Roczniki Nauk o Rodzinie, 2013, T. 5(60)
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Przeglądaj Roczniki Nauk o Rodzinie, 2013, T. 5(60) wg Temat "addiction"
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Pozycja Pomoc rodzinie z problemem patologicznego hazardu – przykłady polskie i program kanadyjskiLelonek-Kuleta, Bernadeta (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2013)The article discusses the forms of aiding families with the pathological gambling problem that are available in Poland as well as the example of the Canadian program. Among others, the results are presented of studies conducted in 2011 and 2012 that aimed at making a diagnosis of the aid resources for the gambling problem in Poland. In the studies 801 institutions took part that conduct therapy of addictions. Among them 120 declared that they offer aid to families affected by pathological gambling. In the forms of aid individual therapy, counseling and education dominate. Less than half of the institutions have a therapeutic program worked out for pathological gamblers, and the remaining institutions conduct therapy according to programs prepared for people addicted to psychoactive substances. Addiction therapists say there is a great need of improving their qualifications in the sphere of supporting people with behavioral addiction – including pathological gambling.