Scriptura Sacra, 2018, R. 22
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Przeglądaj Scriptura Sacra, 2018, R. 22 wg Temat "analiza kompozycyjna"
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Pozycja Pierwszy znak Jezusa. Kompozycja i interpretacja J 2,1-12 w świetle hebrajskiej retoryki biblijnejWanat, Monika (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego UO, 2018)The focus of this thesis is an interpretation and exegesis of the first sign of Jesus. A passage from the Gospel of John (John 2:1-12) was analysed. In the analysis of the text rhetorical method was used and it was based on the principles developed by Hebrew biblical rhetoric. The article was divided into 3 interdependent points. In the first one, the text was delimited, justifying the division of the Gospel and the delimitation of the text. The second point shows a detailed segmen tation. First, by „looking at the bottom”, to look at the text as a whole at the third point and to justify a symmetrical-centric structure. The conducted research allowed to make analyses included in the second point of the article. First, the biblical context of selected issues was presented, and then the interpretation of each part. This stage made it possible to notice the connections between the units described in the next section and to justify the previously shown composition figure of ABCDC’B’A. At the beginning of the third point, an interpretation of seven examined units in their references to the parallel fragments was provided, what allowed to draw theological conclusions. A wedding is an image of a messianic banquet. It reveals a New Covenant, which will be realized in the coming “hour” of Jesus. God’s glory becomes accessible for everyone who does the will of Christ. Great help for us is Mary, Mother of Jesus, who is an intercessor between her Son and the People.