Zagadnienie rozwoju osoby ludzkiej w ujęciu o. Jacka Woronieckiego




Tytuł czasopisma

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Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie


According to a Dominican father Jack Woroniecki (1878-1949), human personality has first and foremost a dynamic character. The fruit of its development should be a mature persona (persona = fully developed personality). Its precursor is to be found in Christ's persona, that is His humanity shaped and developed by the persona of the Son of God. J. Woroniecki distinguishes three factors in the development of human personality: the dynamic aspect of personality, the influence of the society as well as cooperation with God's grace. The dynamic development in a human being is achieved both in the sphere of the senses and the higher level of the reason and the will. Despite heritage, everyone possesses a potentiality in the sphere of the senses and the opportunity to acquire a number of new, individual qualities. The author also thinks that there exists a potentiality in the cognitive sphere – it concerns human ability to understand, and the potentiality of the will – to want something more or less. According to Jack Woroniecki, the society a vital role in the personalr development of a human being, this especially concerns the family environment, but also the school, one's workplace, the local or national community. The author also adds that there exists a reverse relationship: every person exerts some influence on social life and contributes to societal welfare. As far as supernatural sphere in concerned, cooperation with God's grace lifts every person to a higher level of spiritual life providing one with: special enlightenment in the cognitive sphere, additional excitements in the sphere of wanting, and finally the sacredness of the soul and the body. According to Woroniecki, a mature persona is a person who has acquired permanent moral qualities. The most important of which are: prudence – perfecting the mind, justice – perfecting the will, courage and limitation – perfecting the senses.


Słowa kluczowe

rozwój, Jacek Woroniecki, człowiek, osoba, Bóg, obraz, osobowość, Biblia, Pismo Święte, Jezus Chrystus, personalizm, potencjalność, społeczeństwo, łaska, łaska Boża, moralność, cnoty, cnoty kardynalne, development, human, person, God, image, personality, Bible, Jesus Christ, personalism, society, grace, God’s grace, morality, virtues, cardinal virtues, etyka, ethics


Polonia Sacra, 2006, R. 10 (28), Nr 18 (62), s. 229-242.


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