Scriptura Sacra, 2023, R. 27
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Przeglądaj Scriptura Sacra, 2023, R. 27 wg Temat "Ap 4-5"
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Pozycja Liturgia Apokalipsy jako wyraz wiary Kościoła w Jezusa Chrystusa na podstawie Ap 4–5. Analiza lingwistyczno-teologicznaGrajczyk, Rafał (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego UO, 2023)The subject of the research is the analysis of the passage of the Book of Revelation of St. John 4:1–5:14. It is about the role of the liturgical narrative of the pericope, attempting to show the specificity of Christian worship, which is the presence of the person of Jesus Christ and his paschal mystery. The research was carried out using synchronic methods. For an in-depth analysis, the historical and liturgical context of the book of Revelation of St. John was presented in Section 1. It was examined how the apocalyptic-prophetic character of the writing is related to its liturgical specificity. Next, the historical Sitz im leben of the Book was shown in order to analyse its liturgical sources. Finally, the issue of liturgy as one of the main theological ideas of the Book was addressed. In section 2, using the linguistic method, a detailed analysis of the passage of Rev. 4:1–5:14 was performed. The text was subjected to syntactic analysis to determine the structure of the unit. Then, through semantic analysis, the meaning of words and motifs was examined. Finally, using pragmatic analysis, the intention of the inspired author and the purpose of the motifs used in the pericope were presented. In section 3, the theological message of the text in the context of the liturgical nature of the scripture was taken up in a systematic way. A synthesis of the results achieved in the 1st and 2nd research points was used. The conclusion to be drawn is that the studied text shows the essence of Christian worship presented by Revelation, which is the Christocentrism and paschalism of the liturgy.