Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny, 2023, R. 31, Nr 2
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Przeglądaj Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny, 2023, R. 31, Nr 2 wg Temat "adhortacja"
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Pozycja Theology of the Word of God in the Apostolic Exhortation Verbum Domini by Benedict XVIKrólikowski, Janusz (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2023)The theology of the word of God is one of the leitmotifs of Joseph Ratzinger’s entire theology, and in a way its culmination is the apostolic exhortation Verbum Domini, which, although being the result of a collegial reflection on the word of God undertaken during the Synod of Bishops, also bears the unmistakable mark of Benedict XVI’s personal theological search and conviction. In this article, the author highlights the most crucial aspects, mainly of a dogmatic nature, of this problem read in the light of the exhortation Verbum Domini. In its first part, he explains the essence and specificity of the fact that „God speaks to man.” Rooted in God’s action on behalf of man, His word has a sacramental character. Complementing this sacramental dimension of God’s word is its close relationship with the action of the Holy Spirit, which influences the word’s transmission, writing and interpretation. In the next section of the article, the author discusses the transmission of the word of God. He also defines the action of the Holy Spirit in relation to the word of God. The third part of the paper deals with the response that might be given to God. The nature of the word of God demands, first of all, faith as a condition and way of understanding and living it both individually and communally. The analysis of individual points of the exhortation in relation to post-conciliar theology has made it possible to show the fundamental importance of the word of God in the life of every believer as well as the community of the Church.