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Pozycja Charytologia liturgiczna psalmu 118 (117) w uroczystości, święta i wspomnienia świętych pasterzyRutkowski, Andrzej (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2011)Putting Psalm 118 (117) in the Liturgy of the Word on solemnities, feasts and memorials of saint Pastors contributes to transmitting the teaching about grace and to actualizing grace, experiencing it, accepting and implementing its fruit. The concept of liturgical charitology means here charitology in liturgical texts and in the way it is formed, especially in joining the Psalm with the passage 2 Cor 5,14-20 and its subject of service and conciliation thanks to the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. In this way charitology of Psalm 118 (117) is concerned with three memorials of saint Pastors and monks, and especially when the memorials are elevated to the rank of a solemnity (sollemnitas) or a feast (festum). The solemnities or feasts refer to Saint Clemens Maria Hofbauer – on 15th March, Saint Szymon of Lipnica – on 18th July, and Saint John of Capistrano – on 23rd October. In this form of Liturgy of the Word on these feasts or celebrations grace is revealed first of all in God’s dynamic action. In the service of grace of reconciliation especially the Saints’ activity is inscribed that aims at preaching God’s Word and at the work of salvation, teaching faith and involvement in the development of one’s own religious orders, but also in one’s own conversion or in harmony between towns or countries. In God’s grace of paschal kindness, His faithfulness and glory, the Saints’ experience of help and protection is inscribed, especially in their childhood years, and then the power of their effect on others that is owed to following God’s kindness in their lives. In the grace of joy, victory and light, the Saints’ way is inscribed of searching for their vocation, their fight with themselves, trust in God and service for the defense of faith. In the grace of rejection, building and perseverance, the Saints’ faithfulness is inscribed to the foundations of faith, to unity of the Church, despite adversities, as well as service to the poor, sick and suffering.Pozycja Eucharystyczno-paschalna tożsamość roku liturgicznegoRutkowski, Andrzej (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2010)The issue of the Eucharistic-Paschal identity of the liturgical year is first of all concerned with the focusing and propagating role of the Easter Triduum in the liturgical year, the message about the mystery of the Lord’s Birth, the message of Mariology and hagiology in the liturgical year and with the cycle of the liturgical year. (1) The focusing and propagating role of the Easter Triduum touches the very foundations of the identity of the liturgical year. This means that the Easter Triduum concentrates on itself the periods, celebrations, feasts, remembrances and ordinary days of the liturgical year. However, at the same time the seasons, celebrations and feasts, remembrances, and ordinary days propagate the mystery of Redemption in the cycle of the liturgical year. This role is rendered by the terms contained in the General Instruction of the Roman Missal, like: making the mysteries of Redemption present, or the cycle of the year. It seems that in the perspective of the liturgical year first of all celebrations like: the feast of the Most Holy Trinity, of Christ’s Most Holy Body and Blood, of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, of Jesus Christ King of the Universe, etc. receive their identity. (2) The mystery of the Lord’s Birth in the whole of the liturgical year is referred to first of all by the celebrations, feasts and remembrances of Blessed Virgin Mary. For many of them the celebrations of the Immaculate Conception of Blessed Virgin Mary or of the Annunciation of the Lord become a kind of bridge to the mystery of the Lord’s Birth, or indeed to the Easter Triduum. This especially concerns the remembrances connected with the spirituality of religious orders or the appearances of Blessed Virgin Mary. Among celebrations, feasts and remembrances of the Lord’s Saints the feast of the Holy Archangels, the celebration and remembrance of St Joseph, the feast of the Saint Evangelists, the Doctors of the Church, order-founders, and others, based on their spirituality and teaching, refer to the Lord’s Birth. (3) In the transmission of the Eucharistic-Paschal Mariology and hagiology attention should be first of all paid to the remembrance of Our Lady of the Sorrows, Our Lady the Queen, Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, the feast of the Mother of the Church, as well as to feasts and remembrances of the Saints who were particularly connected to the Paschal Mystery. The proper perspective is also given to Mariology and hagiology by the celebration of the Ascension of Our Lord and of Pentecost. With respect to other groups of Saints, the adequate context may be noticed by the celebrations, feasts and remembrances of the Worshippers of the Holy Eucharist, the Founders of charities, the Mystics of the Lord’s Passion, the Martyrs, the Educationists, the Missionaries, the Worshippers of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Kings. It is celebrations, feasts and remembrances of Saints that join experiencing the mystery of the Lord’s Birth and the Paschal Mystery. (4) The cycle of the liturgical year is not only a chronological cycle, but also a Paschal one. The cycle is first of all the succession of the Easter Triduum, experiencing the mystery of the Lord’s Birth, and respective periods of deepening and preparation. The mutual succession of celebrations, feasts, and remembrances is first of all concerned with the Paschal mystery, with the Lord’s birth, with Blessed Virgin Mary and with the Apostles. Particular celebrations, feasts and remembrances enrich the cycle of the liturgical year and in a peculiar way reach to the depth of the past of the work of Salvation, and at the same time they look ahead of this work. They reach the creation of the world, go beyond the time of the world, and at the same time they look ahead of eschatology.Pozycja Kronika Instytutu Teologii Pastoralnej KUL za okres 1989/90 - 1994/95Wrońska, Halina; Rutkowski, Andrzej (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1997)Pozycja Liturgia wyrazem wiary i pobożności na przykładzie Uroczystości Wniebowzięcia Najświętszej Maryi PannyRutkowski, Andrzej (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2005)The article is focused on the following thematic groups: the 1450 years of the Feast of the Assumption (1); the symbolism of the day it is celebrated on in the liturgical year (2); and the direct features of the Feast (3). These features include: the Assumption as taking the Virgin Mary to heaven with her body and soul (3.1); the Assumption as a consequence of Christ’s Resurrection (3.2), the Virgin Mary as the image of the Church in glory (3.3); the Assumption as elevation of Mary (3.7) and the Assumption as a consequence of the Divine Motherhood and the Immaculate Conception (3.8). The remaining features of the Feast are suggestive images in its liturgy: the Great Sign in the sky – the Woman Clothed in the Sun (3.4); “the Queen stands on your right” (3.5); and “the ark of His glory sets off with the Lord” (3.6). In this way this feast may become an expression of the intuition of faith and piety, of the features’ fantasy, imagination, spontaneity, and at the same time of a concrete and a consequence, of dramaturgy or meditative character of Marian ecclesiology and of ecclesiological Mariology. Nothing points to overestimating the significance of declaring the Assumption a dogma of faith in 1950 just because of the form and the contents of the celebration.Pozycja Nabożeństwa maryjne w życiu Kościoła partykularnegoRutkowski, Andrzej (Uniwersytet Szczeciński, 2013)Synody w życiu Kościołów partykularnych diecezji i parafii świadczą, że dany Kościół partykularny, zwłaszcza po II Soborze Watykańskim, dokonuje oceny swojej działalności oraz wyznacza sobie zadania na przyszłość. W latach 1967-1994 synody odbyły się kolejno w Kościołach partykularnych diecezji: Włocławek, Poznań, Gdańsk, Warszawa, Katowice, Kraków, Gniezno, Tarnów, Częstochowa, Lublin, Koszalin-Kołobrzeg, Lubaczów, Płock, Kielce, Wrocław. Poprzez dzieło synodów nabożeństwa do Najświętszej Maryi Panny, Matki Chrystusa, otrzymują w Kościele partykularnym uznanie swojego znaczenia oraz bogactwa w perspektywie życia Kościoła powszechnego i w Polsce. Zauważa się w Kościołach partykularnych znaczenie nabożeństw zarówno tradycyjnych, jak i nowych, nabożeństw dla określonych grup i w sanktuariach oraz inspiracji poprzez nabożeństwa do pobożności indywidualnej. Uwydatnia się w Kościołach partykularnych teocentryzm i chrystocentryzm w pobożności maryjnej, ubogacenie biblijne, przekazywanie prawd wiary, refleksję nad życiem, inspirację do apostolstwa oraz równowagę pomiędzy takimi sferami, jak wiara i rozum, umysł i serce. Odnośnie do rodzajów nabożeństw maryjnych w życiu Kościoła partykularnego, podkreśla się ich ubogacenie poprzez homilie, rozważania, śpiewy, przygotowanie poprzez katechezę oraz odpowiednie połączenie z kultem i adoracją eucharystyczną. Dotyczy to zwłaszcza nabożeństwa majowego oraz nabożeństw do Maryi Matki Miłosierdzia, do Niepokalanego Serca Maryi w pierwszą sobotę miesiąca, do Maryi w soboty Królowej Polski i do Maryi Nieustającej Pomocy podczas nowenny. Dodatkowo w nabożeństwie różańcowym, zwłaszcza w październiku, akcentuje się ducha kontemplacji i formę procesji różańcowej oraz obecność tegoż nabożeństwa podczas rekolekcji i dni skupienia. Przy śpiewie Litanii loretańskiej do Najświętszej Maryi Panny i Godzinek o Jej Niepokalanym Poczęciu, uwrażliwia się na wyjaśnianie symboliki biblijnej i korzystanie z nowego przekładu. Wskazuje się na odpowiedni czas i dni na celebrację nabożeństw. W modlitwie „Anioł Pański” uwydatnia się uświęcanie czasu i pracy. W nabożeństwach „Apel jasnogórski” akcentuje się znaczenie intencji modlitwy za Ojczyznę i Kościół w Polsce oraz owoce tejże modlitwy poprzez apostolstwo w życiu. W nabożeństwie „Jasnogórskie śluby narodu” podkreśla się oddanie się Maryi także przy okazji przyjmowania sakramentów oraz przy okazji nawiedzenia rodzin parafii przez Maryję w znaku specjalnego obrazu. W pozostałych nabożeństwach maryjnych, wskazuje się na odpowiednie włączenie procesji, śpiewów i inscenizacji.Pozycja Natura liturgii, jej reforma i odnowa oraz duszpasterstwo liturgiczne w świetle uchwał wybranych synodów polskich po II Soborze WatykańskimRutkowski, Andrzej (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2003)The paper analyses the resolutions of 18 synods held in the years of 1967-1994. The synods before 1994 were chosen because had been directly related to the administrative division of the Church in Poland before 1992. Out of those synods, 17 are diocesan, and one is provincial. They all took place in the following archdiocese: Włocławek (1967), Poznań (1970), Gdańsk (1973), Warszawa (1974), Katowice (1975), Kraków (1979), Gniezno (1981), Tarnów (1986), Częstochowa (1986), Lublin (1987), Koszalin Kołobrzeg (1989), Lubaczów (1990), Płock (1991), Kielce (1992), Wrocław (1993), Poznań (1993), and Włocławek (1994). A provincial synod was held in Kraków, and promulgated in 1983. In this period the working texts of the second Polish plenary synod of 1991 were written, and its resolutions were eventually promulgated in 2001. The synods had many times returned to a reflection on the essence and nature of the Liturgy, a fact that is summarized in the following words: “The Liturgy means to perform in this time of the history of salvation – from the Ascension of the Holy Spirit till Parousia – the sacerdotal mission of Jesus Christ, the only Mediator between God and people. By means of signs that can be recognized by the senses and by virtue of the Holy Spirit He sanctifies people in the fellowship of the Church (the salvational and soteriological trends), and together with the Church, His Mystic Body, He renders the Father a complete public cult (the cultic and latreutic trend)” The synods assess the reform and regeneration of the Liturgy in Poland taking into consideration the fact that they ran a gradual course and by stages, according to the intention of the Conference of the Episcopate and were often under difficult socio-political circumstances. Nevertheless, there were some positive symptoms, e.g. making the Scripture available – owing to the reform and regeneration of the Liturgy – to the faithful, popularizing liturgical ministries of the lay faithful, a participation of the laity in the Holy Mass on weekdays, and the frequent Holy Communion. At the same time, the synods kept asking whether the reform and regeneration of the Liturgy had not been effected only at the level of rituals, or whether it had been sufficiently prepared and justified. A series of disquieting symptoms are presented as an object of concern, such as: a part of the faithful do not regularly participate in the Liturgy, several days a year, older adolescents and adult men rarely go to the Mass, and are engaged in the liturgical life of the Church only to a very small degree. Additionally, there are some obstacles on the part of priests. Some of them show selfwill, and others are reserved to any changes in the Liturgy. New initiatives are proposed in the service of formation and mystagogy, and the development of liturgical pastoral care, e.g. the Pastoral Hour with an opportunity to dialogue and exchange of experiences, especially among adolescents. Other proposals deal with establishing in Poland a National Centre for Liturgical Pastoral Care, organization of liturgical groups and Liturgical Weeks in parishes, etc.Pozycja Niedziela dniem Chrystusa, Kościoła i człowieka. Ogólnopolska sesja naukowa zorganizowana przez Instytut Formacji Pastoralno-Liturgicznej KULKopeć, Jerzy Józef; Rutkowski, Andrzej (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2000)Pozycja Przegląd bibliografii liturgicznej z wybranych polskich czasopism z lat 2000-2004Krakowiak, Czesław; Rutkowski, Andrzej (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2005)Pozycja Przygotowanie do Pierwszej Komunii świętej w życiu Kościoła partykularnegoRutkowski, Andrzej (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2013)The documents of local Synods in Poland describe the methods of the preparing for First Holy Communion in the particular Church. The analysis of documents of Synods in 15 dioceses (1967-1994) shows this preparing as an introduction to full participation in the Mass. There is a practice of early Communion in pre-school age in some dioceses, but only in deeply believers’ families. The Synods recommended this practice. The preparation in the school and in the parish lasts two or three years. Themes are based on the effects of baptism. The candidates are introduced in gestures, singings, prayers in the special celebrations once in the month. In some groups of children this process requires individual or small group meetings. That concerns children from divorced or non-sacramental marriages, lapsed families and the sick or disabled ones. The cooperation of parents, guardians, siblings and godparents is expected in the preparation process. The testimony of one’s life is very important factor here. There are some special sermons preached for them. Some of these teachings are delivered by the parents themselves. The parents also participate in the penitential celebration and lead the prayer in the family at the eve of the First Communion day.Pozycja Uporządkowanie w Kościele w Polsce dni świątecznychRutkowski, Andrzej (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2003)Pozycja Wykaz publikacji prof. dra hab. Jerzego Józefa Kopcia CPKrakowiak, Czesław; Rutkowski, Andrzej (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2005)