Verbum Vitae, 2012, T. 22
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Pozycja Doksologie Apokalipsy jako model modlitwy uwielbieniaPodeszwa, Paweł (Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, 2012)The article addresses the question of doxologies as found in the Apocalypse. The proposed analysis comprises of three principal parts. The first element was to characterize doxology as biblical prayer of worship to God. It was then followed by the description of eight doxologies present in the last Book of the New Testament (1:5b-6; 4:8-11; 5:9-14; 7:9-12; 11:15-18; 15:3-4; 16:5-7; 19:1-8), which are a paradigm for Christian prayer of worship, in particular communal prayer, considered in the last point of the deliberations. The examined doxologies of the Apocalypse confirm thoroughly the liturgical character of the last Book of the New Testament. They are an unceasing hymn of the Church, which gathers to worship, with powerful voice, its Creator and Savior. Thus it invariably recognizes the great gifts of God, accepting them and letting them bear fruit in the life of a community and individual believers. The Church fulfills its priestly mission and prepares to reign with God. The doxologies of the Apocalypse becorne then a significant "handbook" in the school of prayer of the New Testament.Pozycja Hiob i jego modlitwa: od pobożnych sloganów do mistykiTronina, Antoni (Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, 2012)The Book of Job read in synchronie way shows the evolution of prayer of the biblical hero. This hero, in the course of painful experiences, undergoes metamorphosis and passes the subsequent stages when approaching God in his prayer. From a rebellion against God, through an anger and argument with God, the hero experiences a deep spiritual depression. Finally, he accepts with confidence God's way of proceeding in life and in the rule over the world. The hero's prayer constitutes a model of maturation in human encounter with God.Pozycja Modlitwa apostolska św. PawłaSzymik, Stefan (Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, 2012)The present paper presents the most important items of Paul's apostolic prayer. The inquiry was concerned first with the biblical termsfor Paul's prayers (l) and its formal classification; the main forms are thanksgiving, blessing, and intercession (2). Than there follow some typical features of Paul's apostolic prayers (3). The last step focuses on the theological aspects of Paul 's prayers, which have theocentric, christological and pneumatical issues (4). The concluding statement is that Paul's prayer was not a part of his life; it was his whole life in Christ.Pozycja Modlitwa dnia pokuty (Ne 9)Wróbel, Mirosław S. (Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, 2012)The present article deals with the literary and theological analysis of Neh 9. This passage reveals striking connection between penance and prayer of post-exilic community. The liturgy of the day of penance puts special emphasis for the religious and national identity of Judaism after Babylonian exile. The people are looking forward remembering all main events from the history of salvation. The author of the present article shows the originality and maturity of many theological ideas of post-exilic community which form the fundaments for Judaism of the Second Temple.Pozycja Modlitwa Kościoła w Dziejach ApostolskichBurda, Witold (Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, 2012)The present study aims at presenting the role of prayer in the life of the early Church the Acts of the Apostles. First, the practice of prayer in the early Church was discussed. In light of the analysis, prayer appears as a fixed practice among the first Christians. The autbor of the Book of Acts underscores its basic characteristics, to wit faithfulness, perseverance, and unanimity. Second, the places of gathering for prayer were discussed. As many texts from Acts revealed, besides the Jerusalem temple, the private houses were the primary places of gatherings and prayer for early Christians. Third, different approaches and forms which characterized early Christian prayer were revealed. In the final threefold part of this study, the most salient features of prayer were discussed in detail: (l) the prayer of petition, connected in particular way with the gift of the Holy Spirit; (2) the prayer uttered at some erocial moments of the history of the early Church; Luke wanted to show how the first Christians faithfully followed the lead of Jesus, the master of prayer, in their search for God's will revealed to them in prayer; and (3) the prayer of worship and thanksgiving.Pozycja Motyw zwycięskiej modlitwy w narracji Joz 10,1-27Jasinski, Mirosław (Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, 2012)Taking the subject of "victorious prayer", author shows in detail the literary structure of the pericope Josh 10:1-27, and draws attention that the central point of the story is verse 14a: "There was no day like that before it or after it, when the Lord listened to the voice of a man". These words, according to the author, are important hagiograph's indication for the proper reading of the entire pericope's message. After analyzing the main literary issue of the story, the article presents hallmarks and fruits of the "victorious prayer" of Joshua. As motivated by trust, backed by commitment and consistent with God's plan, resulted in a deepening Joshua's ties with the Lord, strengthen authority both of them and complete victory over a coalition of Canaanite kings. Author suggests that ''the day of Joshua" described in Josh 10:1-27, later became for the biblical authors, a kind of model using to description of the "day of the Lord". Recognizing the pericope as "praeparatio evangelica remota", author encourages to typological interpretation of the Book of Joshua.Pozycja Prayers of Old People: Zechariah, Simeon and AnnaMielcarek, Krzysztof (Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, 2012)Artykuł zawiera analizę trzech postaci z Łukaszowej narracji o dzieciństwie Jezusa: Zachariasza (Łk 1,5-23.57-79), Symeona (Łk 2,25-35) i Anny (Łk 2,36-38). Osoby te łączy podeszły wiek oraz modlitwa, którą zanoszą do Boga. Mimo że poświęcony tym postaciom materiał nie jest do końca porównywalny, jest możliwe uchwycenie pewnych cech ich modlitwy: perspektywa historyczna, eschatologia i uniwersalizm. Wszystkie te postaci nie tylko modlą się do Boga, ale również dają o Nim świadectwo.Pozycja The Prayer of Jesus on the CrossZawadzki, Ryszard (Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, 2012)Narracje o męce Jezusa u synoptyków przedstawiają Jezusa na krzyżu nie tylko jako Messias patiens, ale również jako Messias orans. Artykuł stanowi próbę ukazania synoptycznego portretu Ukrzyżowanego jako Oranta. Pierwsza część artykułu koncentruje się na niewerbalnym wymiarze modlitwy Jezusa na krzyżu, to znaczy na postawie Jego ciała wymuszonej przez narzędzie egzekucji oraz na Jego głośnym, nieartykułowanym okrzyku agonii. W drugiej części artykułu przedmiotem analizy są te trzy spośród "siedmiu ostatnich słów Jezusa" (zbiór siedmiu krótkich zdań przypisywanych ukrzyżowanemu Jezusowi, potwierdzonych od XVI wieku w tradycji chrześcijańskiej), które posiadają formę modlitwy: Łk 23,34a; Mt 27,46 l Mk 15,34 i Łk 23,46.