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Pozycja Autorytet fundamentem wiary w myśleniu religijnym św. AugustynaTerka, Mariusz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2013)Der Glaube betrifft die Wirklichkeit, die unsichtbar für die sinnliche und Erkenntnis und in dem eingeschränkten Grad zugänglich für die rationale Erkenntnis ist. Das religiöse Denken braucht den Fundamentes, auf den es sich stützen könnte. Der Glaube braucht der Autorität. Sie ist vor allem auf die Autorität des Gottes, der sich in der Bibel offenbart. Diese Offenbarung verlangt eine Interpretation, deswegen die Autorität der Bibel braucht des ander Fundamentes, der die Autorität der allgemeinen Kirche ist. Die Offenbarung des Gottes es wird interpretiert nach regula fidei, die von der Kirche übergeben wird. Die Autorität sind manche aus der Glieder der Kirche auch geschenkt. Hl. Augustinus behauptet, dass sie die heiligen Christen und die Bischofs sind, die die Doktrin des Glaubens treu übergeben und das Beispiel zum Nachahmen für alle Christen sind. Das Bibel, die allgemeine Kirche und die heiligen Glieder der Kirche müssen zur Treffen des Menschen mit dem Gott führen, das heißt zu es kennenzulernen und seine Anwesenheit zu erfahren. In dieser Erfahrung sieht hl. Augustinus den tiefsten Sinn der Autorität. Der Glaube, der die Gabe des Gottes ist, braucht auch die freien Antwort den Menschen.Pozycja Czy większość ma rację w Kościele? O niektórych aspektach multitudo w nauczaniu św. AugustynaTerka, Mariusz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2018)The notion of multitudo appears in the context of his analysis concerning the possibilities of searching and learning the truth. Its meaning and assessment was changing along with maturation the bishop of Hippo in faith, with his gradual discovering the Church, and connected with it, the process of changing the way of thinking based on moving from some philosophical ideas to some biblical concepts. This change is also infuenced by the pastoral work in Hippo. In his frst works St. Augustine sees the multitudo as the crowd of simple, uneducated people, unable to discover invisible truth and involved in everyday matters. That is why, the way to the truth leads only through the authority. Opposite, there is a small part of philosophers, who by the purifcation of mind, chaste life and intellectual effort look at the world of intelligibility. They are the authority and the mind leads them to the truth. Because of the fact that St. Augustine discovers that closing to the spiritual world and the immersion in corporeality is forgetting about God, so it is a sin. Over time, a couple: the simple man- a philosopher is changed to a couple: a sinner – a saint person. Invisible truth is described God more signifcantly, but a relation between them is still governed by the authority. The changing the thinking about multitudo is visible especially in accepted by St. Augustine the concept of God’s authority, which has to justify unsure human authority. God’s authority addressees to simple people by sensual reality, thanks to which invisible truth is shown in carnal form. The humbleness of God’s authority is visible in the history of Salavion, in incarnation of the God’s Word, the Holy Bible, the tradition of the Church, miracles and this majority which receive the Christianity. In this way multitudo is now for the Bishop of Hoppo an argument for gen uineness of Church teaching and even the authority itself. As a result, it turns out that it is not the crowd of simple people, but an external way of being in the world of God’s people.Pozycja Dobry Łotr, czyli miłosierdzie Boże wobec grzesznika w świetle komentarzy św. Augustyna do Łk 23, 39-43Terka, Mariusz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2015)St. Augustine commenting the dialogue of Christ with the Good Thief at Calvary, at first pays attention to the attitude of converted villain. In his reprimand directed to co-crucified criminal, the Bishop of Hippo discovers the Good Thief’s realizing his guilt and confessing it. The pleading guilty is some kind of trial, when he can condemn his own bad acts, refuse them by the act of will, and by this, be in favour of justice. The crucial thing for the assessment of the Good Thief’s attitude is his asking for forgiveness, which he directs to Christ, practising in the same time, his faith in Him and expressing his trust in His mercy and goodness. However, the Good Thief’s attitude can be understood only in the perspective of answer given him by Christ. In His promise of salvation, there is the essence of the Divine Mercy, which is a gift for free, so it is favour. It contains not only forgiveness the sins, but also the justification of the sinner and the gift of life lies in the being in the community with Christ. The favour of mercy is the grounds for the conversion of the Good Thief, because by the moving his conscience makes him able to be contrite and to believe. Conclusively it says about the Divine Mercy which is based on the fact that God is the first who looks for the sinner, makes him able to look for God and let the sinner find Him. The essence of the Divine Mercy reveals definitely in crucifixion of Christ and is the meeting of God and the sinner.Pozycja Faustyna Skupień – Monika Wąchocka, Koncepcja natury i łaski w teologii św. Augustyna i św. Tomasza z Akwinu, Wydawnictwo „Scriptum”, Kraków 2015, ss. 77.Terka, Mariusz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2016)Pozycja Friedrich-Wilhelm von Herrmann, Agostino e la domanda fenomenologica sul tempo, „Biblioteca filosofica di Quaestio” 22, trad. italiana D. Colantuono, Bari 2015, pp. 163.Terka, Mariusz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2017)Pozycja I conflitti religiosi nella scena pubblica. Agostino a confronto con manichei e donatisti, ed. L. Alici, „Studi Agostiniani” 22, Città Nuova Editrice, Roma 2015, pp. 298.Terka, Mariusz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2016)Pozycja Idolatria i pogaństwo w świetle Rz 1, 18-32 i apologetyki wczesnochrześcijańskiej II-III wiekuTerka, Mariusz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2014)God in his essence is unavailable for human cognition. However, human mind can recognize some of his attributes in the harmony of the world which is the rational reality, wearing imprinted nature of the Logos. Man created in the image and likeness of God can seek the truth and choose the good, participating in Logos. Therefore, the truth about one God, the Creator of the world, is available to every human being. It was already discovered by pagan philosophers, but at the same time, it was distorted by the misconception of idolatry. The mistake of idolatry consists in thinking about God in terms of his corporeality, which results in reducing his mystery to human concepts and ideas. The fundamental fault of paganism is non-recognition of God, that leads to idolatry. Hence pagans, who worship the inferior creatures, insult God by the impious cult, and humiliate human dignity by their unreasonable, beastly life. It is expressed by the fact that man, following the temptations suggested by demons, chooses lust against God and against his own reason, and enters the path of sin. This choice causes the impurity and the obduracy of heart, and the insensitivity of conscience. It hinders the recognition of God who reveals himself and strengthens human’s closure on him. Then pagans, subjected by God to the lustful desires of their heart, get into all kinds of iniquity, and become slaves to their own lusts.Pozycja Intellige ut credas i crede ut intelligas? Kilka uwag o rozumności wiary w nauczaniu św. AugustynaTerka, Mariusz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2016)The teaching of St. Augustine about the relation between faith and reason should be considered in the intellectual context determined by ancient philosophy. For Plato faith is in it the beginning stage to cognition, in the Plato’s system it is crucial element relating mind and oversensual world; where Manichaeism reduces faith to mind, but scepticism questioning the value of every cognition, deprives mind of meaning and faith closes in sensual world. A point of departure for St. Augustine’s discussions is the analysis of human existence, of person who is immersed in sensual world and is blind to the light of God, which is determined by J. Ratzinger as “the situation of nonsalvation”. Faith leading a human to invisible things wakes the mind from being dulled and lets it think by giving confidence. The support which is given by faith is authority. Aspiring to understand, faith needs strengthen authority on solid because judicious bases. The reasoning of faith consists in searching God, in thinking which following the faith authority is still aspiring to understanding. That is why St. Augustine underlines that the understanding is the crowning the faith. However the situation of nonsalvation makes the faith authority leading the mind to invisible truth, order it to search using some visible things and basing on sensual forms, which are determined by St. Augustine as miracles of Christ and all Saints and especially the universality and enormity of Church. Because of it, faith in the area of St. Augustine’s teaching, a formula: intellige ut credas is unjustified, and only a thesis: crede ut intelligas can be right, because the necessary faith has to follow the understanding and to direct a person who needs salvation to the way of judicious searching God.Pozycja Inwentarz ksiąg metrykalnych Archiwum Archidiecezji Częstochowskiej w Częstochowie (część III)Kapuściński, Jacek; Terka, Mariusz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2018)Pozycja Jan Galarowicz, Martin Heidegger genialny myśliciel czy szaman?, Wydawnictwo WAM, Kraków 2014, ss. 252.Terka, Mariusz (Częstochowskie Wydawnictwo Archidiecezjalne „Regina Poloniae”, 2014)Pozycja Ks. Antoni Żurek, Katechumen – chrześcijanin – wierny. Przygotowanie do chrztu i chrzest w Kościele starożytnym, Wydawnictwo Biblos, Tarnów 2017, ss. 200.Terka, Mariusz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2017)Pozycja Ks. Arkadiusz Olczyk, Kodrąb – moja mała Ojczyzna. Ocalić od zapomnienia…, Częstochowskie Wydawnictwo Archidiecezjalne „Regina Poloniae”, Częstochowa 2017, ss. 158.Terka, Mariusz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2017)Pozycja Ks. D. Zagórski, „Commendavit nobis Dominus oves suas”. Pasterska troska o wiernych w świetle „Sermones” św. Augustyna, wyd. Toruńskie Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne, Wydawnictwo „Bernardinum”, Toruń – Pelplin 2013, ss. 444.Terka, Mariusz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2016)Pozycja Ks. Franciszek Drączkowski, Sakramentologia patrystyczna w zarysie, Bernardinum, Pelplin 2014, ss. 199.Terka, Mariusz (Częstochowskie Wydawnictwo Archidiecezjalne „Regina Poloniae”, 2015)Pozycja Ks. Jan Kracik, Chrześcijaństwo kontra magia. Historyczne perypetie, Wydawnictwo M, Kraków 2012, ss. 269.Terka, Mariusz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2014)Pozycja Ks. Józef Grzywaczewski, The Biblical Idea of Divine Mercy in the Early Church, Warszawa 2016, Wydawnictwo Naukowe UKSW, ss. 378Terka, Mariusz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2018)Pozycja Ks. Leszek Misiarczyk, Egzorcyzmy w Kościele starożytnym od I do III wieku, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego, Warszawa 2015, ss. 407.Terka, Mariusz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2016)Pozycja Ks. Mariusz Szram, Cnota pokory w nauczaniu greckich Ojców Kościoła IV wieku, Wydawnictwo KUL, Lublin 2014, ss. 252.Terka, Mariusz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2015)Pozycja Ks. Mariusz Terka, Kościół i jego miejsce w świecie w świetle „Enarrationes in Psalmos" św. Augustyna. Promotor: ks. prof. dr hab. Jerzy Pałucki. Recenzenci: prof. dr hab. Jerzy Wojtczak-Szyszkowski (Uniwersytet Warszawski), ks. dr hab. Piotr Szczur, prof. KUL.Terka, Mariusz (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2011)Pozycja Ks. Sylwester Jaśkiewicz, Św. Augustyn – poszukiwanie Boga, Katowice 2012, Księgarnia św. Jacka, ss. 190.Terka, Mariusz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2013)
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