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Pozycja Jak formować przyszłych formatorów? – dyskusjaBramorski, Jacek; Krauze, Filip; Meller, Jacek; Ogórek, Placyd Paweł; Socha, Jacek (Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne, 2008)Pozycja Katolicy świeccy a Nowa EwangelizacjaSocha, Jacek (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2007)Evangelization is an integral part of the Church’s life. Evangelization is definitely influenced by the fact that the Holy Spirit, which is confirmed in apostolic history and the scriptures of Saint Paul, endows the whole Church, the Bride. However, due to the neglecting of radical evangelism, a new occurrence appeared in Christianity, which reduced the acceptance of the evangelic proclamation to a small group of people, the priesthood. As a result, more priests started to specialize in evangelization. A new evangelization – to which John Paul II encouraged everybody – is discovering, once again a common calling to be a saint, consequently, a calling to evangelize. A new evangelization which can not be limited only to groups and movements but should be taken on by all parish communities, which should in fact become the foundation for this process. The evangelization commonness can be achieved only when all the perishes open themselves for the gifts of the Holy Spirit and answer to the Holy Spirit by evangelizing.Pozycja Kobiety z drugich stron gazetSocha, Jacek (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2008)By its very nature Christianity is a prime mover rather than information, and as such it can liberate man from the fear of oblivion. Where does this thought originate from? First of all, from the Gospels. It is there that we find people whom Jesus Christ delivers from a desperate struggle to get noticed. His remembering people saves them. The Good Thief, who begs Christ with the words: “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom…” (Luke 23, 42), experiences the power of the answer. The remembering God is the God who redeems us from the fear of a wasted life. The women who followed and accompanied Jesus, although they maintained a low profile, were free from the fear of being forgotten.Pozycja Niektóre słabości polskiej formacji seminaryjnej – uwagi na marginesie dyskusji „Jak formować przyszłych formatorów?”Socha, Jacek; Świeżyński, Adam (Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne, 2008)Pozycja Od osamotnienia do samotności w życiu kobietySocha, Jacek (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2008)Pozycja Promocja zasad demokratycznych w dokumentach i działalności Niezależnego Samorządnego Związku Zawodowego „Solidarność” w latach 1980-1989Socha, Jacek (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2004)A human being as a living creature free by nature and living in society has to find protection for his or her dignity, which in the contemporary world can be a democracy. The article is an attempt to present the fight of NSZZ “Solidarność” (“Solidarity”) in the name of freedom from 1980 to 1989. A worthy life is only possible in freedom and can exist only where the right to personal freedom is respected. The work of NSZZ “Solidarność” was a fight for free and democratic Poland. The mentioned values – freedom and democracy – are not only given to a man and society, but they are also a challenge, which might turn out to be difficult. The matter of democracy occurring within the union and a conflict which appeared between L. Wałęsa and Grupa Robocza (Labor Group) can be the process of strenuous learning of freedom and democracy by “Solidarność”. For “Solidarność” having participated in deliberations of Okrągły Stół (Round Table) agreement also seems to have been problematical. Some union members could see it as contradiction of their ideals of solidarity, truth, and freedom as well. In spite of the mentioned doubts and difficulties, the work of the “Solidarność” ought to be acknowledged as pure evidence of freedom and democracy. The peaceful fight for a man’s and society’s dignity, for law and order in the country revealed the genuine face of “Solidarność”.Pozycja Terroryzm jako problem etycznyMoskiewski, Michał; Socha, Jacek (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2006)Ethically and morally, terrorism is not a trivial phenomenon. The clear indication of evil in terrorism threatens not only man’s freedom deriving from human dignity, but also his personal and social life. However, most societies are not aware of the true evil of terrorism and they see it only as the killing of the innocent victims. In fact, the disastrous after-effects of terrorists’ attacks reach far beyond the suffering and death of the victims. From the perspective of social life, finding a solution to the problem of contemporary terrorism remains crucial. Actions undertaken by particular countries as well as the international community are limited merely to some short-term safety measures and prevention. As such, they can’t solve the problem. For first, we must realize and explore in depth the underlying reasons for terrorism. Only the full awareness of the “root of evil” will allow for actions that might help to eliminate this menacing and corrupting product of the “civilization of death”.