Metaforyczność przypowieści o dziesięciu pannach a sakrament małżeństwa




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Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL


Parables as a literary genre were a favorite form used by Jesus. The essence of every parable is a comparison, a parabola, a juxtaposition of a certain fragment of reality with an aspect of the Kingdom of God. The German biblical scholar Robert Funk has made a new approach to the interpretation of parables, which consists in a metaphorical interpretation of Jesus’ narration. Metaphors join together even extreme ideas creating new, figurative descriptions of reality. Such collections of metaphors create the so-called „image fields”. The metaphoric interpretation of parables, according to Funk, gives grater possibilities of interpretation, a wider use of the same parable in relation to different aspects of life. Using the metaphoric method of interpreting parables one must observe the principles of biblical hermeneutics and the principles of theology. Such a new approach to the interpretation of parables is very creative for the homilist, who in preaching the word of God is obliged to interpret it and bring it up to date. It depends on him whether or not his listeners hear God’s word and adhere to it, taking up the call placed before them. This article is an attempt to use metaphorical interpretation as regards the parable of the wise and foolish maidens in the light of matrimonial themes. In its content it touches the issue of the essence of parables as a literary genre. Next it presents the main message and the symbolism of the passage and gives suggestions of themes connected with matrimony.


Summary translated by / Autor tłumaczenia streszczenia: Tadeusz Karłowicz.

Słowa kluczowe

Słowo Boże, metafora, przepowiadanie Słowa Bożego, homilia, przypowieść, aktualizacja, Biblia, Pismo Święte, Nowy Testament, Ewangelia według św. Mateusza, Mt 25, Jezus Chrystus, małżeństwo, przypowieść o pannach roztropnych i nierozsądnych, Word of God, metaphor, preaching the Word of God, homily, parable, actualization, Bible, New Testament, Gospel of Matthew, Jesus Christ, marriage, parable of the wise and foolish virgins, sakramenty, sacraments


Roczniki Nauk o Rodzinie i Pracy Socjalnej, 2012, T. 4(59), s. 201-219.


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