Kulturowy wymiar życia i misji św. Brunona. Zabytki i piśmiennictwo

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Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum


The article depicts review of the sources connected with Bruno of Querfurt (974- 1009) and some elements of cultural landscape of the Central Europe on the turn of Xth century. The area connected with life of bishop Bruno was called in that time bordering land between Russia and Yotvingans land. But Saint Bruno was also in Italy, Germany, Hungary, Pechenegs (semi-nomadic Turkie people living between the Danube and the Don rivers). The space of Bruno's activity was wide. Lithuanien research worker Tomas Baranauskas has draw chronology of sources about Saint Bruno of Querfurt activity between years 1009 and 1400 – before printing was invented. The first record from 1009 includes the information about martyrdom of St. Bruno and there is the first mention about the Lithuania. The second record from 1014 there is in the Thietmar Chronicle. The third record from 1020 there is in Chronicle from Tegernsee Abbey (or the Imperial Abbey of Tegernsee ) based on account of death of Bruno. The account was said by monk Wibert (Wipertus) who was the witness of martyrdom of St. Bruno and only he survived. The fourth record Petrus Damiani (Saint Peter Damian, also Pietro Damiani or Pier Damiani (1007-10072) from 1040 informs about the life of St. Romuald and includes the story about martyrdom of St. Bruno. This record is Wibert's version of martyrdom of St. Bruno with added elements. Duchy of Polan appeared on political scene of Europe on the turn of Xth century when the prince Mieszko decided Christianization of Polan's people. The information about another Western Slavs like Redars, Wielets or Baltic people who were pagans includes the old chronicles. Our knowledge about these people is not very reach. It is the forgotten world which represents their paganism beliefs. The life of St. Bruno is the part of their history.


Słowa kluczowe

runo z Kwerfurtu, Bruno of Querfurt, biskupi, męczennicy, bishops, martyrs, X w., XI w., średniowiecze, Middle Ages, źródła historyczne, historical sources, kultura, culture, hagiografia, hagiography, historiografia, historiography, chrystianizacja Europy, Christianisation of Europe, zabytki, antiques, piśmiennictwo, writing


Studia Ełckie, 2007, T. 9, s. 417-438.


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