The Person and the Challenges, 2012, Vol. 2, No. 1
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Pozycja Topicality of John Paul II’s Pedagogical MessageRynio, Alina (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2012)The purpose of this study is to outline the sources and aspects of the timesurpassing topicality of the Pope’s vision of integral education apparent in his anthropological, permeated with faith, reflection on man. In his vision, the internal perception conditions the integral education of man. The research confirms the thesis that the Pope’s pedagogy assumes an “adequate anthropology” and opens the human heart to the objective order of truth, including truth about Christ as “the centre of the universe and of history” (Redemptor hominis, 1) and to the fundamental truth about man. The Pope’s pedagogy with its anthropological grounding is topical due to the fact that it offers, contemporary times permitting, a complete vision of human education. This vision goes against the culture of lost faith, dehumanisation, nihilism, and existential cynicism, and also against axiological relativism. In this vision, science, technology, art, peace, justice, God, true religion, nature, grace, faith, hope and love are not in complementary distribution, but complement each other. The timeless source of the topical quality of the Pope’s pedagogical message appears to reside in the compatibility and completeness of the human image it provides. It investigates the complex matter of education and the individual story of shaping personalities of outstanding individuals. With due respect and unanticipated amazement, it also provides an outline of the Catholic interpretation of education and the human condition.Pozycja Die Transzendenz als bestimmendes Merkmal der Person in der Anthropologie und der Pädagogik Johannes Pauls IIStala, Józef (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2012)John Paul II in his magisterial writings and papal teaching many times referred to the human being, whom he presented in a personal category. At the same time insisted that the major problem of modern civilization is a the wrong anthropology, which denies the spiritual dimension of human being. This wrong approach brings in consequences an instrumental treatment and disgraced human dignity. The human being as a person has the special value that should be affi rmed for his own sake, not for any other reason. The human as a being made in the image and likeness of God has a dignity of the person. John Paul II insists that a capacity for relationship with God is of the very essence of human being. God’s invitation to a shared life is a gratuitous, unmerited gift to man who from the beginning was made capax Dei. In these refl ections, John Paul II offers many insights about the nature of human identity and dignity. The relationship between human being and God is a guarantee of his dignity. For this reason, anthropology cannot keep only on what is immanent in human being, but applies also to the transcendence. Anthropology disconnected from the transcendent becomes something deeply inhuman. Depriving humanity of its most important dimension also deprives it from its full personal dynamism. Therefore, it appears appropriate to take in this article the issue of transcendence of the person, which is the foundation of anthropology and pedagogy presented by Pope John Paul II. Firstly, the need for portraying the human person as physical and spiritual being will be argued for presented. Then the paper will study the genealogy of humans in communion with the family. In the last part, the marriage as a community of man and woman will be discussed.