with respect to adults as well, are defined with the use of this word. However, in the practice of the ancient Church propagating Christ, conversion, preparation for baptism, catechesis presenting the meaning of rites and introducing one into the life of the Church were integrally connected with the evangelization process. This process has been radically reversed in modern times. In parish catechesis basically there is no evangelization process preceding it; also teaching religion at school cannot undertake all evangelization tasks, as the nature of education does not allow this. Since young people constantly need adults who accompany them and educate them in the proper way, the Salesian order whose vocation is Christian education of children and young people, should be open to evangelization of parents and adults, as it is only such evangelization that may contribute to efficient educational work.Pozycja Kościół – dialog – świat: podstawowe założenia i uwarunkowaniaMisiaszek, Kazimierz (Wydawnictwo Diecezji Zielonogórsko-Gorzowskiej, 2009)Dialogue, but especially the attitude towards dialogue stays in the in the nature of the Church, which is appointed for existence through Jesus Christ, who is the Word of God addressed directly for the human being. It is possible to say, that the Church grows from the word, builds through the word, lives in word and it is even fed with the word. However, the basic character and essence of the word is a communication act. So, Church is opened for the dialogue. Firstly is the dialogue of salvation. However, salvation is placed on the human being, his personal and social life. The Church leads dialogue with the world in the definite manner, presenting certain principles. First of them says, that the Church desires to express declaration of assistance to every individual person. It concerns particularly with the aim and meaning of life, discovering the full truth of a human being, respecting dignity of human person, freedom, conscience, human rights and increasing the human talents. The second one wants to strengthen the human communities with the values present in them. The Church does not want to involve in politic, but to support the human operations in the social sphere. Third principle announces that the Church desires to participate in acting in favour of the common good. The Church also calls to the world, in order to create proper institutions for increasing the common good.