Duchowieństwo parafialne w świetle prawodawstwa synodalnego unickiej eparchii przemyskiej w dobie staropolskiej

dc.contributor.authorKaznowski, Mariusz
dc.descriptionTłumaczenie streszczenia / Translated by Jan Kłos.pl_PL
dc.description.abstractThe reformatory tendencies of the Przemyśl Uniate diocese in the period of the noble Republic were codified during two diocesan synods. The first one (1693) implemented the principle of the union with Rome in the Przemyśl diocese, the second one (1740) sought to adapt the principles of the provincial synod which debated in Zamość (1720). The participants of both synods of the Przemyśl Uniate diocese understood very well that the overall reformation of the religions life of the eparchy was impossible with an authentic commitment on the part of the parochial clergy to the animation of religious life in a parish. Therefore they concentrated on the raising of the moral level and discipline among priests, the improvement of liturgical ministries administered by them. They criticized any examples of immoral life and anything that fell short of priestly vocation. They stressed that each clergyman should give a good example for their parishioners. Many rules were devoted to the problems connected with the administration of the Orthodox estate. They did not fail to mention the catechetic functions, although the issue of the self-education of priests and the instruction of the basics of faith to the laity were given little attention. The rules of both synods of the Przemyśl Uniate diocese did not describe, which is obvious, all the situations that were connected with the adaption of the parochial clergy to the conditions in which the diocese existed within the frameworks of the union with Rome. They had become a basis for further enterprises, intended to reform this part of the clergy which conducted pastoral care among parishioners, therefore sought to lead the people of God to salvation.pl_PL
dc.identifier.citationRoczniki Teologiczne, 2003, T. 50, z. 4, s. 111-130.pl_PL
dc.publisherWydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiegopl_PL
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland*
dc.subjectunicka eparchia przemyskapl_PL
dc.subjectokres staropolskipl_PL
dc.subjectCerkiew unickapl_PL
dc.subjectXVIII w.pl_PL
dc.subjectdiecezja przemyskapl_PL
dc.subjectdiecezja przemyska obrządku unickiegopl_PL
dc.subjectprawodawstwo synodalnepl_PL
dc.subjectprawodawstwo synodalne w XVIII w.pl_PL
dc.subjectduchowieństwo parafialne w XVIII w.pl_PL
dc.subjectduchowieństwo parafialnepl_PL
dc.subjectCerkiew unicka w XVIII w.pl_PL
dc.subjectPrzemyśl Uniate diocesepl_PL
dc.subjectOld Polish periodpl_PL
dc.subjectUniate Orthodox Churchpl_PL
dc.subjectdiocese of Przemyślpl_PL
dc.subjectsynodal legislationpl_PL
dc.subjectsynodal legislation in the 18th centurypl_PL
dc.subjectparish clergypl_PL
dc.subjectparish clergy in the 18th centurypl_PL
dc.subjectUniate Orthodox Church in the 18th centurypl_PL
dc.subjectparochial clergy in the 18th centurypl_PL
dc.titleDuchowieństwo parafialne w świetle prawodawstwa synodalnego unickiej eparchii przemyskiej w dobie staropolskiejpl_PL
dc.title.alternativeThe Diocesan Clergy in the Light of The Synodal Legislation of the Przemyśl Uniate Eparchy in the Time of Old Polandpl_PL


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