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Pozycja Die Frequenz des Gebrauchs des Lexems Gott in den deutschen und polnischen Sprichwörtern sowie Idiomen als Maßstab religiöser Prägung beider SprachenWojaczek, Ewa (Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne, 2013)This paper is comparative linguistic analysis of the most characteristic linguistic expressions which can testify about the degree of religious marking of German and Polish languages. Because religion is important factor forming every culture, proverbs and idioms, the character of which strictly depends on cultural conditions, are the subject of the analysis in both mentioned above languages The subject of carried out research is the frequency of using of the word God in analysed liguistic units. The analysis clearly shows significantly more frequent occurring of the examined word in Polish expressions which enables to conclude that Polish language is characterised by greater religious marking than German language.